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Messages - remfan1994

Sorry for the confusion.  Maybe I should explain...

A text described as "Free Minds" Qu'ran with a link to

In it you will find Dua translated in 10:10 as "prayer."
Simultaneously, you use the word "calling" and the main website uses the word "saying."

I was going to do the whole thing but I have to give up computer at least for a while.  Hope this is useful and maybe inspires someone else to take up the job inshaallah.  Take it easy.  alhamduillah

List of changes to Free Mind's Quran translation
2:183 grammatical correction
002:183 O you who believe, fasting is decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you that perhaps you may be righteous.

3:19 comma addition
003:019 The system with God is to surrender, and those who received the Scripture did not dispute except after the knowledge came to them, out of jealousy between them. And whoever rejects God's signs, then God is swift in judgment.

3:47 quotation mark convention
003:047 She said: "My Lord, how can I have a son when no human has touched me?" He said: "It is thus that God creates what He wills, when He decrees a command, He merely says to it 'Be', and it is."

3:167 then to than
003:167 And to let those who are hypocrites know, that they were told: "Come fight in the cause of God or defend," they said: "If we knew how to fight we would have followed you." They are closer to disbelief than they are to belief. They say with their mouths what is not in their hearts, and God is aware of what they conceal.

3:186 grammatical clarification
003:186 We will test you in your wealth and in yourselves, and you will hear much annoyance from those who have been given the Scripture from before you and from those who set up partners.

4:25 (1) dependant > dependent (2) of the retribution
004:025 And whoever of you cannot afford to marry the believing independent women, then from the still dependent believing young women. God is more aware of your faith, some of you to each other. You shall marry them with the permission of their parents and give them their wage in kindness; to be protected, not for illicit sex or taking lovers. If they become protected, then any of them who comes with lewdness shall have half the punishment of the retribution of what is for the independent women. This is for those who fear hardship from among you. But if you are patient it is better for you, and God is Forgiver, Merciful.

4:81 other than what
004:081 And they Say: "Obedience," but when they emerge from you a group of them prepares for other than what you have said, and God records what they planned. So turn away from them and put your trust in God. God is enough for your trust.

4:113 double negative
004:113 And had it not been for God's favour upon you and His mercy, when a group of them were insistent on misguiding you; they would have misguided except themselves, and would have harmed you. And God has sent down to you the Scripture and the wisdom, and He has taught you that which you did not know. God's grace upon you is great.

4:123 delete than
004:123 It will not be by what you desire, nor by what the people of the Scripture desire. Whoever works evil, he will be paid by it; and he will not find for himself besides God any supporter or victor.

4:159 them > the rest
004:159 And from the people of the Scripture are few who would have believed in him before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be witness against the rest.

5:12 quotation mark
005:012 God has taken the covenant of the Children of Israel and sent from them twelve representatives, and God said: "I am with you if you hold the contact-method, and contribute towards betterment, and believe in My messengers, and support them, and give God a loan of righteousness; then I will cancel your sins and admit you into gardens with rivers flowing beneath. Whoever rejects after this from you, then he has strayed from the path."

5:48 comma
005:048 And We have sent down to you the Scripture with truth, authenticating what is present of the Scripture and superseding it. So judge between them by what God has sent down, and do not follow their desires from what has come to you of the truth. For each of you We have made laws, and a structure; and had God willed, He would have made you all one nation, but He tests you with what He has given you; so strive to do good. To God you will return, all of you, and He will inform you regarding that in which you dispute.

5:110 Quotation mark convention
005:110 God said: "O Jesus son of Mary, recall My blessings upon you and your mother that I supported you with the Holy Spirit; you spoke to the people in the cradle and in old age; and I taught you the Scripture and the wisdom, and the Torah, and the Injeel; and you would create from clay the shape of a bird, then blow into it and it becomes a bird by My leave; and you heal the blind and the leaper by My leave; and you brought out the dead by My leave. And I have restrained the Children of Israel from you, that you came to them with proofs; but those who rejected amongst them said: 'This is clearly magic!'"

5:111 quotation mark convention
005:111 "And I inspired the disciples that you shall believe in Me and My messenger; they said: 'We believe, and bear witness that we have surrendered.'"

6:14 grammatical clarification
006:014 Say: "Shall I take as an ally other than God; the initiator of heavens and Earth; while He feeds and is not fed!" Say: "I have been commanded to be the first who surrenders." And do not be of those who set up partners.

