Salam to you KGB, Salam to all
If we could only understand that real Islam is the most modernized without having to improve on it. When will God's Word ever be enough for mankind?
2:67 Moses said to his people, "GOD commands you to sacrifice a heifer." They said, "Are you mocking us?" He said, "GOD forbid, that I should behave like the ignorant ones."
2:68 They said, "Call upon your Lord to show us which one." He said, "He says that she is a heifer that is neither too old, nor too young; of an intermediate age. Now, carry out what you are commanded to do."
2:69 They said, "Call upon your Lord to show us her color." He said, "He says that she is a yellow heifer, bright colored, pleases the beholders."
2:70 They said, "Call upon your Lord to show us which one. The heifers look alike to us and, GOD willing, we will be guided."
2:71 He said, "He says that she is a heifer that was never humiliated in plowing the land or watering the crops; free from any blemish." They said, "Now you have brought the truth." They finally sacrificed her, after this lengthy reluctance.
2:75 Do you expect them to believe as you do, when some of them used to hear the word of GOD, then distort it, with full understanding thereof, and deliberately?
Let us not be of those who challenge God's Word to the point of distortion.