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Messages - Ayisha

Quote from: HNF on March 29, 2010, 08:28:29 AM
No. You obey the one with more authority than you and seeing as the Prophet (s) would never order that which is not in accordance with Islam, what right do you have to refuse his direct order?

Are you telling me, should you have lived at the time of the Prophet (s) and he had ordered you to do such and such, you would say 'No'?

No I am not saying that but if it was a religious instruction from Allah that the prophet was instructing me to do then yes i would do it, as its from Allah, but if it was how to wash myself or how to use the toilet I would use my brain and if it was logical and a better way than I myself had thought of I would do it, but not because it was something the prophet had instructed me to do but because it was a logical better way. Not everything the prophet said in his life was from Allah and he has no authority over me in those things.
Quote from: Andreevici on March 27, 2010, 03:51:42 PM
Assalamu aleikum,

A would chose number 3 too and I'll do whatever you asked my prophet, after all obeying you is obeying God.

and therefore yet another man-god christ is born!