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Messages - amin

Good work,
I have the same understanding on the months, about the word Ramadan, it refers to the bright moon Harvest moon days, but why the later leaders changed, could be they do not want to give any significance to anything symbolic.

About Harvest moon,

QuoteA Harvest Moon's proximity to the September equinox means that the rise times for the near-to-full phases of the Moon are nearly the same on the days before and after. So, the Harvest Moon is so-called because the difference in rise times from one evening to the next after this date is the smallest for the year.

Why is the harvest moon special?

    Extra daylight: The harvest moon rises shortly after sunset for several nights in a row, giving farmers extra daylight to work.

Close to the autumnal equinox: The harvest moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, which is when the moon's orbit is at its minimum relative to Earth's horizon.
Cultural phenomenon: The harvest moon is both an astronomical event and a cultural phenomenon.

What are some other things to know about the harvest moon?

    The harvest moon can appear red because its light passes through more of Earth's atmosphere as it sinks lower in the sky.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in March or April.
The September full moon is sometimes called the corn moon or barley moon.
The harvest moon can be a great time for stargazing
Questions/Comments on the Quran / Re: Qibla???
Yesterday at 10:40:12 PM

I agree partly to the centralization concept,
but I have very different understanding how Quran should be seen, you are trying to make everything complicated and totally changing some of the common words.

I see everything as coming from a leader who wants to unite the people, give a better religion for them, yes with a better rule. Quran says clear,
its to motivate the believers/supporters and demotivate those who reject and come to peaceful terms. Explains things it considers illogical in the religions then.

About the word Haram, its about restricting oneself to moral good laws and discipline,
Masjid AL Haram as i said was considered to be a sanctuary with religious symbols, where people go thinking that will purify them, Safety guaranteed as long as one was there,
but follow certain standards, like dress code, no pleasure activities etc.. as they were for learning moral laws and disciplines.
Questions/Comments on the Quran / Re: Qibla???
Yesterday at 05:42:02 AM


not finished...
Now a days i think, the word 'believers' refers to law abiding citizens. Those who accept the prophet and his leadership and his messages. So the verses asks to deal issues among the citizens make peace if possible and avoid any disturbances.
If This total narrative about the Prophet he just randomly narrated some verses, i think there comes a lot of questions,

like how this book come into place, why some verses refer itself?? as a book?? even when its not released completely? so was this planned well before to be as a book?, or the author knows well, it will be released as a book and should have asked someone to write it down or even wrote it himself?

To my understanding the quranic verses that says it as the book, the 'kitab' actually  means  the law giving examples/stories of the past, to be used as guidance. So i dont think the total compilation is the kitab, instead the stories and examples in it.

Telling is actually reciting, telling the truth, is what true recital is all about. The verses are the different teachings/rules(aayats) taken from the story/message.

Corruption of the kitab, is actually can be seen as corruption of the story/message.

People of the Kitab, could be those who base their religion based on the collection of stories of the past.The Christians.

So Quran has its own stories as revealed by the prophet in his own understanding and that i think that is the main part of the Quranic kitab and the message it gives.

good work on the real meaning of Salat.
QuoteSaad-Lam-Waw (slw). E.W. Lane's Arabic-English lexicon/dictionary gives the following possible meanings of the root:

prayer, supplication, petition, oration, eulogy, benediction, commendation, blessing, honour, magnify, bring forth, follow closely, walk/follow behind closely, to remain attached, to contact or to be in contact.

Reading most of the verses, the word Salat could in a way mean,
Proclaim, in favor of, publicly/openly,

So I think, Aqimus Salat, was essential one for bringing people to the religion by not going astray, always by Salat ie.

