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Islamic Calendar & Ramadhan. / Night of QADR
November 16, 2003, 04:59:02 AM
Night of QADR (Decree, Destiny, Majesty, Almightiness)

We verily revealed it in the Night of Decree. And what make you know what the Night of Decree is? The Night of Decree is better than A THOUSAND MONTHS. Therein descend the Malaika (Universal Forces, ANGELS) and the Ruh (Spirit, Inspiration, Divine Revelation, Divine Inspiration) by their Lord’s permission, to carry out AMR (every command, all decrees). Peaceful it is until the rise of dawn. (97:1-5)

When Quran was Revealed

Ramadhan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the mankind, self-evident proof for that guidance and as the standard (criterion). (2:185)

The Ways of Ascent

The Malaika and the Ruh ascend to Him in a day that equals FIFTY THOUSAND YEARS. So, endure all adversity with goodly patience. For they see it far away. While we see it as near!  The day when the sky will be like melted lead… (70:4-8 )

Blessed Night

And this enlightening scripture. We have sent it down in a blessed night… (44:3)

Black Hole (the Gate to Paradise and the Greatest Signs?)

By the star when collaps. Your friend was not astray, nor has erred. Nor was he speaking out of desire. It was a Revelation revealed, dictated by one mighty in power. Then he rose and became stable. While he was in the highest horizon, and then drew near and came closer, until he was but two bow-length away or nearer. And thus did reveal unto His servant what was to be revealed. The heart did not give the lie to what he saw. Will you, then, dispute with him about what he saw? And indeed he saw him a second time by the lote-tree of the farthest limit, near it is the paradise of abode, with a lote-tree veiled in a veil of nameless splendor. The sight turned did not waver, nor it transgressed beyond limit. Truly he saw the greatest signs of his Lord. (53:1-18 )

And when paradise is brought near. Every person will know what he has prepared. So verily I swear by the receding stars (black holes), and the planets that run their course and set. By the night as it falls, and the morn as it breathes. This is indeed the utterance of a honorable messenger. Secure with Him, Possessor of the Throne. He shall be obeyed and trusted. Your friend is not a madman. And indeed he saw him at the clear horizon; and he withholds not a knowledge of that which beyond human perception. Nor is this the utterance of of the outcast Satan. Then, where will you go? This is no less than a reminder to all mankind, to those who wish to walk straight… (81: 13-28 )  
Into Higher Dimension Night Travelled

Most glorified be He who transported His servant by night from the sacred masjid (inviolable place of submission/prostration) to the farthest masjid (place of submission), whose surroundings We have blessed, in order to show him some of Our signs. He alone is all-hearing, all-seeing. (17:1)

Below is not a science fiction, but my personnal understanding after read in and between the lines of the above and related verses and references  8) :

From the verses above we can read the relation between the Night of Qadr and the “downloading” of the Quran to the Messenger’s ruh. The journey to the ways of ascent (through black holes and event horizon where lights could not escape) may take billion of years of our time. It’s called “night” journey because everything is so dark. It was a journey from the 3+1 (space and time) dimensions to the other higher 6 (or above) dimensions hidden in the center of black holes, where paradise is so near. This is only possible if it’s the ruh that travelled to the farthest place of submission and to the lote-tree (the dark matter which “hold” all the alternative/parallel universes, hyperspace) of the farthest limit and as close as (or closer) than two bows (strings?) to received the revelation and to saw the greatest signs of the Lord. Then we can understand why it’s called “the Night of Majesty or Almightiness”.

“By the star when collaps. Your friend was not astray, nor has erred.”

“Your friend is not a madman. And indeed he saw him at the clear horizon; and he withholds not a knowledge of that which beyond human perception. Nor is this the utterance of of the outcast Satan.”
“And indeed he saw him a second time by the lote-tree of the farthest limit, near it is the paradise of abode, with a lote-tree veiled in a veil of nameless splendor. The sight turned did not waver, nor it transgressed beyond limit. Truly he saw the greatest signs of his Lord.”

How could our friend Muhammad explain this phenomenon the beyong human perception to other human? He shall be trusted but he was like a madman… “The heart did not give the lie to what he saw. Will you, then, dispute with him about what he saw?”

It is extremely difficult to explain the five+ dimensional “world” to the people of the 3+1 dimensions. More difficult that to explain the 3 dimensional stuffs to the “flat people.” Even, the scientists recently claim that the universe(s) is flat, holographic. Something that puzzling us to imagine. It is very true when stated that our knowledge is only a drop in the ocean… The space and time, east and west, are existed as human perception. You may see a physical atom, tears, trees, earth, galaxies, etc., you might have lived your life for years and travelled for thousand miles when in the reality they are vibrating strings in a “movie screen” of a super “digital disc”. The ruh from the Creator blown in your self that make you alive and different with other makhluk. Because all creations originated from a singular matter and expanded true a big bang and will be ended up in a singular by a big crunch. The new “world” then substitute, where assets will be in the unit of measurement of “LIGHT” that vibrate. The beauty (frequency of wave and particles) of your light in the hereafter will depend on how do you develop it today, how do you fulfill your mission in this 3+1 world to serve (only) the Creator. Guidance, faith, scripture, truth (with goodness as the result)  at many times described as light. That’s why the rejecters (and the BLINDly following ignorants) will be longing for light in the hereafter life since they cover (kafara) and ignore the truth in this world where then their hearts were covered from receiving the light of God.

