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Topics - drfazl

Health & Fitness / Vaccines: they are dead and are deadly
September 26, 2013, 02:49:35 AM

Vaccines: they are dead and are deadly
Part I

This thread is necessitated because of the arrogant approach with the blatant lie of allopathy against the healthy population all round the globe under the false propaganda that their new innovative and inventive treatment called vaccination can prevent deadly diseases from occurring in any individual; and forcing all the just born healthy babies to accept the medicinal vaccine shots through bribing the governments, forming NHS, National Health Scheme and framing and forcing and fixing everyone into it.

Let us first look into their concept and idea of vaccine and see how sure they are about their alleged invention.

Quote"A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and "remember" it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters."

QuoteA vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease

This very first sentence is an out right lie.

It is not a biological preparation because it contains chemical agents and other added substances that are deadly and non-biological. They are not, and can never be individualised or personalised to well-suit each individual's psychologically connected natural defence mechanism thus diverting its activity and subverting the natural immunity. The vaccines are thus individually disease producing pathogenic materials i.e. sickness provoking foreign agents . The diseases the vaccines would produce shall affect the DNA and thus can be transmitted for generation to come to cause genetically disordered and structurally distorted and stunted off-springs mentally or physically or affecting both. The present day's rise in newly invented 'autism' disease and major auto immune diseases are certain examples of the vaccine caused syndromes.

QuoteA vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism

The reason why they choose a micro-organism is that they assume when they are injected in to the body, their power and virulence might create the necessary and appropriate amount of defence power in the body, which the allopathy theorises as immunity. With such gloom in their perception what they do is to choose something that resembles the supposed microorganism; and not actual microorganism that cause the disease, even going by their own imagination. This microorganism might not cause any disease per se in any individual; yet they are foreign bodies that might trigger unforeseen alarming reactions from immediate to any time in future when a normal person suddenly falling sick one day, never to improve. Many many chronic and life threatening diseases are due to this: hypertension, headaches, autoimmune diseases, renal failures, diabetes,  breast tumours, thyroid diseases, cancers, autism, mental retardation to cite a few.

Quoteand is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and "remember" it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters.

The above underlined part of the definition is to be explained in the next part.

Part II follows....


Peace Vs. Emotions
Health Vs. Diseases

Part - 1

Peace: this is the state of the presence of every good in mind. What is 'mind'? And what is 'good'? Mind is an abstract 'power-house' of a man where from his every good need from God, emanates as commands of communication to the out side world, and the worlds. This state of mind can be seen in the just born child: it's immediate need is air, water and food. The moment the head comes out, its first need is air; and the air receives the command from the mind of the baby as its head comes out; no sooner the head came out, than the air, with all its eternal power intact, gushed in to the lungs. This first-air, the cumulative power of the universes with all its Wisdom enters in to the rock-solid lungs, expanding them into buoyant balloon like; these lungs were like rock-hard, solid organs before the air enters it and enlivens it. Every need that blossoms in our mind is the God's powerful command that instantly connects with the target and makes it subservient to the command. Every one of God's command is instantly received by the entire cosmic forces that encompass the universal bodies altogether that work in perfect combination and ratios to deliver the produce in just measure of the needy. This is the power of the wisdom of the first air that infuses and effuses and convert the mountain like solid lungs into light weight flying balloons.

Here we shall be reminded of this ayat:

27:88  And you will see the mountains and think them solid, but they shall pass away as the passing away of the clouds. The Command of Allah, Who perfected all things, verily! He is Well-Informed of what you do.

Thus the child's first need that Allah intuited to its mind, which it communicates to the entire universal force, that obeyed to the command and served the air-life-force in just proportions and make him enter the world with the same buoyant mind of God's command which is in such closeness with it. We shall ponder this and keep in mind that any good thought comes to our mind it is a 'wahi' or direct command from God and that we instantly communicate to the universal force without leaving an iota of gap between reception of the command of God and communicating this need or wish to the external forces embracing us from the entire cosmos. We know for sure now, even as the command of God enters our mind, the universal cosmic forces necessarily groups together and comes closest to our mind to receive and carry out the order.

