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Messages - Ayisha

Off-Topic / Re: username change please
December 21, 2012, 05:39:23 PM
messengers popping up all over the place these days  :o ???
Quote from: good logic on December 21, 2012, 01:25:00 PM
Peace All.

The Master Hypnotist's effectiveness lies in the fact that the majority of humans have chosen to remain under his domination and control.

[Quran 15:39-42] He (Satan) said, "My Lord, since You have willed that I go astray, I will surely entice them on earth; I will send them all astray. Except those among Your worshipers who are devoted absolutely to You alone." He (God) said, "This is a law that is inviolable: you have no power over my servants; you only have power over the strayers who follow you."

Satan advises his "Muslim" allies not to accept the Quran alone. He tells the "Christians" to accept Jesus as God or son of God. He tells them to limit the extent that they will believe everything in the scripture. And Satan instructs the humans to resist the signs of God.

As soon as the human chooses NOT to uphold the Word of God ALONE and worship God ALONE, the Master Hypnotist robs and strips the human of his mind. Satan even makes his followers believe that they are guided.

[Quran 7:30] He (God) guides some people while others are committed to straying. They have chosen the devils as their masters, instead of God, YET THEY BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE GUIDED.

What is wrong with us? Are we to believe there is another book beside Qoran? Is Al-amiyr claiming to have another truth?

Wake up believers! See it for what it is ! Wishful thinking and deceit.



I find this post amusing coming from one who promotes the number 19 as some 'miracle' and think maybe you should read your words again with that in mind.  ;)

There is The Book, Quran tells you that and it's not Quran or 'the people of The Book' would not refer to those following Torah and Gospel ...............................and Quran.

56:77-79 Quran is only part of The Book, the book is something none shall touch only those who are pure, which means it's not for everyone. Torah Gospel and Quran all have the same 'message' from The Book, the same guidance from the God. 

Quote from: al-amiyr on December 20, 2012, 09:16:57 AM

A question for you if you do not mind, "How many jumps do you do in a day?" WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW- - - - - - - - - ->

Jumps? Sorry I don't know what you mean, could you clarify please.

Quote from: al-amiyr on December 18, 2012, 08:44:20 PM
salaam+ to all

After sixteen hours working very hard to get the lessons done, I haven't succeeded to complete tonight's lessen to my satisfaction. I hope to upload after a few hours rest another three posts inshaa allaah.

I don't understand why all this time spent when you have already said you have been teaching this for years and it's been on numerous forums already. Surely all the prep is done and it's a matter of copy and paste now?

Quote from: StopS on December 19, 2012, 09:16:30 AM
If you can handle huge fonts and can stomach reading each word individually and centred, then go and read the entire "story" here:

Thank you but it's now been moved  :peace:

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Quote from: farida on December 20, 2012, 07:13:16 AM
No one knows when the world will end, this knowledge is with ALLAH(swt) only.

Salam farida, yes I know this, my comment was tongue in cheek  ;)

QuoteHowever Maya calendar generated a fever that the world will end on the 21 Dec, I never took  interest in Maya calender until I stared reading brother Al-amiyr?s threads on this forum and than for the first time I looked at Maya symbols closely and saw Hunab Ku which is a Yucatec Maya word meaning "The Only God"
See for yourself if you recognize any signs:
I have no doubt the Mayan knew much more than we did, as did the Ancient Egyptians and many other 'lost' people, but don't see what this has to do with 'the end' of the world. This happening has happened before and we are all still here, the changes that will happen have happened before so hopefully humans will survive it. There is a change happening though and the 'heavenly bodies' are lining up for it. I will be viewing the sunrise tomorrow at Karnak Temple as it's a special one  :sun: InshaAllah I will survive with photos  :yay:
Quote from: theNabster on December 18, 2012, 04:24:33 PM
@savage_carrot, salaam warahmah...

blood lines are important because Allah says so...

Where please?  :peace:

What about Abraham's father?
Quote from: mmkhan on December 17, 2012, 03:31:18 PM

This means, when you are not eating it for some reason, how could you ask others to eat it!

This was partly the reason I said option 1. Declining it is not going to let it waste, you could ask that it be donated elsewhere like a Christian homeless shelter or anywhere else as opposed to accepting it then disposing however.

I would say decline it.  :peace:
Quote from: Noon waalqalami on December 15, 2012, 02:59:15 PM
Peace -- so how many fingers and toes 10+10?

Or do you comb the universe only report 0.05263157894% of it and ignore/hide 0.94736842106% of the rest it?
not to mention the Golden Ratio