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Messages - Sarah

Women's Issues / Sunni men at work
January 13, 2024, 03:04:21 PM

I'm having this issue at work where there just so happens to be a lot of Sunni men. When people ask if I'm Muslim since it naturally comes up or ask if I'm Christian etc. I obv say that I'm a Muslim. But many Muslim men behave in a controlling way. Some of them will do things like tell me to stop talking to men I like talking to even though we are allowed to talk as long as we're working and it's not as if I'm flirting. Others seem to think I'm a 'bad Muslim' because I don't wear the hijab. They don't say it but you can tell from their attitude.

I know a lot of men regardless of their religion or race (not all men) behave like this towards women in general but I feel like because I'm Muslim they think they can particularly act controlling towards me. Not all of them but the ones that also seem cultural tend to behave this way in particular. It also seems to irritate them if I talk to non-Muslim male colleagues although I still do it anyway. On the other hand some Sunni men behave like normal human beings so I'm not generalising.

Should I just pretend to be agnostic if I get a new job in the future? But that might not work that well since I do believe in ritual salah and Ramadan. They'll know that I'm fasting and although I don't currently pray at work, I do want to in the future to avoid missing prayers.

P.s. Anyone else had similar problems?

General Issues / Questions / Question about oppression
January 05, 2024, 01:29:36 AM

From a Quranic perspective, are the oppressed people always the good people? I mean not always but mostly? The evil people who are the oppressors tend to get punished through means other than oppression i.e. natural disasters.


Sorry to hear of the passing of your father Kevin. To God we belong and to Him we will return.

I'm also sorry to hear of the passing of both your parents Hawk, may they rest in peace. It seems you had visions of your parents when you were awake. I guess these visions could have been hallucinations. I've also had dreams (but no visions) of a dead family member and he never speaks either. It's strange. Perhaps they're not allowed to speak if it's their real souls. It's a mystery.

Bonus Question:

Are nightmares from God or shaytan? I only remember those hadith mentioning them being from the devil.

Also, it seems like dreams are metaphors as was the case with Prophet Yusuf's dream.


I've never understood this? I guess some of you will say that God's throne could be metaphorical but if that is true, present some evidence to back up your point.


does that mean you are seeing their real soul in the spiritual world? I think that's what I used to believe when I was Sunni.

Sahih International: And when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] soul, then fall down to him in prostration."

Pickthall: So, when I have made him and have breathed into him of My Spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him.

Yusuf Ali: "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him."

Shakir: So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him.

Muhammad Sarwar: When it is properly shaped and I have blown My Spirit into it, you should then bow down in prostration".

Mohsin Khan: "So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him."

Arberry: When I have shaped him, and breathed My spirit in him, fall you down, bowing before him!'

Notice 'created' is in brackets. So, does that mean Allah separated part of His own spirit/ soul to create man and that part of His spirit is no longer Him? Why would it say 'my spirit' instead of simply 'of the spirit I have created'? I know Mohsin Khan translated it differently but most of them state 'my spirit'.

Do Palestinians really want peace?

From the river to the sea is a reference to the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, meaning Palestinians want to reclaim all of Israel. Is that a solution? Should they not just settle for a two-state solution and put the past behind them? Otherwise, aren't they just as bad as Israel?

Women's Issues / Anyone else feel this way
December 12, 2023, 12:12:13 AM

Ever since I turned to the Qur'an alone, I've felt lonelier than before. It just feels like, most people on earth are not like me. How do you make friends without letting religious differences get in the way, especially with traditional Muslims? I tend to hide my Qur'an alone belief from most Sunnis when I happen to make a Sunni friend. But it feels lonely because they don't know who I am and I feel like an imposter.

You could just tell me to make friends with non-Muslims and people who you have stuff in common with but the issue is, I'm open to that however the people who tend to be the friendliest to me are south Asian people because I look like them and white people tend to keep their distance even though I'm a polite and kind person. It's been like this for as long as I can remember however I used to wear hijab but even without hijab, it's the same story. Indians do befriend me sometimes but it's Indian men, not women and I wish I had female friends because male friendship is complicated.

Could you share your experiences with friendship after you stopped believing in hadith? I'd love to hear from you...

Sometimes we make stupid, embarrassing or even evil mistakes that we regret and wish to forget, but our subconscious keeps reminding us. So you repent to God and don't know if God's forgiven you but it keeps bothering you. Should you forgive yourself at this point?