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Topics - Fadiva

Health & Fitness / White horehound (marriwa)
March 10, 2021, 04:55:40 PM

I don't know if you know "marriwa". It is a (very) bitter herb. We generally use to ease digestion, to "help" reduce the   blood sugar level, and for respiratory problems.
It should be consumed with moderation.

Here a link for information :

I highly recommend to search different sources of information.
Matrimony / A kind and believing man
March 09, 2021, 06:01:29 PM

I will be frank, i hesitated to post here. I had almost given up finding a partner because of incompatibility : I met different men, but they were not serious. And I never accepted the exacerbation male chauvinism.
A almost got married but had trouble with his too strict family (mother and sister on fact).
There are much more traditonalist muslim who just follow around me and I never met a muslim who reflects on religion, who really seek the truth. May Allah guide everyone who wants the truth.

I have given up for several years. I have even think of the possibility to stay single.
I came back my parents home and took care of mother who has diabetes and is illeterate.

Now, I am not that young, even if I look younger.
I am thinking of the possibility meeting someone interested in marriage.

I would define myself as a muslim woman who seek to improve herself God willing, I won't define myself as a "quranist" or "suni" or else. I am interested in the truth. I can question myself and can recognize my faults. I'm not a stubborn person.
I am a calm and respectful person.

I am not tall not small not fat not thin ( a lot of not 😅) : 1m64 (5'5''), 56 kg (123, 5 lbs)
I have brown hair and brown eyes. 
I am said to be rather pretty. That is a matter of tastes.  I have put a small piece my picture.

A muslim/believer. Someone not attached to  unfounded traditions.
A respectful man, not a macho man 😤

Physically: average height and weight.
Age: I would say between 35 to 45.
Someone who lives in France or near France.

Maybe a bottle trown into the sea maybe I will find someone here InchaAllah.
Peace everybody,

I don't understand those who ask (asked here) for example "is sterilizing an animal transforming the creation of Allah" Which would be haram.
There are those who says plucking eyebrows is changing/transforming the creation of Allah" and when I say plucking or shaving the pubis is the same if I think the same way. I have as an answer like: "no it is different"    How?
And what about circumcision?
What about cutting tree to make furniture?
And what about all the thing used to build something?

Does the phrase "transforming the creation of Allah" include a list of things one can't "transform" ?
Off-Topic / For those who speak English
February 22, 2021, 03:17:47 PM
Salam aleykoum, peace

I would like to know if this sentence has a real sense :

"Callows won't survive". It's something heard not seen. So I'm not sure about the spelling of  "Callows" but it sounded like that, that why I wrote it this way. I have never heard this word before.
I can understand and speak English but not like a native or someone who is fluent at speaking English.

Does it mean something?
Marriage & Divorce / Forced marriage forbidden ?
February 11, 2021, 07:07:26 PM
Salam everyone,

I haven't found a verse that "forbids" forced marriage. It doesn't mean automatically that forced is allowed.
I haven't read a verse in which forced marriage is allowed neither.
It seems to me that the future  spouses are willing, not under compulsion ( I am more sure for the man) .

Maybe I have missed something.
The question is: Can a muslim stop a forced marriage using verses from al Quran ? ( which verses ? )
Salam aleykoum,

In my knowledge some muslims think that some verses abrogate others according to one translation of one verse.
So, if we follow this logic, only verses from quran can replace others verses, right ?

So which verse replace the verses dealing with the cleaning before salat ? : washing face, hands to elbows, wipe head and feet.

Are some hadiths considered as verses ?

I mean, has someone had  answers to those questions from a scholar or a "suni" muslim who don't clean the way it is described in al quran ?
If yes, what were the answers ?
Questions/Comments on the Quran / repentance, absolution
December 05, 2020, 06:04:45 AM
Salam everyone,

Here is are 2 translations of  verse 4.17 I wonder if I understood well :

Sahih international :The repentance accepted by Allah is only for those who do wrong in ignorance [or carelessness] and then repent soon after. It is those to whom Allah will turn in forgiveness, and Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.

