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Messages - affan

Salam Andya,

Interesting topic. I have no idea why it remains unreplied for so long. Let me try...  :wink:

1. The equality of the creation of Adam and Isa was indicated in the (3:59). Even both Adam and Isa are mentioned 25 times each in the Quran. Both, all human, were created from clay (containing: carbon, sulfur, phosphor, calcium, iron, hidrogen, nitrogen, oxigen, etc.) - through a complicated process (23:12-14). Should we think that Adam was a human like doll shaped from clay turned into living being like magic?. I?m not sure but I rather think that if Isa was born from a mother, Adam perhaps from a ?mother? too. The mother could be a ?half human? creature, even with phisically similar body. Or, Adam was formed to be a better/best creature in design (4:95) through biological & genetical engineering (in the womb). The distinction (between Adam and his ?mother?) was Adam ?granted? with a ?Ruh?, divine energy, who carry a responsibility with his freedom to make choices (good and bad) and to develop his knowledge, personality and life (2:33). That?s why malaikat who knew nothing about the future, but was aware of the history of the pre-human, was asking or complaining (2:30), but then accepting it after acknowledged the distinctions (2:33-34).

2. There is no Eve/Hawa in the Quran, but Adam?s mate or wife (2:35, 7:19, 20:117). Initially, I thought that Adam represented the first human generation. But some verses indicated that Adam was a person, the ancestor of all.

3. If we are created from one being, and created from that one being its mate, then spread from two many men and women (4:1), how could Adam?s children were not engaged in incest? This is puzzling me as well.

4. If there is no such names, then mentioning the names of Adam?s two sons are not relevant (5:31). The names were given in the Bible.

It's enlightening indeed to know the story of our ancestor and the names you mentioned, to increase knowledge (to feed our curious mind) and to take lessons? In traditional version, we were thought that the prophet flew for isra (miraj) riding a bouraq, Moses beat a malaikat at the eye, Solomon had so many wives, Adam was a giant like ?Hulk?, etc. So, I?m interested to study it solely from the Quran.
Questions/Comments on the Quran / Pork & Logic
July 26, 2004, 06:38:56 PM
Peace Damon, all,

There has been a long time since my last post, so that I need to find (new) avatar?

Good enough with 1) and 2) above. Just want to add:

The haram of pig (flesh) is a test, a simple one. But don't know why a lot of people failed to pass  :(  There are ?million? choices, and God forbids only the meat of one animal?

But we can still benefit? all other creations were created for us, the human, including pigs  :)

Genetic and biochemical similarities between humans and pigs make this kind of cross-hybridization between human and pig DNA sequences possible. No wonder many people can live with pig?s organ transplanted in their body! Will you eat our miss piggy then?  :x


13:42 13 January 04 news service

Pigs grown from fetuses into which human stem cells were injected have surprised scientists by having cells in which the DNA from the two species is mixed at the most intimate level.
"Because of great similarities between the anatomies of a pig and a human, a pig's digestive tract and associated organs are dissected and placed to approximate and illustrate the human digestive system."
"Miniature swine have many characteristics that are similar to humans that make them excellent models to study human disease, including diabetes mellitus. Miniature swine are omnivores as humans, easy to handle, raise few ethical considerations and they maintain similar size and weight to adult humans. Several organs and systems are very similar to humans in terms of anatomy, physiology and metabolism."
"In many aspects of metabolism pigs have surprising simiularites with
"Pig tissues have had a long history of medical use in humans. "There are many anatomical similarities between pigs and humans, especially in the cardiovascular system," says Cook Biotech vice president Mark Bleyer."
"Several hundred thousand years separate pigs and humans in evolutionary times."
"The similarities between the swine and human viruses also suggest that pigs might provide an alternative animal model for studying hepatitis E virus infection. Currently, scientists must use expensive primate models to study the virus."
"But hair and skin color are superficial. Far more important is the way our bodies work...In this regard, we boast more striking similarities to pigs. Few animals are more omnivorous than pigs and people, eating a wide variety of plants and animals. organs? Amino acids? Pig hearts? Pigs and humans both evolved in the tropics."
"A recent study, published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics, strengthens the claim that these particular swine are an exceptional animal model of human coronary artery disease...The study shows that in addition to developing high cholesterol levels and clogged arteries that are similar to human symptoms, these pigs share an underlying genetic similarity with humans."
BEWARE: Evangelists are Singing Love, Again!  :evil:
I said before, in my humble opinion, love = willingness to give

