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Messages - ImamQuranonly

He is
Pro War on terror
Pro War in Iraq
Pro Israel
and Anti-gay marriage
Anti-separation of church and state
Thinks America is a Christian nation.
Thinks women are men's slaves.

This guy would be a throw back to the days of holding a bible in one hand and a gun in the other.

He wants to increase military spending by 50%! That would mean 75% of our taxes going to the MIC. And when he was governor of Arkansas he grew a 1 billion dollar debt and increased the size of the government. 

IF, all of this is true, then there is nothing to worry about here.  If he did win the republican nomination in the long run, all of this would be exposed as the campaign continues and if he answers as such when he is questioned on it, then he would lose by a landslide.  Time will tell.
Parenting & Children / Re: I HAVE 19 KIDS!
January 04, 2008, 10:42:58 AM
Quote from: Tanveer on January 04, 2008, 02:09:52 AM
Peace all,

We might also be able to populate other planets and/or moons in the universe  :!

Salaams Tanveer,

Yes, a very good idea and possibility, Allah willing.  That is why it will be necessary for mankind to come together in the striving for all that is good and beneficial to mankind, with the concern for everything else on earth.  Science and technology can only lead the way through unity and mutual care, concern and respect, Allah willing.

Let's pray it happens!  :pr

As Salaamu Alaikum,  :peace:
Quote from: House M.D. on January 04, 2008, 06:39:51 AM
From IQO:
Ah, the irony...

The irony is that you follow me around like some little puppy to stick your poo next to whatever I write.  Do you have a fetish about me and my posts?  :confused:
Peace to you RaseemNaqqaash,

First, if I want to direct something at you...I will call your name.  Other than that, if the shoe fits, you are the one choosing to wear it in public.  I didn't put it on your foot.  I you have read so many of my posts as you claim, you will know that I have no problem addressing whomever I choose to by their name; just as I am addressing you here now!

Secondly, I personally don't care about your opinions of me and my posts.  Your opinion means nothing as can be construed from the fact that you still like to drink alcohol and try to justify it errorneously from Al Quran.  As Allah says in Al Quran, don't count your conversion to Islam as a favor to us, but know that Allah has conferred a favor on you for the invitation.  So you coming here arrogantly accusing me and making comments about my posts when you still know virtually nothing, is nothing more than a sign of your arrogance.

Third, I don't care about your personal experience.  I am not your friend and don't care to know.  Again, if you had read so many of my posts as you claim, you would know that I urge people not to tell their personal life in here because personal experiences neither prove nor disprove anything from Al Quran.  I am not here to be your friend per se.  I have lived long enough to know that not all so called "muslims" will be my friend, and that I will have friends even from those that don't call themselves "muslims".  I am here to study, discuss and debate the meaning of Al Quran.  If you are here for another reason, I would recommend that you ignore my posts, cause that is all that you will get from me, other than a correction such as this one.

Finally, you need to humble yourself and try to understand Al Quran before you start out on this forum trying to tell everyone what you think it means with authority.  You are gonna end up finding that you are misleading many people, as others do here, and then if you truly fear Allah, one day you will regret your arrogance and ignorance.  Your positions on alcohol and child support are not thoroughly researched from Al Quran as I can tell by your writing.  You simply read something that someone else wrote that you liked and jumped on the bandwagon.  Well, Satan and Hellfire have bandwagons as well.  So enjoy.

Salaams,  :jedi:

Quote from: RaseemNaqqaash on January 04, 2008, 05:48:11 AM

Is that rant of self-righteousness directed at me, brother?  If so, I would request you do not.  You know nothing of me, what I know about Islam, or what I care about the will of Allah.  As with all the posts I have observed from you, you arrogantly assume to know best or correctly, when, as has been posted to you by others, you are not being clever or 'ironic' with your posts, you are merely playing with words. 

If that was directed at me, I would respond that my family are white British.  We live in the UK.  The UK is not a Muslim country, and does not operate under Islamic Law (sadly)  My father in law was not a fit father, or he would have been granted sole custody.  He was not.  Infact, he was issued with an injunction/restraining order for several years, because he was mentally unstable, and could have posed a threat to his daughter.  He was utterly unfit to be a father, and in 20 years, has never proven otherwise.  My mother in law raised her daughter well, and her new husband also raised her well as his ward.  Her 'biological father', did everything within his power to never pay child maintenance, and never paid a penny, untill she was already over the legal age as an adult, yet always has the nerve to act like he is a perfect father, and a blameless individual.  The truth of the matter, is he is a passive/aggressive bully and a coward.

