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Looking for your soulmate? Well Post up your profile....

Started by thinkislam, February 10, 2006, 04:45:50 PM

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I remember when i came from USA in Feb., 2006.
I prayed first for a removal of the ban because it was unjust, at leats in my eyes. Afterwards i prayed that i get a wife who follows Quran alone and who wants to marry me. I got all three prayers answered in one shot by The Exalted God The Most Merciful, The Most Powerful.

These days i live with the sentence in front of me, from my soulmate. She said she doesn't want to marry me anymore. My point is this: God answered my prayers and connected me with this woman. I don't blame God that she doesn't want to marry me anymore but would i be accurate, if i said that devil is trying his "best" to separate us?

I appreciate your speedy responses due to the heavy depression.
God bless you.
39:53 Say: ?O My servants who transgressed against themselves, do not despair of God\'s mercy. For God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.?


Quote from: Alen on May 24, 2010, 02:32:09 PM

I remember when i came from USA in Feb., 2006.
I prayed first for a removal of the ban because it was unjust, at leats in my eyes. Afterwards i prayed that i get a wife who follows Quran alone and who wants to marry me. I got all three prayers answered in one shot by The Exalted God The Most Merciful, The Most Powerful.

These days i live with the sentence in front of me, from my soulmate. She said she doesn't want to marry me anymore. My point is this: God answered my prayers and connected me with this woman. I don't blame God that she doesn't want to marry me anymore but would i be accurate, if i said that devil is trying his "best" to separate us?

I appreciate your speedy responses due to the heavy depression.
God bless you.


I don't know for sure.

But Joseph said that it was the devil that caused the split between him and his brothers.

12:100    And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they fell in prostration to Him. And he said: "My father, this is the interpretation of my vision from before. My Lord has made it true, and He has been good to me that he took me out of prison and brought you out of the wilderness after the devil had made bitterness between me and my brothers. My Lord is Kind to whom He wills. He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise."

However like a said, I cannot say for sure about your particular situation.
No matter how far you have gone down the wrong path, turn around.
Some helpful links.



Quote from: aalmakto on May 24, 2010, 03:51:31 PM
I don't know for sure.
But Joseph said that it was the devil that caused the split between him and his brothers.
12:100    And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they fell in prostration to Him. And he said: "My father, this is the interpretation of my vision from before. My Lord has made it true, and He has been good to me that he took me out of prison and brought you out of the wilderness after the devil had made bitterness between me and my brothers. My Lord is Kind to whom He wills. He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise."
However like a said, I cannot say for sure about your particular situation.


Thanks, this is something to cinsider, thanks for reminding me, brother.
because lately, many people that i am connected to in one way or another, have been arguing and moving away from each other, metaphorically and physically.

God bless you.
39:53 Say: ?O My servants who transgressed against themselves, do not despair of God\'s mercy. For God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.?


Quote from: Alen on May 24, 2010, 04:56:05 PM

Thanks, this is something to cinsider, thanks for reminding me, brother.
because lately, many people that i am connected to in one way or another, have been arguing and moving away from each other, metaphorically and physically.

God bless you.

Peace brother,
God willing things get better for you. Please, keep us updated with how things are going.
No matter how far you have gone down the wrong path, turn around.
Some helpful links.



Quote from: Alen on May 24, 2010, 02:32:09 PM

I remember when i came from USA in Feb., 2006.
I prayed first for a removal of the ban because it was unjust, at leats in my eyes. Afterwards i prayed that i get a wife who follows Quran alone and who wants to marry me. I got all three prayers answered in one shot by The Exalted God The Most Merciful, The Most Powerful.

These days i live with the sentence in front of me, from my soulmate. She said she doesn't want to marry me anymore. My point is this: God answered my prayers and connected me with this woman. I don't blame God that she doesn't want to marry me anymore but would i be accurate, if i said that devil is trying his "best" to separate us?

I appreciate your speedy responses due to the heavy depression.
God bless you.

Alen, hi, peace be with you.

I'm new here and usually not one to give advice, but what you wrote sounded all to familiar.

I know it's a very difficult experience what you're going trough and if anything it shows that you've been outmost sincere and honest in one of the most important relationships one can undertake, second only to God. I'm trying to say that i've been there too, hurt and depressed. Trust me, but most importantly trust God, that when this has run it's time you'll come to realise that whatever has happened has done so for the better, that it really is better off this way. You'll be looking back at this and be thankful that you're free from a destructive environment despite the good that it seemingly promised at first. All things run according to God's will. The most important thing is how we deal with the things here and now, because that's what we'll be looking back at when we meet out creator.

