Peace Everyone
I don't know what total loyalty to God means. is that even possible with human nature.Yes people believe God but the understanding of God is shaped by their beliefs from scriptures, experiences, upbringing etc.
Yes Jafar, death is the living fear but maybe not for one who thinks or rather believes they'd be promised paradise.
QuoteBy accepting death.. when the time comes.
And truly believe that you were, are and always will be in good hands.
By then you shall no longer have any fear
That's a nice way of looking at it. But I don't think the fear will escape. Maybe the heart will be a little contented.
QuoteThis is ridiculous, if a soul was put within a culture of X.
99% probability he/she will follow the culture of X.
Isn't that the point though... Be put in culture of x and see if you can handle accept and strive for truth.
Good logic makes a good point about accountability.
This is the dilemma we strive for good because it?s good for us, makes us humble, helps our brethren etc etc but also because of the fear of judgement day/hell/punishment and also because of the reward of paradise. Why strive for good if you?re going to be bound for hell or forbidden from it. So then is the good done in vain? So are we gambling our life or eternity in the hope we don?t commit shirk and have God?s mercy. Maybe so. May God have mercy on us!
Someone asked me how do I know I?m a ?true? believer (as in a mumina)? Do I think I?m going to heaven? Do I spend 51% or more of my living doing good. At this point all I can conclude is no-one can truly know but one will believe they are based on their understandings of what it constitutes. I think most of my day is on autopilot so can?t think/quantify that i?m spending more than 51% of my life doing specific good deeds but I don?t know if that?s a fair criteria but I can see why one may think if they spend 51%+ doing good then basically they?re guaranteed paradise.
Interesting about maghfira Novice, though guidance other than God = shirk seems abit too harsh or simplistic because don?t we all look for guidance elsewhere in one way or another? we don't have encyclopedias imprinted in our brains. Teachers guide students, people get tips, tricks and inspiration from others. People seek guidance/advice from family and friends in tough times, in anticipations to diff events, milestones etc, etc.
QuoteHow do you set up partners with Allah?
This is a good question Zulf.
Quotewrong doing and sins always leave guilty feelings and its true and also in every socitey wrong doing never encouraged
like rob,steal,rape,murder etc ..
Maybe but people also feel guilt for doing things they were taught were wrong but actually aren?t "wrong". e.g. not wearing a headscarf, shaving the beard off, wearing shorts, speaking against parents, listening to music, disagreeing with cultural practises. bla bla bla. so the notion of guilt = wrong is incorrect in my view.
QuoteI wonder exactly how people make partners equal to God.
What are some examples?
Ever consider when people say "God said this and that" because such and such told them so? would that be shirk?
What about people who say they believe in God, bow down and prostrate to a statue and say this represents God? or people who say they God is in them, they are the God of the earth?
Quote1- Our wealth and properties .
2- Our tradition /race/status.
3-Our ego/arrogance.
4- Our desires and loyalties to others.
All these can take us away from being fair/just and good to ourselves and others. i.e lead us away from sirat Al Mustaqueem.
and without those things we are like robots but I guess they can do both lead us away or bring us closer to God