Al Qur'an specifies that a father must make payments for their children following divorce.  My father in law did not do that, until threatened with incarceration.  (Had he not agreed to pay at his last court appearance, he would not have left the court a free man, but would have been remanded in custody.  That is the level and severity which the situation had reached )  He will have to answer to the judgement of Allah for that, and many other things when it is his time to do so.

If your post was not directed at me, (it appeared to be, or, possibly just a baiting exercise to see who would bite) then please disregard my post.

[Edit for spelling]
Quote from: OPF on January 04, 2008, 01:08:40 AM
Again you just gave two empty names and assigned them a creed you made up on the spot. It's very hard to respond to a post which has no logical content, so you will have to excuse me from replying to this last one bro :)

Do you realise you can press the X in the corner and stop being pestered by Free-Minds? If you want to be pestered then go ahead but that's quite a strange fetish. :)

You may want to call them empty names, but many here continually use them and called themselves that, regardless of if you want them to or not! Sorry dude.  :& :wow

Im not at all pestered by Free-Minds.  That's your ridiculous assumption because I struck a nerve in you because of the labels of non-named people, of which you clearly choose to put yourself in one of their groups.   :bravo: Not very smart for someone who claims to hate labels.  :nope:

Maybe you are the one who should check out of freeminds if you don't like my posts.  :hmm  Or you can join the growing list of those who choose to ignore them  :yes  I really won't care.  ;D

Salaams  :handshake:
Quote from: OPF on January 04, 2008, 12:47:00 AM
Feel free to be as silly as you like, but you can't change your words. Yes, you are crying and being defensive, for what reason, I have no idea, but if this forum really annoys you, you can just press the "X" in the top right corner and it'll stop pestering you.

You can tell yourself that you "struck a nerve" all you like, sometimes a little self-reassurance is good, even when you happen to be lost.

You and ayman still don't understand.  :nope:  Btw, I never said you are annoying me...I find this quite amusing and funny actually.  I really didn't know you two were quite so childish or had such a sense of humor.  :bravo:

You think I am crying and being defensive?  :rotfl:  You really have no idea who you are dealing with then.  ;)

Please, keep pestering me and making a fool of yourself all that you like.  :!  Here is more amo to help yourself with.  :eat:  I can't change my words?  :&  Okay, how about you now respond to this quote: (happy hunting  :handshake:)

Quote from: ImamQuranonly on December 30, 2007, 10:50:21 PM
Salaams all,

There also seems to be another divide happening in the sense of "freeminders" and "Quran aloners".

Quran Aloner vs. Free-mind Alone

A Free-Mind Aloner:

1)   Believes there is no worship of Allah..He doesn?t need it.
2)   Therefore there is no such thing as ritual prayer, just meditation like Yoga
3)   You can drink alcohol if you like, just be moderate cause you are warned about it.
4)   Women can dress any way the society deems appropriate, just at least wear a bra.
5)   There are no such things as Angels, they are just forces of nature or aspects of human beings.
6)   There are no such things as Jinn, they are just mankind?s alter ego.
7)   Paradise and Hellfire are states of being in this life, not a new creation in the afterlife
8   There is no gathering day such as Friday, for believers to gather and hear the message since days of the week don?t exist in Al Quran.
9)   Men and women are equal in everything including their roles in life given by Allah.
10)   To determine the best meaning of a word, phrase or subject matter of Al Quran, the meaning of the root of the word is the single most important factor and takes all precedent over context and understanding.

A Quran Aloner:

1)   Believes that we must worship Allah, even though He doesn?t need it, because it benefits us and we were ordered to do it as a sign of our faith.
2)   There is worship of Allah in the form of a ?ritual prayer? called As Salaat.
3)   Alcohol is forbidden to drink because it intoxicates the mind, as are any other intoxicants that would make a person not normal during regular life.
4)   Women and men, but particularly women are given a dress code in Al Quran from Allah that specifies how they are different then men in their necessity.
5)   Angels are beings THAT ARE MESSENGERS MADE WINGS TWO AND THREE AND FOUR,  that are part of the unseen that a believer is required to believe in to qualify as a believer.
6)   Jinn are beings created from a smokeless fire that are part of the unseen that a believer is required to believe in to qualify as a believer.
7)   Paradise and Hellfire are real creations of Allah that we experience in the after life, although similarities of both can be found in this life.
8   There are gathering days for believers to gather and learn together from the book.
9)   Men and Women are equal in their service to Allah in the aspects of their soul, but Allah has given them different defined roles in society to create a balance and harmonious life style for the human being on earth.
10)   The best meaning of words should be used in the context of a given verse to determine what its true meaning is.

