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jinn video clip

Started by samina, December 22, 2005, 11:20:58 AM

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Salam alaikum,

So sad that the jinn will even possess a hijabi!  What is actually going on here?  The jinn has said the shahadah through this woman's body?  And then... ?
Wa alaikum salam



I have approached so many people to show me, prove to me jinn?s no body ever could: here are two unusual examples of other people though.

I was sitting with a cabby and we started talking about jinn?s, there were another couple of people with us. The cabby starts telling about the day he was involved with the jinn man (peer)
One day he was young came from school and wasn?t feeling well and was a little mischievous which concerned his mum who took him to the peer and told the peer his been overtaken by the jinn.
So the peer takes the lad into the other room and stands him in front and says ?so you have overtaken this lad have you?? the boy didn?t know what the man was on about ,the peer again says? Well are you going to leave him or not? and Slaps the boy ,the boy somewhat frightened and dazzed,the peer again repeats ?are you going to leave him or not? and give the boy another SLAP,THE BOY FRIGHENED WITH TEARS ROLLING DOWN HIS CHEEKS QUICKLY SAYS ?YES I AM LEAVING,I AM LEAVING?.

And the man takes the boy back to his mum; the boy makes his mum promise him never to do that again, which she does.

My brother in law when he was young one day came home late and new his dad was going to be cross with him ?on entering the house starts to behave in an unusual way so his dad might think he isn?t well or something but his dad was a peer and ties him up and beats the hell out of him because apparently the dad assumed the boy had been overtaken by the jinn. And the lad never did that again and now he is grown and married but tells this to his close friends.

A person can go on and on with such stories , and as I said I have my own experiences ,all this jinn business is sick peoples way of explaining things rather then analysing scientifically the causes.

I hope you don?t believe in this nonsense.


Hi all,

I agree with the above. All this 'possessed humans' is pure crap.
I cant believe, people of today, believe in such stuff. :o




Virgin Births

Jinn Possession

This is all part of our wonderful deen.   :D

All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek for verification & knowledge. ~> [3/190-191; 17/


Salaamun alaikum,

So what do 'possessed people' suffer from ?


Peace MQ

Nowadays we like to call it mental disorders or illnesses.

All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek for verification & knowledge. ~> [3/190-191; 17/


Ok, what's the objective proof that 'mental illnesses' are the really the cause of such extraordinary behaviour?



If you are talking of the video I'm not sure. I'm speaking of what the Catholics used to diagnos as possession back in the day, etc. Sometimes the wild antics during the witch trials were mental breakdowns because of torture, etc. People who are mentally ill are capable are extravagant things. The normal human is even. There was a man who was pierced in his brain by a pole. The pole shot out from the ground and went clean through the back of his eye and frontal lobe about straight out of his head. He got up and walked to the doctor. He was blind in that eye but his behavior also changed afterwards. An amazing tale of a man named Phineas Gage.

All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek for verification & knowledge. ~> [3/190-191; 17/


Ok, but that's the objective proof (to the observer) that such an event happened. The cause of the event is unknown , empirically speaking.

Al-jinn , to me, are entities different from an-naas (114/5). I'm not 'too modern' to disdain acknowledging that because my eyes are limited. They can't see electricity either, but cause and effect tell me it's there.