Yusuf Ali: Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allah turn in mercy: For Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.

The verse in arabic:
إِنَّمَا ٱلتَّوْبَةُ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ ٱلسُّوٓءَ بِجَهَٰلَةٍ ثُمَّ يَتُوبُونَ مِن قَرِيبٍ فَأُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ يَتُوبُ ٱللَّهُ عَلَيْهِمْ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا 

So the repentance is only accepted when someone commit a sin (by evil i wonder if it includes all sins) without knowing it is bad and repent soon after.
So he have to repent immediatly after he realized he has done evil.
But it can take more or less time for one to realize it, right ?

I can see examples of people, who commit sins, know there are sins or ignore the warns of some believers. At the moment maybe they didn't realized the serouisness of their deeds or were somehow not "ready" .

I wonder with the verse above if their deeds will be forgiven, if their repentance will be accepted. Seems like that no. But i could be wrong.

I give a few example here to illustrate:

The man (or woman) who commits adultery and did it several times and knew that it was bad but only repented years laters. He committed it not to challenge God but because of weakness or wasn't able to stop himself ( or not willing to not do it at that time).

The woman who had seen someone (a wizard ?) in order to make something to keep her husband, thinking that it was a good thing. I heard stories like this in Morrocco. What about her repentance ?

To sump up: There is no way to repent unless we do evil by ignorance, isn't it.
So even one has been accorded by Allah a life of 70 years  (for example) but did "evil" not by ignorance in his life and repented after, he won't be forgiven.
example: He committed sins from 20 to 50, repented at 50 and has 20 years left before he dies.

I believed before I read this verse, that the sincere repentances were accepted if done before agonizing, when we are about to die or a few times before dying. But didn't thought that those you did sins thiking they can do all sins they want and just need to "hajj" or repented to be forgiven: I means those who somehow "plays" or are premeditating or calculating.

I just wonder if there is here (in this verse) a degree of seriousness to be take, the real attention of the people ( really bad or "just" negligent or carefree).

I noticed in the translations that some translators added "carelessness" or " folishness" as if the word translated by "ignorance" encompasses those meanings.

Can someone bring more details ? (by using verses and their knolewdge in arabic).

May the God guide us.
Peace everyone,

I am really upset that some people (maybe a lot) seems to prefer lies to truth ( and call a lie a truth) maybe to preserve some kind of faith. Some can't be aware of it and some refuse to seek in order to not disturb this faith (and we are a lot capable of this...).

Here some examples:

Ghosts, jins, magic: How many traditional muslims prefer a "jin option" for a fact rather to a rational explanation when there is actually one !.
Like fake videos when you clearly see the trick or can explain it rationally. Example: simple magicians on television are said to be assisted by jins or others creatures by some muslims or christains when we can find quite easily the tricks explained (revealed) on others videos, but no...those continue to believe they have the assistance of a seem better to stay in their fantasies.

Another video: A muslim filming an abandoned appartment with female screams, trying to persuade people that the screams comes from an invisible creature but in the fact you can see a women (the accomplice) in the video  stealthily can a believer fabricate such a lie ? was he bored ? Did he need attention ?
And I heard a lot of stories like; " one day a woman came to a river ata night and..." " one night a man came to his basement and..." hearsays which originate from an unknown person and repeated by others and maybe containing modifications. All those stories dealing with jinn, devil or strange creatures but not details...

And some people can experience strange situations like humanoid form appearances and we can find "jins", "angels", "devil" or "aliens"as explanations, it depends on the people's belief. How can they conclude to those without investigating or just comparing what they saw or think they saw to the description of those creatures in the Book for believers (for instance).

I am not saying their is no Jin or "strange" creatures or magic etc...I think that giving a jin or other invisible creatures "explanation" when we don't know is lying because the truth is that we don't know unless we have a proof or a very solid argument.
Before concluding to a jin (or other), one should ask before; what's a jin ? and it can be other options: sleep paralysis, allucination, other...

