Quote from: hawk99 on November 22, 2024, 08:16:01 PMPeace JinnJinn,
So, you understand the verse litterally that the Jinn are people? Could you describe their physical appearance?
Why do you refer to them as beings? Beings has an alien sound to it.
How did you find their location?
God bless you.
I refer to them as beings as Allah has called them People and they call they are people, and they are Men and Women. Is human BEING alien? so why do you think there are aliens while every creature of Allah is a living being?
I don't know their physical appearance to be exact. Since the Quran calls them people, men, and women, they can't be far from the nature of human beings, with the difference being the source of creation alone i.e. Naar.
If the Al Quran and previous Scriptures like the Torah guide the community of Jinn beings as Allah points out, how would that be possible while it addresses the nature of human beings? Yes, they are identical to human beings and of the lifestyle. Take a close look at what the Al Quran commands to follow in life. How would they follow the commands of Al Quran in life if they don't resemble human beings? For instance, Al Quran commands to do charity. Would that be applicable to Jinns? Al Quran commands what to eat and what not, would that apply to Jinns? etcetera. So, if Jinn calls that this Al Quran guides to the straight path, what does it mean to them? If nothing applies to Jinn being from Al Quran then how can Al Quran and the scripture of Musa be guidance to them?
Jinn beings do not live in toilets, abandoned houses, caves, or deserts as traditional Muslims made people believe, but they live a proper life as we do. They deserve Janna based on their work. We will share Janna with them if we happen to enter it.
I clearly stated that was my perspective and not necessary to take it as fact. But they are living on Earth and in flight and they are visible and living on this Earth even before humans landed.
Note please: Some call Rh blood group people are jinn since they one of the rarest blood groups, but unfortunately, it's a big lie. They are human.