I myself believe that there should be 3 time a day..
1. Salat Fajar - 24:58 - the name itself shows the timing of the solat - at twilight/sun rise
2. Al-Salat Al-Wusta - description in 2:238, and timing in 17:78; sinking of the sun till the darkness of the night(in otherwords sun set)
3. Salat Isya -24:58 - the name itself shows the timing of the solat - at night
My opinion is that 'Wusta' is the description of the solat since it is sandwich between two other solats in a day.
Some say that there is Salat Isya timing is described in 17:78, however i cant accept it since 24:58 shows that 3 times of nakedness, and the time of sinking of the sun till darkness of the night is too early for the little ones to ask for permission to enter our room.
This also fits with 11:114 timing, "Two ends of the day(Fajar and Wusta) and early portion of the night(Isya)
However.. thats just me....
I myself believe that there should be 3 time a day..
1. Salat Fajar - 24:58 - the name itself shows the timing of the solat - at twilight/sun rise
2. Al-Salat Al-Wusta - description in 2:238, and timing in 17:78; sinking of the sun till the darkness of the night(in otherwords sun set)
3. Salat Isya -24:58 - the name itself shows the timing of the solat - at night
My opinion is that 'Wusta' is the description of the solat since it is sandwich between two other solats in a day.
Some say that there is Salat Isya timing is described in 17:78, however i cant accept it since 24:58 shows that 3 times of nakedness, and the time of sinking of the sun till darkness of the night is too early for the little ones to ask for permission to enter our room.
This also fits with 11:114 timing, "Two ends of the day(Fajar and Wusta) and early portion of the night(Isya)
However.. thats just me....