Be aware that even if we have the slightest doubt or hesitation to instantly communicate the command of the God to the universal forces the shaitaans among the jinns barge in to the gap with torrential questions of 'how it is possible?' using our useless earthy knowledge that we are taught and that we learnt from this earthy sources. At this, we descend down from what could have been the life of paradise, to the life of lowly earth, bereft of all needs. From submission and surrendering to the Will of God, we have stooped to such slow that our order is pride and arrogance with the filthy, wretched, worldly knowledge. Thus we stay cursed with our knowledge. This knowledge and pride go hand in hand; and the more the pride, the more impure our minds become and the worse and worse shall be our ability to receive the command of God and we go to the extent of rejecting God's command - our utmost needs on the earth as making no-sense.  Knowing the rejection in our mind, the entire cosmic force embracing us vanishes far and away to each of their intended positions. Now, we are not even human beings but mere cattle; nay, worse than that! And we become dogs and become dog-lovers not showing concern and love to, human beings anymore. This is because we rejected God and His Command we have become barking dogs. Our status shall even further worsen to the level of monkeys and pigs that we suffer from 'ape-diseases' and 'swine-diseases'; our heads are turned to our backs so that we shall never look forward to any good, but see and believe only the dead and the dead-past, the deadly and the past knowledge

True to this we see around us and are experiencing ourselves that all the so called scientific advancement or the knowledge of any walk of life lead us to more and more difficulties and vanities. For example the medical knowledge with all its boastful advancements they could not cure a simple flu-fever. To save their faces they now give so many different names to the same fever as HIV, SARS, swine, rat, mosquito, fly and what not. With all these amusing diagnoses one thing is common with the patients is that nothing is curable. All animal viruses shall attack us except human-flu virus for we are not humans anymore.

We were talking about our witnessing a grand event during the delivery of a new born, getting its first breath and how the cosmic force traverses through the solid, hard lung mass to transform it into spacious, airy, life generating breathing organ. Some times Allah sends not His command and thus the communication to the cosmic force does not happen. The new-born specialists lift the child by foot, with its head down, and beat on its souls, back and do all sorts of baboon's gimmicks and finally say it is dead-born. It is only a test unto the 'doctors', the pride of human knowledge and unto common man alike that these are not the ones who would make mountain into balloons.

It is the pride we possess of the earthy knowledge that makes us denounce and dismiss the Highest seat of wisdom as one that makes no sense is about which point our communications are lost with the cosmos and thus we cannot be elevated to the life of paradise in this world itself. Those who are not proud with their knowledge but seek wisdom from Allah alone with utmost humility and forbearance are raised to higher degrees. From among such of these are the chosen messengers  and the prophets of Allah who unlettered themselves after they are lettered I.e. who denounced and dismissed their earthy knowledge for want of higher wisdom standing steadfast in establishing connection between God's command and their receptors in their minds, all the while keeping the cosmic force of the universes close to the heart as their servants.

They glorify Allah thus :

All glory be to Allah, The God Of The Universes.

And their prayers will end thus:
10:10. Their prayer in it shall be: Glory to Thee, O Allah! and their greeting in it shall be: Peace; and the last of their prayer shall be: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

And this is the beginning of Peace ...

Next, the satanic emotions .......
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: This smiley is Haram

To The Moderators


Peace All
General Issues / Questions / How many muhammads SAWs?
January 03, 2013, 02:57:12 AM

There are these variations and identifications of muhammad saws.

The one with:
1. A pinch of beard.
2. A handful beard.
3. Breast level beard.
4. Knee level taliban beard.
5. Beard with mustache.
6. Beard with no mustache.
7. Beard with head shaven.

And numerous combinations of all these. Which of these is the true muhammad? Or the real Muhammad had truly been saved by Allah from the advocates belonging to these groups?

All good things happen from Allah alone but all bad things befall us only from what our own hands have wrought. Our planning for the future, our activities and work are based essentially upon the limited knowledge we have experienced through our physical sensations and upon our abilities based on it and put in our efforts with brute tolerance. With all these rudimentary efforts we set our eyes upon ultimately the money, our only goal.

There is another ability within every individual, 'the power of the soul' in the heart of hearts by which we wish for or mindfully and prayerfully reflect upon every subjective feeling placed in it as the 'need of the hour'. For example, the need of the hour is that we shall not suffer from any evil whatsoever from diseases to poverty; nor suffer from servitude; nor ourselves becoming aggressive and atrocious against the common man. There are these subjective warnings in our hearts that: we shall not lie; backbite; dishonor the word given to; nor suspect; nor be proud; never rejoice over what you have gained materially; nor shall you grieve over what have lost from you; never fear nor worry for by all odds your savior is God.

