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Quote from: Wakas on May 04, 2008, 02:53:33 PM
I will deal with it by informing them (hopefully in an alternative way). They can then compare good info with bad info, rather than just having bad info with nothing to compare it to.
Quote from: Wakas on January 05, 2008, 06:56:45 PMTo remove evil acts, as I have been saying, would mean we must also remove logic (in the world) and free-choice (in people).
If we did remove these things, this life/test becomes invalid/pointless
Quotethere must be a counter-balance to the equation. Something which sets it right... this is where God comes in.could you give an example of what you mean here?
Quote from: tarikh on November 05, 2007, 01:43:23 AM
Peace, well if you tell them you're muslim, they'll inevitably put you in the same basket as hadith followers. Non muslims do not really understand what quran alone.
Quote from: Samia on August 25, 2007, 08:29:43 PM
In Lisanul 3arab, volume 1:
وضرب الفحل الناقة يضربها ضراباً: نكحها. قال سيبويه: ضربها الفحل ضراباً كالنكاح
Translation: The camel (daraba) the she camel: had intercourse with it (naka7a).
Sibawaih says: Daraba (the she camel) dirab (participle) is anological to nika7 (linguistic patterns).