Depending on how much your love is:
-   you’ll give your smile to nice people you meet
-   you’ll give your wealth to the needy (without knowing who they are)
-   you’ll give your food and shelter to the travellers
-   you’ll give your hands to your neighbour
-   you’ll give your car to your girlfriend
-   you’ll give your heart to your beloved parents
-   you’ll give your trust to your wife
-   you’ll give your life to (safe) your children
-   you’ll give your strength, hearth, and mind to Him

If you love someone (neighbour, humanity) as you love your self, then you’ll give everything you have to that someone… not easy isn’t it?

True love is when it's without expecting any returns

Regular love is when you expect (any kind or any size of) return

Fake love is when you expect bigger return than what you give

False love is when it leads to destruction
- You love non living objects (car, diamond, clothings, power, etc.). you should take care, not to love...
- You are in love with somebody's girlfriend/wife, then you'll give your 'strength' to murder the spouse as the girl/wife ordered you to do so. :evil:

Blind love is the darkest type of love
- You love your Imam, then you will give your total devotion to him and to follow what he said
- You love Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osborn, Jacko...

Any other types or examples? anybody?

You may not find the above definitions in any dictionary  :wink:
To me it is easier to feel than to define what love is. The dictionary says it is "a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward ?".

Imho, love is willingness to give. And the true and unconditional (pure, ikhlas) love is the love of and for God. We love to do good (willingness to give good things of us, material or immaterial), because it is His Will for us to do so, and therefore we feel happy as we submit to His Will, the mission of our existence.

God loves?
the charitable (2:195)
the righteous (3:76)
the steadfast (3:146)
the good-doers (3:148)
those who trust Him (3:159)
the benevolent (5:13)
those who purify themselves (9:108)
the equitable (5:42)
the just (49:9)
those who are clean (2:222)
those who fight in His cause (61:4)

God does not love?
the agressors (2:190)
corruption (2:205)
the unjust (3:140)
the arrogant (4:36)
the betrayer (4:107)
the evildoers (5:64)
the wasters (6:141)
the gluttons (7:31)
the transgressors (7:55)
the disbeliever (3:32)
the boastful (57:23)

God loves us for the goodness we do and does not love those who do evil. God, however, did not close the door for repentence. He gave the chance to reform and come back to Him and His path (taubah). If the repentence done before they die, God guaranttees them forgiveness. He gave us all the reasons and means to the happiness in this world and hereafter life, for that we must be appreciative (syukr), which is to utilize our resources to the best manner for us, the humanity and its surrounding environment according to His laws.
Islamic Calendar & Ramadhan. / Night of QADR
November 27, 2003, 08:12:27 PM
peace marie,

thank you for your opinion. this is not a vote between 'past' and 'present' or 'east' and 'west', but I'm still welcoming others to also share the knowledge, with reference/s and argument/s. it's important to derive a conclusion on the subject.

talking about 'descend', I remember seeing a movie of Sophie Marceau titled "Descente Aux Enfers" in Cultural Centre of France here (long years ago when I was young  :wink: ). what does 'descente' means, and 'enfers'... ? :oops:

I were visiting Paris twice in the middle of my trips to US/Argentine about 3 to 4 years ago, it is a real nice city... where in France do you live?

sorry all, if it's too personal  :)
Introduce Yourself / I was an atheist...
November 27, 2003, 01:02:21 AM
Indeed, We have created everything with a measure (Koran 54:49)
With God, everything is measured (Koran 13:8 )

We may also find different mathematical phenomenon in other creations. Somebody says that God is the greatest Mathematician?