This is just a brief sample, but there seems to be a growing divide to the point that freeminders may end up just calling themselves a part of the universal force that we call "God", and hence the ultimate result is that we are all "gods", not a new concept...but one called shirk in Al Quran.

Let's all pray that Allah guides us all to be better understanding and peace.

As Salaamu Alaikum,  :peace:

Now what are your responses to the POINT of the post?  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Salaams Dr. Ayman,

By the way, exactly what type of doctor are you? (just curious)

Quote from: ayman on January 03, 2008, 11:41:09 PM
I don't get it.

That's quite obvious from your continuous nonsensical and non important tirades.  Try checking yourself.

Quote from: ayman on January 03, 2008, 11:41:09 PM
Perhaps "ImamQuranOnly" is just a playful misnomer on your part and has nothing to do with what you believe.

Still hung up on the name huh?  :hmm  I see you didn't take my advice in my last post.

Quote from: ayman on January 03, 2008, 11:41:09 PM
They can empirically verify in this discussion that those who like to divide into groups and sects do it out of arrogance and so they can give the impression of their group being "superior" to the other one.

You are calling me arrogant because I pointed out a divide that I saw from the attitudes and posts on this forum?  :nope: No sir, I think you are the ARROGANT one with a superiority complex.  :wow

Have you been waiting for months to try to find one thing to try and challenge me on so that you can feel superior?  :nope:  It seems so and that makes me feel really sorry for you.   :'(  You really should make better use of your time and faculties.  :yes  You and your points in this thread are petty.  You know what points I made and so does anyone that can read clearly.  :handshake:

Wawahabna lahu ishaqa wayaAAqooba kullan hadayna wanoohan hadayna min qablu wamin thurriyyatihi dawooda wasulaymana waayyooba wayoosufa wamoosa waharoona wakathalika najzee almuhsineena
Literal And We granted to him Issac, and Jacob, each/all We guided, and Noah We guided from before, and from his descendants (are) David, and Soliman, and Job, and Joseph, and Moses, and Aaron, and like that We reward the good doers.

Walaqad atayna dawooda wasulaymana AAilman waqala alhamdu lillahi allathee faddalana AAala katheerin min AAibadihi almu/mineena
Literal And We had (E) given David and Soliman knowledge, and they (B) said: "The praise/gratitude (is) to God who preferred/favoured us over many from His slaves/worshippers , the believers."

Walaqad fatanna sulaymana waalqayna AAala kursiyyihi jasadan thumma anaba
Literal And We had (E) tested/charmed Soliman and We threw on his throne/seat a body then he repented .

Qala rabbi ighfir lee wahab lee mulkan la yanbaghee li-ahadin min baAAdee innaka anta alwahhabu
Literal He said: "My Lord forgive for me, and grant/present for me an ownership/kingdom (that) should not be to anyone from after me, that You, You are the grantor/presenter."

Fasakhkharna lahu alrreeha tajree bi-amrihi rukhaan haythu asaba
Literal So We manipulated/subjugated for him the wind/breeze it flows/passes with his order/command, soft/gentle where/when it struck/marked .

Wa-inna lahu AAindana lazulfa wahusna maabin
Literal And that (E) for him at Us (is) an approachment/degree/rank (E) and a good/beautiful return.

Quote from: ayman on January 03, 2008, 10:30:24 PM
I am only trying to prove that it is not easy to let go of old inherited beliefs that have no basis in the great reading even for someone who sincerely calls himself "ImamQuranonly". Peace,


Surprise surprise Dr. Ayman,

You're not the only one that has a problem with this name!  :confused:  Is it the "Only" part?  Or is it the "Quran" part?

Or let me take a WILD guess and say it is the "IMAM" part?  :rotfl:  Sounds like a lot of you are suffering from residual sunnism effects. 

Maybe you should study "Imam" in the context of "Quran" only!  :yes :hmm
Discuss Latest World News / Re: Ron Paul Rising
January 03, 2008, 10:41:41 PM
Quote from: Daud-19 on January 03, 2008, 08:18:40 AM
Oh I do that, but Texans treat others like they don't exist or are to be sacrificed for thier own consumption...

I am generalizing of course, but I have not met a texan I would have dinner with... ever again...

Another closest racist and idiot on board!  :nope: