Quote from: Jafar on March 04, 2011, 05:03:37 PM
It is clearly HARAM to celebrate those INFIDEL catholics holidays!
For those who celebrate any of those filthy Infidel's holidays, and yes that includes those idiotic mushriqiin shiites holidays of As-Shura or any other holiday which is not in adherence to Sunnis errgg.. Islamic holidays must be considered as an Apostates, and the stoning of those apostates is a duty of all sunnis erggh.. moslems!
It is clearly evident as the statement of "O hear ye muslimin!, you must not celebrate the catholics holidays!" and also "O hear ye muslimin! you must not celebrate the As-Shura days or any of those mushriqin shiites holidays" appears ZERO times in the Quran!
Salam / Peace
I think it is cool and commendable to respect and engage in other rituals in so far as they do not directly encourage evil (e.g. sometimes the extravagance of Christmas is a bit much). For example, fasting during Catholic Lent, Christmas Giving, etc are often really nice rituals that are great independent of their religious status. Even listening to the sermons of others is great as a sign of unity. At the end of the day, I feel Islam is a system that is not merely satisfied through saying stuff like "I''m a Muslim." It could be that the person who calls him/herself Catholic is a far better Muslim than the one who calls him/herself Muslim.