Quote from: afridi220 on December 16, 2009, 07:19:21 PM
Hpw about this translation.
And fight in the Way of All?h those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, All?h likes not the transgressors
Cool...I looked at the free minds translation and saw this. Also, Muhammad Ahmed and Samira on Online Quran Project who normally give the various potential definitions of a verse said that 'liketh' could be an option. So it would seem that it could be Allah liketh not...Then Allah's loving even sinners would be redeemed by his being The most Gracious, Most Merciful, and the Loving one as in surah 11:90 and surah 85:14. I can not like someone, for being evil, but I could still love them. Its funny because this reminds me of what my Uncle says about certain members of my family who enjoyed insulting other members of my family. He would say that I don't like being around them but I love them to death. Further, the most extreme expression of love is the all encompassing opportunity for redemption by the merciful. Open to new thoughts as always.