6:121 comma
006:121 And do not eat from that which God's name has not been mentioned, for it is vile. And the devils, they inspire their supporters to argue with you; and if you obey them, then you have set up partners.

9:11 prayer > contact-method
009:011 If they repent, and they hold the contact-method, and they contribute towards betterment, then they are your brothers in the system. We explain the revelations for a people who know.

9:61 capital S in "say"
009:061 And from them are those who harm the prophet, and they say: "He only listens!" Say: "What he listens to is best for you. He believes in God, and he has trust for the believers, and he is a mercy to those who believe among you." Those who harm the prophet, they will have a painful retribution.

9:65 captial S in "say"
009:065 And if you ask them they say: "We were only jesting and playing." Say: "Is it in God and His verses and His messenger you were mocking?"

9:81 capital S in "say"
009:081 Those who have remained behind are content with their position behind God's messenger, and they disliked to strive with their wealth and lives in the cause of God; and they Say: "Do not march out in the heat." Say: "The fire of Hell is far hotter," if they could only understand.

9:99 "and the contact methods"
009:099 And from the Nomads are those who believe in God and the Last Day, and he looks upon what he spends to make him closer to God, and performs the contact-method with the messenger. It indeed makes them closer. God will admit them in His mercy; God is Forgiving, Merciful.

9:124 capital S in "say"
009:124 And when a chapter is revealed, some of them say: "Who has been strengthened in faith by this?" For those who believe, it increased their faith, and they rejoice.

10:18 S in "say"
010:018 And they serve besides God what does not harm them or benefit them, and they say: "These are our intercessors with God." Say: "Are you informing God of what He does not know in the heavens or in the Earth?" Be He glorified and high from what they set up.

10:20 say
010:020 And they say: "If only a sign was sent down to him from His Lord." Say: "The future is with God, so wait, and I will wait with you."

10:28 say
010:028 And on the Day We gather them all, We will say to those who have set up partners: "Stop where you are, you and your partners," then We separate between them, and their partners will say: "It was not us that you served."

10:31 say
010:031 Say: "Who provides for you from the sky and the land? Who possesses the hearing and the eyesight?, and who brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living, and who controls all affairs?" They will say: "God." Say: "Will you not be righteous!"


I came across 10:10 in the Free-minds Quran tonight.  Well I was surprised at what I saw and I did a search on the forum because I know Free-minds is concerned with how to perform salat without using the sunnah.  so i expected to be able to find previous discussions involving 10:10 but I found nothing.

I believe it is saying, the prayer of those in the paradise is "SUBHANNA-ALLAH" and the ending of the prayer is "ALHAMDUILLAH HIROBIL ALAMEEN"

Translatable in my experience as "The Spirit is Most High" and "All strength is from The Spirit, the watcher of the worlds"

I just couldn't believe I didn't find any search results related to this verse and thought perhaps it's been overlooked.
Science / Re: lights in the sky to tell the time
July 09, 2024, 02:47:10 AM
Quote from: jkhan on July 09, 2024, 02:06:40 AMYes.. Sun  will definitely expose you to which season you are in and which possible month you are in based on its position and time of rising and setting
isn't this only according to the star sign that it rises in?  so that really it is the stars that are used to tell what time of year it is and the sun is only used as a marker for that
Quotebut what is your message through this topic?
i actually only wanted to share this with everyone, that it is siratal mustaqeen, to be satisfied with what Allah has given us and to not go beyond it.  yes with algebra you could make equations to match the cycles of the lights with each other ... however that is not the graceful use of the lights to tell the time.  they report on themselves, not each other, so to try to make a year out of twelve months is a disgraceful thing.

all strength is from allah
all good things are from allah
all credit is to allah
Science / lights in the sky to tell the time
July 09, 2024, 01:21:48 AM
these are time-telling features Allah has made available to us (alhamduillah)
that is, what each light in the sky pertains to

for example,
the sun is useful to know what time of day it is
and the moon is useful to know what time of night it is
and the stars are useful to know what time of year it is
this is siratal mustaqeen

beyond this, however, is abomination, lacking the full beneficence of ALLAH
everyone likes to use the moon to try to tell what time of year it is, and it is not the most graceful method either of using the moon or to tell what time of year it is

peace be upon you
General Issues / Questions / Re: "GOD" and Allahswt
July 08, 2024, 11:56:46 PM
Quote from: jkhan on July 08, 2024, 11:49:47 PMhow can we call the most important word Allah as the Consciousness when Allah has many attributions including consciousness...