Though nothing i can say can relieve you from it, it's perfectly OK to be hurt. But remember, God willing it WILL go over. He is with the patient.  :muscle:

Be in God's care. :peace:
God is the light of all on high and all on earth. An example of His light is like a niche that contains a lamp, that lamp being in a certain kind of glass. And it is as if that glass were a brilliant star, lit from some blessed olive tree, neither western nor eastern. The oil of that tree will almost shine without being touched by any flame.  He is a light above any light, and guides to His light whoever wants it and whomever He wishes to bring to it. God gives metaphors for the benefit of people and is discerning of all things.

Quran - 24:35


Quote from: aalmakto on May 24, 2010, 05:01:25 PM
Peace brother,
God willing things get better for you. Please, keep us updated with how things are going.


Will do, God willing and thanks for the support, God bless you.
I was just wondering why am i waiting all this time and sometimes i get scared that i'm just useless human who does nothing but then again, God did not create all this without a purpose.

23:115 Did you think that We have created you without purpose, and that you would not return to Us?

I always remember this verse and i know that i do have a purpose, it's just that sometimes i wonder why must i wait, when i can do better, i can contribute towards betterment. I can do more better in USA then here, so why am i here, right? That is what God knows alone. God knows best.

I believe i would be a much better muslim, better believer if i was involved in the film industry in Los Angeles, rather then loosing time here. London is outstanding, yes, but, i'm moving rather slow here and things happen only after really long periods of time.


I will be patient and trust God.
39:53 Say: ?O My servants who transgressed against themselves, do not despair of God\'s mercy. For God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.?


Quote from: Halil on May 24, 2010, 05:23:53 PM
Alen, hi, peace be with you.
I'm new here and usually not one to give advice, but what you wrote sounded all to familiar.
I know it's a very difficult experience what you're going trough and if anything it shows that you've been outmost sincere and honest in one of the most important relationships one can undertake, second only to God. I'm trying to say that i've been there too, hurt and depressed. Trust me, but most importantly trust God, that when this has run it's time you'll come to realise that whatever has happened has done so for the better, that it really is better off this way. You'll be looking back at this and be thankful that you're free from a destructive environment despite the good that it seemingly promised at first. All things run according to God's will. The most important thing is how we deal with the things here and now, because that's what we'll be looking back at when we meet out creator.
Though nothing i can say can relieve you from it, it's perfectly OK to be hurt. But remember, God willing it WILL go over. He is with the patient.  :muscle:
Be in God's care. :peace:


Thanks brother and God bless you.
I appreciate the support.
Also,  :welcome: :welcome: to the forum, brother.

39:53 Say: ?O My servants who transgressed against themselves, do not despair of God\'s mercy. For God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.?


Quote from: Alen on May 24, 2010, 05:28:28 PM

I always remember this verse and i know that i do have a purpose, it's just that sometimes i wonder why must i wait, when i can do better, i can contribute towards betterment. I can do more better in USA then here, so why am i here, right? That is what God knows alone. God knows best.

Remember Jospeh bro. He became established in the land but only after spending a long time in prison.
No matter how far you have gone down the wrong path, turn around.
Some helpful links.



Quote from: aalmakto on May 24, 2010, 06:39:50 PM
Remember Jospeh bro. He became established in the land but only after spending a long time in prison.


I remember and i've also wondered if maybe my time is close. Afterall, i've spent some time in jail and was only few miles away from actual Los Angeles where i could have become a millionaire?

I've seen my relatives only once in my entire life, those who live in Frisco now. Since i've been to jail, i've chnaged and maybe they won't recognise me anymore. Could it be that i might enter States through some other way?

Afterall, i made a rule long before: i will never marry for a green card. Then, after February, 2006, i was offered three chances to marry a woman for a green card. I refused.

God knows best.
May God guide us all.
God bless you.
Brush your teeth sisters and brothers, trust me. :jedi:
39:53 Say: ?O My servants who transgressed against themselves, do not despair of God\'s mercy. For God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.?


Peace all.

I have found my soulmate finally :)

He is a wonderful guy from Istanbul, he work as an lawyer.
In July I will visit him and his family for the first time.

He share the same kind of beliefs as i do ( Oneness/ Love and light). :group:

Thanks to my creator who delivered my deepest wish of a TRUE soulmate this time ;)

Love and light to all
