Peace brother Layth,
Thank you for posting this revised article. It is a good way to revitalize the discussions about this important question. Also bringing the appropriate passages of the great reading to support the article is a good approach. Therefore, I will focus on addressing more deeply the issues raised by those passages so as to encourage further discussions.
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"I did not create the Jinn and the humans except to serve Me.\" (51:56)
How do jinn serve the god? What good do jiinn do?
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"He created the human from a clay, like pottery. And the Jinn He created from a smokeless fire.\" (55:14-15)
\"And We have created man from a clay hardened and shaped. And the Jinn, We created him before that from the flames of fire.\" (15:26-27)
Are humans anything like clay? If I put a human next to a piece of clay, will I see any resemblance? Is clay what you are? Is clay what defines the human self?
This is all that iblis saw. He saw a creature that originated from clay. This was a mistake of arrogance. Arrogance blinds from the truth. Let's not make the same mistake as our enemy and consider him superficially as what he originated from.
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"And we touched the heavens, but found it full of powerful guards and projectiles. And we used to sit in it in places of listening, but anyone who sits now finds a projectile seeking him.\" (72:8-9)
Humans are bombarded by projectiles when they go to outerspace. I worked on a project once to figure out the best location inside a next-generation space station to minimize exposure to cosmic particles. In particular, heavy nuclei in cosmic radiation were proven to cause brain damage.
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"O Children of Adam, do not let the devil afflict you as he evicted your parents from the paradise; he removes from them their garments to show them their lusts. He and his tribe see you from where you do not see them. We have made the devils as allies for those who do not believe.\" (7:27)
We only see the superficial body of people. We do not see the real self of a person. You can't see the thoughts of even the closest people to you.
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"But the devil whispered to him, he said: \'O Adam, shall I lead you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which will not waste away?\'\" (20:120)
We are similarly told in 50:16 that the human self "whispers". Our self communicates with us using the same way of "communication" as the "jinn". How does your self whisper? We all know the answer. Anyone who has had a thought knows. Just think about it.
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"And We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the Angels: \'Yield to Adam;\' so they yielded except for Satan, he was not of those who yielded. He said: \'What has prevented you from yielding when I have ordered you?\' He said: \'I am far better than him, You created me from fire and created him from clay!\'\" (7:11-12)
While the Jinn were created long before mankind to uphold God\'s commands and serve Him alone, the Jinn had failed in their task and the mantle of responsibility was passed on from the Jinn to the humans by God\'s decree.
This is not what 7:11-12 says. Which passage in the great reading might that be? Where does it say that the jinn had failed? Where is the passage about the mantle of responsibility being passed from jinn to humans?
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"And entice whoever you can of them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and men against them, and you may share with them in their money and children, and promise them.? But the devil promises nothing but deceit. \'As for My servants, you will have no power over them.\' And your Lord suffices as a Caretaker.\" (17:64-65)
How can aliens made of plasma share in the humans' money and children?
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"And among us are those who are good doers, and some of us are opposite to that, we are in many paths. And we acknowledge that we cannot escape God on Earth, nor can we escape Him if we run. And when we heard the guidance, we believed in it. So whoever believes in his Lord, then he will not fear a decrease in reward, nor a burdensome punishment. And among us are those who submitted, and among us are the compromisers. As for those who have submitted, they have sought what is correct. And as for the compromisers, they are firewood for Hell.\" (72:11-15)
What is the good that the good-doing jinn do?
Quote from: Layth on November 04, 2006, 12:54:40 AM\"And for Solomon the wind was given, traveling one month coming and one month going, and We caused a spring of tar to flow for him. And from among the Jinn are those that worked for him by his Lord\'s leave; and any one of them who turns from Our commands, We shall cause him to taste the retribution of the Fire. They made for him what he desired of enclosures, and statues, and pools of deep reservoirs, and heavy pots. ?O family of David, work to show thanks.? Only a few of My servants are appreciative. Then, when We decreed death for him, nothing informed them of his death until a worm kept eating from his staff, so when he fell down, the Jinn realised that if they had known the unseen, they would not have remained in the humiliating retribution.\" (34:12-14)
Would you know right away that a man who is standing and leaning on his staff has died?
Unfortunately brother, you have not considered all the passages that talk about "jinn".
For example, you have not considered 34:40-41 and 53:19-28, which when taken together clearly indicate that Allat, Al3uzza and Manat are jinn. Are Allat, Al3uzza and Manat plasma aliens?
You have also not considered passages such as 6:100:
6:100. And they made for The God partners the "jinn" and their creation and they made up for Him sons and daughters without knowledge, be He exalted and He is above what they describe.I do not know of anyone who takes "aliens made of plasma" as partners with the god. In fact, if we try to substitute "aliens made of plasma" in all the occurrences of the word "jinn", we would certainly see the logical difficulties this creates. For example, here:
6:100. And they made for The God partners aliens made of plasma and their creation and they made up for Him sons and daughters without knowledge, be He exalted and He is above what they describe.The same thing can be said about 37:158-159. Try substituting "aliens made of plasma" here and you will see the difficulty:
37:158-159. And they made between Him and the "jinn" a kinship while the "jinn" know that they are summoned. The God be most exalted above what they describe.How do humans enjoy "aliens made of plasma" below?
6:128. And at the time when He gathers them together, "O consorts of "jinn" you took a lot of the humans" and their protectors from the humans said: "our Lord, we enjoyed one another and we reached our term that You appointed for us." He said: "The fire is your abode, everlasting in it, except what The God willed, your Lord is wise, knowledgeable.How did aliens made of plasma invent lies about the prophets?
6:112. And like this we made for each prophet enemies, those exceeding in corruption from the humans and the "jinn", they inspire one another with fancy sayings out of arrogance and had The God willed, they wouldn't have done it. So leave them and what they make up.Finally, just look inside you. When long ago you were following the wrong path and Hadiths had power over you, was it because of "aliens made of plasma"? What fundamentally makes humans do wrong? This is the real enemy. This is what matters.