that's why i'm here, i'm trying to say, if you look at the 99 names, how many of them are not either directly about consciousness itself or else support/propriety of conscious beings

every function of ALLAH is related to consciousness, either as consciousness itself or as the claim to the things pertaining to consciousness.

that is to say, for example, we see ROBIL-ALLAH is watchfulness, and that is consciousness itself
then we can go on and look at AL HAQ, the truth/the real, and we know that is necessary for the support of conscious beings, for without it our suffering would overtake us more easily

the examples go on but ALLAH is ar rashid and I have to leave it to ALLAH, INSHA-ALLAH!

upon you be peace
Here, i have made an illustration (alhamduillah):
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07
08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21
22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28
----====[0 | 00]====----
that's 28 days, but wait, there's supposed to be one more every month, and two more every other month! don't count them and mark them off underneath (0 and 00).  then it will be the first crescent again, to start over at 01.

So that the first crescent is on 01, and the last crescent is on 28.
After the 28 is a new moon, and the days of the new moon are not counted on the grid but are separate as 0 and 00.
then, on the sighting of the first crescent, it starts over again at 01.

Between when the last crescent disappears and when the second first crescent is sighted, should not be more than two days.  they could be marked in any way, and need not be in the grid.  that makes it easier to make calendars esp in bulk as they can all have one symmetrical shape.
General Issues / Questions / Re: "GOD" and Allahswt
July 08, 2024, 11:25:21 PM
first of all, i want to say, ALHAMDUILLAH, all strength is from the spirit, and we can tangibly experience how this governs our discussion as it is the government of all things. 
Quote from: jkhan on July 08, 2024, 07:48:03 PMPeace... Hey welcome...

What do you mean by The Spirit? Shall I take the dictionary meaning or do you have a specific definition for it.. pls enlighten me.. <--like to post #3 above, where I defined the spirit as consciousness based on a thorough examination of the scriptures. also see post 6 above for further elaboration (

Quoteafter explaining the above...

Pls translate the below verse for info

La Ilaha Illa Quawa
La Ilaha Illa Ana

Thank you brother/sister.. :laugh:
Did you want me to translate this to you, or from you?  Google brought me here: where it is said to mean "Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of all existence."  I feel that fits with my contributions from the above posts, that Allah is associated with life, and living, and existence -- as consciousness also is, and that is my definition of spirit from earlier in the thread. as for '-illa ana', from ( indeed it is true, Allah is most high, and worship of anything else is wrong.  As I posted earlier, I could prove the worship of anything else is wrong when ALLAH (THE SPIRIT) is defined as consciousness.  To seek help from sources other than consciousness (knowledge, watchfulness, etc) will not always or even usually result in the best outcome, and less than the best outcome is not worthy of worship when the best outcome is available to all through ALLAH. 

thanks for reading
first of all, please do not forget, ALHAMDUILLAH, there is no actual connection between solar days and lunar cycles.  that said...

Isn't it true that there is a discrepancy regarding how many days are in a month, that is, every other month has an extra day?

It should be beneficent then, to rest from counting to eliminate the difference.  That is, between the last visibility of the moon until the next visibility of the moon, these days are not part of either month.  They are neither counted with the numbering system the other days are counted with, nor are they charted in a grid with the other days on a calendar graph.  to the effect that the month is slightly shorter (as it does not count the time when the moon is not visible) as well as always the same -- no differentiation from one month to the next.

So if the moon goes invisible on july 5th, and remains invisible until july 7th, these two days are not counted on the lunar calendar, but are days of not counting, or sabbaths of counting.  A calendar so designed is always 28 days long every month -- what do you think?
General Issues / Questions / Re: "GOD" and Allahswt
July 08, 2024, 07:23:56 PM
Quote from: Emre_1974tr on July 08, 2024, 07:09:05 PMOur video;

Two things to say to respond to this video:
1. Why is this a video?  If you just post the text it is more efficient to transmit and consume -- not to mention more accessible (to the disabled) and more compatible (to those on diverse computer systems).

and more on topic:

2. If you won't stop accusing me of New Age you will lose credibility -- I made no mention of these oddities like ET or psychic powers.  Obviously I am based on the scripture and on practical mundane reality and have not made so much as the slightest suggestion of the supernatural, magical, or superstitious.

I can't believe you linked me to that video.  How can you still think I am pushing a magic?  Are you OK?  Why can't you see my post is based on morality and not mysticism?  Look, I have defined SPIRIT as CONSCIOUSNESS according to ROBIL ALAMEEN -- how is that magic?