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Messages - Elke

@ riseup & ninimak
that is also the way i see it
also, this interpretation of "those with which you are bonded through an oath" (imo implying reciprocity)  is more acceptable than the one seeing malakat aymakoum as slave girls...
Quote from: Recluse on October 07, 2009, 08:29:26 AM

Feminism has destroyed family values in the West. As a Muslim, you can't expect me to praise western "values".  Perhaps we should make a separate topic to discuss this.


salam recluse
you seems to oppose feminism to family values and then western values to muslim values
i don't see the point in both and sincerely believe that you are mixing thing up
i'm a western muslim (is that even possible in your worldview ?) and  believe that quran was, at the time of its revelation, a feminist book as it gave women rights they never had before
just food for thought  ;)
What is the nature of God? / Re: There is No God.
September 09, 2009, 09:36:43 AM
your link is very interesting and expresses a lot of ideas i share. One thing though : your second part of shahada as "wa mohamed rassulu laa". As far as i know it does not exist in quran

a link to a shahada discussion

Quote from: nsws1988 on April 23, 2009, 02:28:37 PM
This situation can be applied to anything in life but in my case it is marriage.
If something seems like a blessing from God that he has given you something special (ie the person I like, who is also my bestest friend in the whole wide world) and you want to turn it into something beautiful (ie get married and start a family) but it never seems to work out as planned (ie financial problems) and you pray to God everyday to help you out but nothing changes, how would you know if...

a) it isn't meant to be, so give up right now
b) it will happen at the right time which isn't now, so be patient
c) anything is possible if you work hard to get it, so work hard

I really like this person a lot, we have knows each other for years and both our families know... everything seems right about it and about us getting married. I feel that it was a blessing from God who has let us meet one another and make each other happy. I have been praying to God to help us for so long but nothing has changed  :(
You get so many sayings about a, b and c but which one is right?

i'd say none of them, but rather a mix like
only if it's meant to be will it happen
so be patient and work on it and don't lose hope
if it's not meant to be, you'll come to understand it in time and you'll let go

good luck !
Quote from: Rev.John on August 28, 2009, 01:15:33 PM
Yes I understand that.

i believe even our mistakes we make for a reason, then we'll have to work on it and try to make the best of it

sounds like reason of life to me ;)
why sadly : staying together unhappily ever after just because one could not get a divorce was / is not a good option either

Quote from: Rami on June 19, 2009, 04:46:18 AM

In marriage, a women must obey her husband in all marital issues in exchange to the gift and caretaking done by the husband. He has the upper hand.

Nushuz means total rebellion and disregard of the husband. Nushuz doesn't come immediately but in stages.

If you fear your wife is going to a state of nushuz, you must act, otherwise, she will disregard you completely ie. Nushuz.

To avoid nushuz, doing the three steps including beating, the final and corporeal punishment, is enough to avoid nushuz.




and if by any chance the man is not the "caretaker and provider" or not the only one, then what ? they can't be muslims ?
i wont even mention the rest
QuoteSheikh Khaled : Our professor. What happens if there was pregnancy out of adultery? In case the relationship is behind closed doors, nobody is watching and the rest of the conditions you told us do not apply.

Dr Shahrour : Yes, it's her fault then.

Sheikh Khaled : Then what?

Dr Shahrour : It's her fault that she agreed to that.

Sheikh Khaled : What do we tell her now; throw away your baby in the basket?

Dr Shahrour : It's her fault I'm saying, her fault. I'm telling you that 80% of the relationships on earth are allowed (halal). /quote]

my two pence on this point : khaleed talks about his definition of adultery(actually "fornication"), much vaster than shahrours. shahrours answer is on the few cases he considers adultery (when a man has sexual intercourse with a woman married with another man). i guess this is why his answer seems so mysoginistic.

the quote underneath
QuoteDr Shahrour : It's up to them, if he clears her she is his right hand possession, if she clears him he is her right hand possession.
/quote] shows thats his views are not that mysoginistic . Which scholar would accept a man to be a woman right hand possession  ;D

in all, i think what he says has inner logic. would be easier to understand and follow as an article though instead of an inteview

i live in Morocco and at the beach you can see just about anything, from small bikinis (not too many), to sporty swimsuits with or without leggings (mostly) to ladies going into the water with full dress (not many either, many of these ladies just sit sweating in the sun, serving food and drink and watching the guys enjoy...)

but the full dressed ladies, when coming out of the water do not look less sexy than the others...all that wet cloth clinging to their bodies  ;)