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Quote from: HP_TECH on January 27, 2018, 08:50:03 AM
Above us is a sea of liquid nitrogen it's extremely cold and appears incredibly dense.
Quote from: seakingthewaylife on January 24, 2018, 02:12:54 PMIslam ?r ett begrepp p? arabiska som m?ste utkristallisera sig ?ver tid f?r varje person. Visst kan vi f?rs?ka v?gleda varandra, men jag tror inte p? att tvinga varandra. Givetvis ing?r ett visst m?tt tv?ng i samh?lleliga strukturer, men de speglar bara den stora massans utveckling, och inte n?gra direktiv fr?n Gud. M?nniskan tolkar, och kan inte g?ra annat ?n s?.
Men jag undrar, om du har slutat med att s?ga Quran alone, vad ?r din relation till Koranen, Islam, Allah?
QuoteF?r mig ?r dessa saker inte lika uppenbara som det var n?r jag v?xte upp. ?n idag utvecklas mina tankar.Samma h?r. Jag tror det tyder p? utveckling. Saker m? te sig mindre enkla, kanske t.o.m. mer frustrerande, men man m?ste g? fram?t, och inte fastna i en blind bubbla.
D?remot ?r Quran alone ett bra samlingsbegrepp f?r diskurser som vill s?tta hadither och tradition i en mer historisk kontext. Det verkar vara en bra start ifall man vill komma n?rmare n?gon k?llkritik av Islam.
Quote from: Maha on January 25, 2018, 06:55:56 PM
Ja men Zulf hvis man aldrig kan have ''svaret'' s? bliver det hele ogs? uden nogle pointe og helt meningsl?st.. for s? kan man s?ge hele livet uden at have hittat nogle svar.. og hvorfor skal man s? s?ge hvis man alligevel aldrig kan hitta svaret??
Og ''enten eller'' mentaliteten er heller ikke helt korrekt.. i virkeligheden er de fleste ting jo kun noget som vi tror p? og ikke noget vi ved med sikkerhed.. og i blandt h?nder det at vi ved en smule om det men ikke alt...
Det er lidt et filosofisk fr?gen
Quote from: progressive1993 on January 23, 2018, 10:18:20 AM
The main brainwashing today is feminism, socialism, parliamentary majoritism (commonly referred to as democracy), etc.
Quote from: huruf on January 05, 2018, 03:54:24 AM
Yes, Kamal Salibi lifted the lid of the free for all that are the stories of the bible, but the books by Pazuzu go much deeper and thoroughly ont he wghole business, which is logical, because the first time that somebody discovers some new aspect of something, of course, it must be somewhat tentative. Nobody never has come out with a whole new view and it has come out already perfect with everything fitting and without any flaws. If it was so humanity would have no history nor history would have been corrected so manyt imes.
Today Egytology is not what was when it started and where everything about ancient Egypt was nonsense from the bible and some more nonsense of projecting back on Egypt the history of Greece and Rome.
In Ehyptology nothing has ever been discovered that matches the Bible stories. And it is not lack of documents and writings that prevents there being something about those stories if they had ever happenned. In fact if there was even a little piece of Egyptian documentation of them, we would have been served that piece to saturation.
With all my respct for Kamal Salibi, because it took a great deal of vision and guts to put forward his view, the books by Pazuzu deserve to be read by themselves. May be he also is nto 100% infallible, but certainly what he says, is far more founded and satisfying that the third or fourth hand stories of the bible, as regards Egypt.
And the last nail on the thing is the Qur'an itself. The contents of the Qur'an do not support the idea that the events adscribed to Egypt happenned there, in the same way that what the Qur'an says about 3isa does not match what the gospels say about Jesus.
Quote from: Abdun Nur on January 04, 2018, 07:44:25 AMIf 'there is no God', then is there a Creator (of course not a person in the skies)? Is there a Rabb who is sustaining Creation each instant?
There is no God is the very foundation of the original Islam which removed worship, superstitions, hierarchical structures of control and established alternatives that functioned free of corruption and free of riba, which almost no one now has been exposed to.
What does exist is far more than the nonsensical god concept taken from the Sun which was worshiped in the heavens, but most god bother'ers don't care about evidence, reason, or truth, they want fantasy and not to think, just to follow ritual, be pious (hypocritical) and to worship, worship, worship!
Quote from: owlwithbow on January 04, 2018, 02:38:27 PM
Well, wouldn't it be wise to not say things like "it's changed, thus we don't need to believe, read and follow it anymore" if you don't know what the history is of the Scripture, and neither can you read it in the Original Language.
Because the Scriptures are being preserved in their Original Language. You can't use a translation as evidence, anyways, most translations are made by sects anyways.