He created for us the heavens and the earth and made them subservient to us so that we perch upon the Arsh, by His Leave. Until such time you gain it, He rules the roost; He blesses us just not the skies and the earth but His word is that He would make us inherit even the heavens of the world after! To be a believer of this order - we cannot believe in the knowledge of the physical sensations, experiences, explorations of the objective celestial bodies; and shun from our hearts the men, matters and materials as our needs.

God has created us as individuals looking up to Him with gratitude, in every breath of us. It is mandatory on us for us to believe and live as an individual and return unto Him on the hour determined for us, all alone, in the way He created us. If Allah alone is our creator, He alone is the nourisher, the sustainer, the savior, the enricher and the designer of our future - then only Allah and none else besides Him. This is the life of 'no - association - to - God'. These are the believers, the victorious in this world and in the world after.

According to 14: 37

"O our Lord! I have made my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits: so that they may give thanks.

Allah would surely have accepted and granted the prayer and submission of prophet Ibrahim and made the precinct of the Ka'ba, the first house prophet Ibrahim built, into the land of irrigation, cultivable with rivers of water; and there should have been fruit bearing trees of every kind in and around the Ka'ba. Hence Ka'ba should be in an OASIS of some desert, and not in the desert of Mecca.

Allah says if you have any dispute regarding religion come to the Book and the Prophet. Sunnis say come to the prophet means come to the Book; and the Book is hadith. But the truth is that hadiths are the soul cause for all disputes and divisions. If following the hadiths are like following the prophet, then it is like saying prophet divided the muslim nation into so many sections. If we are sure prophet shall not indulge in such activities, then there should be prophet with the message and a Sign from Allah now in every language throughout  the world.

Allah sends continuously His Messengers to every nation, cities and towns until the last day to teach the Book, to impart Wisdom and iman; to purify the mind; to guide; and to dissolve the dispute in matters of life. Another important point is that the messengers to every nation are chosen from their own people, speaking their own languages. All messengers chosen by Allah are very well known to their people as they are always men who lived among them for a long, long time. Mostly the messengers were pagans before they were chosen and thus were as their brethren. Like Ibrahim who was a pagan before he was chosen as the messenger of Allah, and who used to live with them as a brethren of a community indulging in paganism or idol worship; and mostly, every messenger has such sunnah of Allah.

11: 25  And certainly We sent Nuh to his people
11: 50  And to Aad We sent their brother Hud.
11: 61  And to Samood We sent their brother Salih
11: 84  And to Madyan We sent their brother Shu'aib

Before each of them were chosen as messengers, mostly they were of this nature which Allah reveals as follows.

42: 52  And thus did We reveal to you the book of inspiration by Our command. You did not know what the Book was, nor the Iman. But We made it a light, guiding thereby whom We please of Our servants; and most surely you show the way to the right path.


The Beast Within

27: 82
And when the word is fulfilled concerning them, We shall bring forth a beast of the earth to speak unto them because mankind had not faith in Our revelations.

What kind of beast is this? Wherefrom is this beast? And what nature does it possess?


Dear brothers and sisters,

There were no abrogation in Quran. Allah does not correct His own words and ayats. It is only the wrong understanding of the ayat that led the people talk on subjects such as Allah has abrogated the verses of Quran. One of the ayats cited with reference to abrogation is 2: 187! Here is an analysis of the ayat in its correct sense.

In 2: 187
Thus Ramadhan is explained!

The Myth before the ayat descended; and
The Truth after the ayat descended!

The Myth:  It is not allowed for you to be with your wives on the night of fasting.
The Truth: It is allowed for you to be with your wives on the nights of fasting because the fasting period is only during the day time. With this ayat the confusion created by the people then, were given a clear explanation and the controversy ended there.

But then, the same confusion persisted with the day time whether it is allowed to be with the wives are not.
The Myth:  You cannot!
The Truth: You can! Allah is aware that you deceive yourselves in privacy; He forgave you with Mercy; It is like passing urine which you have to voluntarily void; It is like passing motion which you have to actively evacuate; similarly so, as the semen builds, fills and swells up it is to be let out in the just manner. So, henceforth make gains with your wives as permitted by Allah.

