blessing of God upon all brothers/sisters
the category of
shirk and
kuffar are really difficult to understand when different societies have different types of shirk so first most question is what shirk and kuffar is ?
wrong doing and sins always leave guilty feelings and its true and also in every socitey wrong doing never encouraged
like rob,steal,rape,murder etc ..
but about this wrongdoing or sin (SHIRK) nobody whoever is doing it, he/she is not even feeling anything even the LAW didnt really bother about this wrongdoing/sin so actually as far i can see we are understanding this term differently we need to find out what is shirk in reality ?
logically if shirk is what we consider as shirk then something is tricky becoz on one hand book of God claims every nation is there due to a reason, and a survery tells us 98 % people adopted a same faith what they get birth in so while asking from them they are satisfied in their heart that they are not doing shirk(griss wrongdoing) but from the lens of other people they are in clear error? same goes with every label of religion.
why there is such a satisfaction on gross sin of all faiths ? a close example of kaffir is firoon in literal sense who knew the truth but cant accept it due to ego.
we need to see what shirk is in actual.
Quote from: Zulf on August 14, 2018, 02:16:28 PM
Greetings all,
Just some questions...
peace zulf hope u allright, i ll try to answer some of ur questions

Quote from: Zulf on August 14, 2018, 02:16:28 PM
What is Allah?
How do you believe in Allah?
Allah/God is a master source of every material and immaterial thing/being.because somebody must desinged all this game/play what we can feel/see.
Quote from: Zulf on August 14, 2018, 02:16:28 PM
How do you follow the guidance of Allah?
What is this guidance? Books? What about all interpretations which in turn end up pretty much subjective?
Is there some other guidance?
Guidance is just a guidance
when human/gps/map/mind/book/interpretation will guide you to the path its involved risks in it so its a duty of passenger to continue the travel at his/her own responsibility. he has to make sure he is on the right path , and when he knows he is heading towards right path he will keep calm and sleepy but still risks of accidents are ahead ..
Quote from: Zulf on August 14, 2018, 02:16:28 PM
How do you set up partners with Allah?
Can Allah even have partners? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
What does 'partner' mean anyway?
Aren't we all agents of the Creator in various odd ways?
partner means equal in terms of any power of finance/crime/relationship in worldy terms.
you are true there is not any partner of God in whole system a true logical God is one.
thats why people unrightfully set things/beings equal to God and it was a gross mistake,using word partners is not correct for God. God is far above what we can associate with him
agents are not equal to partners .. becoz partners are the creator of firm/business where agents work..