No wonder if there is mathematical pattern in the Quran (I believe it is also embedded in the uncorrupted bible as well). It is not mathematical tricks or numerology, we can physically and objectively observe it. But some people went too far, by relating many events and orchestrating things with 19 and even to claim their messengerships. I would not argue on this issue, people have talked on this for years and write it for pages, you may verify it with your sober mind. Trough ?19? I?ve come across the Quran alone movement and, by God?s grace, the Quran's message lead me to the path of God alone. The most important is now to study the message for our guidance? as it's descended for.
Salat & Zakat (The Contact & Purification) / SJD
November 26, 2003, 08:17:32 PM
Peace Idolfree1,

Thanks for your replies and explanations. I need to carefully read before making any comments and/or acceptance.
Science / The FICTIONAL ANT of the Qur'an
November 26, 2003, 08:11:57 PM
Maurice Bucaille said, "I could not find a single error in the Qur'anic scientific theories"? and so far I?m in agreement with the statement. At this time, I (but perhaps any body else or the scientists), could not prove that the ants have such ability/intelligent. Thoug I'm convinced that ants, bees, etc are also communities (like us), which have separate task forces and functionalities in it. I COULD NOT proof either that ants DO NOT have the abilities. But "not proven yet" does not mean "wrong" or indicate an "error". Decades ago, we knew nothing about ?blackholes?, but Quran talks about ?receding/ invisible stars?...

I also indicated before, that the Namlite could be the people (lead by a Queen) in the Valey of Naml. A reasearch on Sheba Project relates this with the Queen of Sheba, also the following commenatry to the verses.  

Solomon realized that the State of Sheba was planning to attack, he took his army towards them as precaution. The valley of Naml was on the way and like that of the State of Sheba, its head of state was a woman.  When she received the news of this army, she ordered her subjects to remain in their dwellings to save themselves.  Without ascertaining whether they had any connection or alliance with their enemy the State of Sheba, she was afraid that the troops might crush them.  (This is normal action when armies invade.  It is better to move out of their way.) Solomon smiled when he heard this.  (These poor souls were right. They  had heard and seen that whenever the royal army passes an area, it brings nothing but haphazard destruction.  However, did they understand that this is the army of Allah's Rasool, whose purpose is not to disturb the innocent but to give them protection?)  Then he prayed to his God, "O my Rabb, you have granted me a great empire.  Therefore also grant me adequate restraint and self-control so that instead of causing destruction to mankind, the strength and stately splendour you have bestowed on me and my parents can be utilized for peoples? benefit and for reforming their affairs.  Every step of mine should be in conformity with Your Laws; so that I can be included amongst the subjects whose abilities develop through your Rabubiyat and Rehmat; and those who are responsible for reforming the affairs of mankind.

18. Until when they came to the valley of the Naml, a (She) Namlite said: O Naml! enter your houses, (that) Sulaiman and his hosts may not crush you while they do not know.

19. So he smiled, wondering at her word, and said: My Lord! grant me that I should be grateful for Thy favor which Thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I should do good such as Thou art pleased with, and make me enter, by Thy mercy, into Thy servants, the good ones.
Islamic Calendar & Ramadhan. / Night of QADR
November 22, 2003, 04:15:50 PM
Ayman wrote:
I totally agree that "laylat al-qadr" is just the one night where the reading was descended.

97:4, the angels and the spirit tanazzalul (descend / have descended ?) in it by the permission of their lord with every affair/matter.

Regarding the Quran revelation in the night of qadr, I agree that it happenned in the one night of Ramdahan (14 centuries ago). But I need to clarify whether it is/was other affair besides the revealed revelation.

I want to ask those with Arabic knowledge: the above verse, does it use the (continuous) present tense or past tense for the word "descend" (to move from a higher to a lower point) ?

Thx and Peace.