Proclamations, esp of good favorable words being delivered  and this is what Aquimus Salat meant, esp it involves reading/teaching and listening.

i think the Zakat part refers the acting part or demonstration one does based on the proclamations/words given.

some of verses this gives clear understanding,

Angels and god giving favorable words for the messenger/leader, and people also should also do that with messenger and greet him while seeing him.

neglected  doing the proclamations given and followed their own hidden desires.

if they repent and establish the proclamations .. then...

here i think it  means, when Zechariah was standing waiting for the proclamation

An outside session where the leader giving his proclamations to people, should be in groups and protected.
If stopped attending/doing this session due to some issues, then remember God while standing sitting or lying and then come/do later when in good condition,
attending this is fixed at specified terms/time intervals.
Questions/Comments on the Quran / Re: Qibla???
January 26, 2025, 08:35:42 AM

In your translations, you give multiple words for a single word, doesnt make it more readable.
Also You want Quran to be applied to modern society as it is, so you are replacing new suitable words which i think is difficult to grasp the right meaning behind these verses.

I believe Quran was for a particular society and came in a particular period and need to be read in those contexts.

About Qibla, Each community consider some elements  to be more valuable and construct rituals and  monuments to represent those,
as a soceity the Arabs needed a qibla, so the Quran verses shows or gives a qibla for the newly formed Arab muslim community which i think the Masjid Al Haram,
which represent the sacred duty of doing good and selfless sacrifice for the benefit of the community.

Qibla can represent the  knowledge, wealth, a mountain peak representing greatness of god, or a prophets birth place or of some importance, etc.
Jews Christians and other have their own Qiblas,  but Quran suggests a different thing for the early muslim community.

Communities do not change their thoughts about what is great or important,
example in Indian religions,there are two major sects, some religion follow the goodness/happiness part of God, like wealth and strength and always aim for those,
but some others follow entirely opposite things like sacrificing, giving away, fasting, pain rituals like piercing, walking on fire embers, walking long distance to temples as rituals.
They think these benefit them in some way.

Here God is being seen in two entirely different ways, one in happiness and another indirectly in difficulties and sacrifice,
which is correct? depends on many things like the culture and even the individual status of people, what they needed and how they view whats important.

So Quran says,  each one follow their own qibla, and here it associates the qibla also as a symbol that shows which messenger the people were following before,
like the past messengers who brought the rituals and religion.

Many instance of MAH still looks to refer to this as a place where restrictions comes into effect, but as i said, in many instances it refers to the mode of discipline/restricting one's self over the opposite of like going for a fight or acting without any order. May be with time, some wrong understanding crept in.

I am looking parallels of Haram to the Indian concept of Santana dharma/Aram, which is the root behind Indian religions and even we can say behind most religions, where principles of discipline and restrictions get priority over one's self/ego. Here as a community the act of not killing animals at will, preserving vegetation, ecosystem, wealth distribution and community welfare etc gets prioritized over anything else.

Theres a verse in Quran, that talks about killing less aged animals and destroying crops by people, 2/205, shows how community welfare gets prioritized over self ego and selfish desires.

The problem was Quran was taken by most literally and meant to be applied globally without considering the circumstances and time these advises were given.Even many verses in Quran, it says each have their own qibla, deen, direction to face etc..and its not about institutionalizing a religion, but an advice given to those Arabs to follow the advises of the leader, by establishing Salat(the primary laws to govern) and contributing to society.

It asks the Jews and Christians that whether all the leaders came in the past were only Jews or Christians? so in a way its saying leaders do come for all nations to guide and work for the welfare of the people.

Yes it asks the leader to fight, for maintaining order and removing fitnah, i am seeing a lot to learn by leaders now from Quran, instead of taking the verses to be mere ritual reciting in a Salat and part of specific religion that need to be spread through out the world.

So it all revolves around how we take the Quranic verses and i think the current Tafsirs were entirely bogus and do not reflect the true picture on the primary purpose of the Quran. The Quranic mainstream history has a lot of loopholes on how it was transmitted, compiled and later spread etc.
Eventhough Masjid Al Haram, refers to a place in many verses, in some verses 2:140-150 its about its literal meaning, which i think is closer to "Dicipline/Morals/Following the Restrictions",
for example 2:150, "so people will not have any arguments except the law breakers/wrong doers".

So the Qibla will the discipline/law+rules, and to follow those, whereever one go or is in,