Quotearnod yasin wrote:
dear not-thegod,
# :-S ...yes dear bro... :-)
Quotethe word jinn is a description of an attribute, this can be shared by many things. It is not a title of a species.
# ...that it
cannot be used as a "title" to denote a "species"...a la "insan"... is what u will establish...right?
QuoteSo i have researched what the attribute describes according to the context of the verses.
# cool! :-)
QuoteIf you draw a different conclusion that the description is a title, then please do so.
# that exactly is the point...to
draw a conclusion...but even before u establish ur claim.....u make the assumption that it is correct! :-)
below i quote from ur article:
QuoteOne of the biggest problems today with interpretation of the Quran, is the concept of leaving words untranslated. The idea that some words are titles, fixed meanings, can create confusing and contradicting subjects. Also it has taken away many important messages which Allah through the Quran tries to teach us. So what I’ll try to show in this book, is that the Quran contains no titles, except for a few names of persons and places. Thus approaching words in the Quran, not as titles, but as words with meanings itself relevant through the contexts of the verses. Making it subjective to the context, and not one-given meaning as would be, by approaching it as titles. Leaving the words not untranslated, or a filled in meaning from history, but translating them exactly to what they mean in the Arabic. This can give surprising and exciting results.
# there...u already conclude...and u have hardly started...that
Quoteit has taken away many important messages which Allah through the Quran tries to teach us.
# ok..let's say it's kinda foreword or something...and that u will prove ur point ahead....let's read further:
QuoteSo what I’ll try to show in this book, is that the Quran contains no titles, except for a few names of persons and places.
# yes...u say u will try to show...but i dont see where u
show this...u simply start applying ur assumption! ;-)
below is an illustration:
QuoteThe verses where Iblis and shaitan are used, are almost all directly linked to human’s creation, and thus coincides with something within humans itself, that was created first/before/ thought up.
"..and thus coincides with something within humans itself, that was created first/before/ thought up."
how did u conclude that?
QuoteBut as long as you can't go into the subject with more depth, all of your feedback is unfounded.
# looking forward to hearing from u! :-)
## speaking of unfounded stuff...if i remember correctly...u had once copy-pasted an article on jesus's death...and claimed that it (the article) was irrefutable!
...the article claimed that "wafat" in the context of quran means death and (that) taking away the soul is nothing but death....
...i had pointed this out but u didnt respond...guess u missed it...or maybe i missed it...anyhow...would be nice to get ur response to that too!
not a discussion...just whether u agree with that article's claim! :-)
# peace! peace! :-)