When you shall not be with your wives?
The Myth:    Do not have intercourse when you are in the mosques in Allah's remembrance
The Truth:   join not your wives when you are in your houses in Allah's remembrance;-
such is the limit set by Allah; and never trespass; thus Allah makes His signs clear inorder that you may ward off.

Please think afresh and say something solidly from your own senses with points valid. It will be greatly appreciated if 1500 years old stories and hear says are not repeated here. Any original contributions?
May Allah Bless Us All In This!
Masha Allah!

General Issues / Questions / Prayer is Worshiping
February 13, 2009, 07:24:39 AM
Brothers and sisters,

Though this topic has been dealt with before I want to place this topic again to work our mind to gain a new dimension. "Prayer is worshipping none but One!" But we know only the men and the matters and go behind anyone and go for anything - but the One. Thus we stray. How to worship Him now without knowing who He is! And where He is! He says He is near; and that He is nearer to you than even your life! Which means you are dearer to Him than your life is to you. Unless we feel the same way that we are for Him as He is for us, for sure we are far, far away from Him. Despite we Read this from the verses we go astray into mosques, churches, synagogues and temples. In fact and in effect we are following the poojaris, mullahs and priests and never the One, the God!

Ibrahim got the conviction by seeking from Him, to convince him and show him He is the Creator! Allah did convince Ibrahim and showed what Ibrahim wanted. And there was a man who saw a town that was destroyed and deserted at which point he asked His God, "Who will create this town again from such destruction?" And to this Allah made him die for a 100 years before he raised him up again and then showed the man with the example right before his eyes, of his donkey being brought to life from its bones in step by step manner; like joining the flesh to the bones and covering it with the skin before its life is breathed into it. Like wise unless we seek from Allah to stand witness at least to one of His Innumerable Attributes it is hard for us to believe that Allah is the God of the Universe! And unless we see His Wisdom individually there is no way we can stand steadfast in all our activities prayerfully worshipping Him alone without the sin of shirk.

Now the ordinance upon us is that we strive in this path following Ibrahim, Musa and other such prophets and messengers that we are to seek from Him, How He, The One, is the God of the universes! Then it is for sure we shall be given a beautiful and bountiful life here and at the end of our life here we shall be raised as His Witnesses and be of the foremost on the JD. This is all about the prayers before even we know what is worshiping. Please put in your views!



65: 1

O Prophet! When you divorce women, divorce them so as to ease them on the count of the days prescribed; and fear Allah, your God! Never shall you send them out of their houses unless they involve in open lewdness; neither shall they go forth. Such are the limits set by Allah; and whoso transgresses, he surely does wrong to himself; and you know not despite this Allah shall make you a way.

Dear people,
Allah says a house shall be the dowry for girl to be married;
And you have to live in their houses;
If you divorce leave their houses!

In America this law is in force! How come in a christian land America, they made this very important Quranic ordinance as National Law! How Allah had helped them and conducted them in His Way. No wonder for now Allah had made them inherit the world.

Your response, brothers and sisters!




Considering various verses in Quran, there is a clear difference between the two status. Eg. 22:52. There are so many verses in which Allah individually describes some nabis as "He had been a messenger and a prophet." And with reference to 3:144 and 48: 29 this topic is started. We will deal with 33: 40 also in the later part of the discussion. But first what is a 'prophet hood' and what is  'messengership'?

General Issues / Questions / Never Say: " I am a Muslim!"
December 09, 2008, 10:06:19 AM
Dear brothers.

We are not supposed to call us muslims but to seek His Grant to Become One. This is following the foot steps of the prophets Ibrahim, Ismail and Yacub and Yusuf. Muhammad was ordained by Allah to follow only Ibrahim. And from this any one who calls himself a muslim is a kafir.

Let our prayers be:
2: 128   "Our God! make us muslims, and of our progeny a people submissive to you as muslims; and teach us how to pray; and forgive us (for our 5 times and 3 times prayer) ; for You are the Forgiver and most Merciful.?
Sunni/Shia Religion / Can We say: " We are Muslims?"
December 23, 2007, 06:00:25 AM

Based on the following ayat can we say, " We are Muslims?"

"Our Lord! make of us Muslims, obedient to you, and of our progeny a people Muslim, obeying you; and show us our practice of obeisance to you; and turn unto us; for You are the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.