God is the ultimate source of light, but people can grab this only through parables:

God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The allegory of His light is that of a niche containing a lamp that is placed inside a glass, the glass like a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, that is neither eastern or western, whose oil almost self-radiating, though no fire touch it. LIGHT UPON LIGHT. God guides to His light whom He wills; and God sets forth parables for mankind, since God (alone) has full knowledge of all things. (24:35)

Mankind would need hundred years to abolish slavery, to set up universal system of socio political, economy, etc where the principles are there in the Quran to follow. If people believe in God and follow the Book, there will be harmony of life and there will be no age of darkness, like following (waste of life) man made traditions and rituals as they are from God, to obey false imams, blasphemous laws (e.g.: stoning to death for adultery, death sentence for apostate), unjust and unjustified (preemptive) war, different and disputing (religious) sects, etc.

Then the Night of Qadr, in the month of Ramadhan, when the Quran was revealed, is awesome and better than a THOUSAND of months. And what does it (thousand months) means:  

1.   A thousand months represent a very long time. By the revelation of the Message as a light for all mankind, the darkness of the age of ignorance spanning years after years of human history would begin to vansih. HIA HATTA MATLA'IL FAJR = the Quranic light will continue to enlighten the mankind until the whole world sees a new dawn.
2.   A thousand months = 83-1/3 years. The night of qadr is better than the whole life of every human (without guidance).
3.   A thousand months represent the total time of angels work in accordance with His plan to carry every decree of the wordly affairs. If a day equals 50,000 year (70:4), then a THOUSAND MONTHS of the work of angels equal 50 million months of our time, equal to about 4.2 million year. We can read from scientific research that Lucy and her kind lived between 2.9 million and 3.6 million ago during the Pliocene epoch and gave rise to our own genus, Homo. And until recently, hominid fossils more than 4.4 million years old were virtually unknown. So, the night of Qadr is better than the whole 4.2 million year history of “mankind”.

“Then the earth will shine with the light of its Lord. The record will be proclaimed, and the prophets and witnesses will be brought forth. Everyone will then be judged equitably, without the least injustice.” (39:69)

While some people believe that it will be repeatedly coming every year within the last (10) nights of Ramadhans (also RK said it's on the 27th night), let me know your thought on this Lailatul Qadr...

Discuss Latest World News / Saudi, oil & power
November 07, 2003, 05:26:53 AM
Two suspected militants blew themselves up in the holy city of Mecca to avoid arrest yesterday hours after a third suspect was killed in a shootout with security forces in the capital, Riyadh, Saudi officials said. It was the second day of confrontations this week between the militants and police and the latest clash in a nationwide security crackdown set off by attacks on 12 May on western compounds in Riyadh.
I read the above news hours ago. Here in Indonesia, militants (linked to Jamaah Islamiyah) were also arrested and many more to be pursued relating the recent bombings and attacks happenned in Southeast Asia region :evil: . We never know whether or not they are in connection with those in Saudi.

Yesterday, incidentally, I found a book titled “Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude" by Robert Baer, Former CIA Case Officer. I then searched in the net and come with this interview . It’s mainly about the half-century oil-and-military alliance between Washington and Riyadh, US dependency on Saudis’ oil, Saudi involvement in the financing/strategy/implementation of 9/11 (e.g.: 15 among 19 hijackers were identified as Saudis). Though I heard before about the Saudi Ambasador’s wife (or Saudi royal family?) in the US was indirectly linked to 9/11, it is quite shocking to read the article when previously it’s the Zionist who stand behind the scene as mentioned in some books and articles.  :o

This is becoming puzzling puzzle pieces to me when “mixing” those stories with Iraq blood for OIL war, the Yuko’s Russian Baron arrest which also related with OIL and tied to Kissinger, Rotschild, Rockefeller (Standard OIL) and Israel, also Afghanistan war (for drugs and OIL?), Bush-bin Laden relations (Bush's family has been running oil companies since 1950), Dr. M’s statement about “The Jews who ruling the world by proxy”, the Saudi terrorist who murdered RK in Tucson years ago… etc.  :roll: Along with all the conspiracy theories, I can see know that the Matrix (trilogy) is a lot easier to understood…  :)

Now, my questions are addressed to all, and for Layth (and Aidid  :wink: ) especially on Saudi’s:
What do you think about the above stories?
Do you believe in NOW (New Word Order) conspiracy: illuminati, freemason…? Any proofs?
What is your opinion on Saudi regime and the millitants?

And I remember when the Angels ask “would You make in earth those who would corrupt in it and shed blood?” (2:30)