I have been trying to find a jinn. I thought that if i find / see a jinn with my own eyes, it proves that jinns exist and so islam must be true. If only it was so simple.
I've been reading up on a lot of theories and have come to a conclusion. This theory was actually but forward by someone else but i cant find the link. The crux of it is basically that:
'Jinns', considered as supernatural shapeshifting beings, do not exist. 'Jinn' means 'unseen', and so when the quran was talking about jinns , it mean 'the unseen'. This included anything living that was unseen at the time, i.e. bacteria, viruses, tribes who hid in the mountains / forests (therefore being the 'unseen' people), small bugs and parasites.
Now look back at the texts talking about jinns, it seems to make more sense. Hangs around toilets and dirty places, clean youself or the jinn will come? viruses obviously. Stays on snakes and dogs? smalls bugs and parasites. Flies through the air? diseases, virsues. And for the texts about when people met jinns / were kidnapped by jinns, 'jinns' refered to the unseen tribes who hid around the place / tribes of criminals who remained out of sight of society. NOWHERE in the quran does it say that jinns can possess people.
All videos of people being possessed are false. People cannot get posseseed by these jinns as they do not exist like that. All of these 'possesions' can be explained by science and psychology, if you put your mystical stuff to one side. These are conditions that can be treated and ARE treated, not by imams but by doctors. People seeing jinns in the middle of the night? look up 'paralysis attacks' on the internet! please! so many people come to me and say they have seen a jinn and describe the symptons of paralysis attack its unbelieable.
Summoning a jinn? these kind of seances and summonings are false and have been proven false by western scientitst for years.
Has anyone here actually seen one of these mystical jinns with their own eyes? No! taken a photo of one? of course not. The only evidence people show me is 'possessed' people (really mentally ill people whose condition has not been diagnosed due to the poor country not having a psychology department) and stupid videos on the internet.
I'd love to hear your views on this / hear from someone who really honestly thinks THEY (not their family) have SEEN a jinns face not just "i felt there was something in the room".