I have already experienced strange situations but I couldn't conclude it's a jins or its from devil or angels because if I am honest; I don't know what was it, I am not able to explain it it can be several things but if I conclude to a jin, or a ghost, or aliens or a symbolic message I am more likely a liar because I don't know.

Some prefer an explaination to another because it's more comfortable to them (emotionally).
I think we generally prefer comfort to the truth. One can go crazy when someone demystifies his beliefs.

I don't know if I am wrong, but it seems that some people need to cling to those storie to maintain or reinforce their faith.

Black magic:
How many people conclude that they are victims of black magic because they didn't marry or their husband ( I said here husband because I heard or read women claiming about it) wants to divorce, or can't be successful ?

We can find orther reasons:
- behaviours (a woman or man who is authoritarian, mean, liar or other...that scare off a possible suitor)
- physical appearance
- family

Lies by omission:

Very bad behaviour to me.
How can a muslim deliberately lie to convice someone to enter his religion or to try to conter argue ? :

Cutting a verse to make it say what he wants, omit the following of the verse or the other verse.
Conter arguing using just one verse or a hadith he chose while the non believer used several verses (and the result is not convincing if we do not turn a blind eye because we can imagine that that person is enable to deal with the other verses brought). If we aren't able to argue because of lack of knowledge we should abstain. And I have seen some answering in an insulting manner (the emotions that take precedence over reason...).
And some muslims who refuse (or can't) to see the the lack of consistency of the argument used.

We are not suppose to lie (without a good reason like when we are under death threat)  or lie to ourselves.
Questions/Comments on the Quran / Verses 2.143- 145
July 08, 2020, 05:22:13 PM

How do you understand those verses ?
( I quoted sahih international translation, I checked other translations, and found the same meanings ( more or less) and took them into consideration)
Sahih International: And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you. And We did not make the qiblah which you used to face except that We might make evident who would follow the Messenger from who would turn back on his heels. And indeed, it is difficult except for those whom Allah has guided. And never would Allah have caused you to lose your faith. Indeed Allah is, to the people, Kind and Merciful.

Did Allah change the qiblah ( direction ?) ?

Sahih International: We have certainly seen the turning of your face, [O Muhammad], toward the heaven, and We will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be pleased. So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-haram. And wherever you [believers] are, turn your faces toward it [in prayer]. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture well know that it is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.

And chose a qiblah tnat pleased the messenger ?

Sahih International: And if you brought to those who were given the Scripture every sign, they would not follow your qiblah. Nor will you be a follower of their qiblah. Nor would they be followers of one another's qiblah. So if you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, indeed, you would then be among the wrongdoers.

Sahih International: Those to whom We gave the Scripture know him as they know their own sons. But indeed, a party of them conceal the truth while they know [it]

Those who have been given the scripture knew the truth refused to follow Muhammad's qiblah and have several qiblah.
So they knew the truth from their Book and refused to follow the messenger's qiblah ( that has changed (?)) and some of them concealed the truth.
If  we consider that the qiblah has changed ( understood this after reading several translations into French), this is different from what they have in their Book ( and they knew the truth from it)... I am quite confused 

There is one Qiblah that everyone should follow, and it is a physical direction here (understanding).
General Issues / Questions / Concerns
June 05, 2020, 10:30:02 AM
Peace to everyone,

I know that some people can be anxious about certain things.
I am anxious about the idea to set up partners with God, maybe of lack of understanding about what this all encompasses.
Some times I can have concerns (maybe unjustified worries like something that ressembles "paranoia") like this though : Is using antivirus software making in some way partner with Allah ? I know that it is used to detect computer viruses, prevent a dangerous/infected web page from being displayed  etc... And I tell myself  to be reassured "it's like shield and sword used in war".

Maybe you will find that question crazy, but when someone fear something so much, the can raise distressing thoughts or questions.

If I decided (and I hesitated) to share this here, is to have your opinion (as believer).

And if the administrator of this forum wants, this thread can be used to talk about concerns in general (linked to Islam).
Introduce Yourself / Hello from France
April 29, 2020, 06:58:06 AM
Salam everybody,

(English is not my mother tongue so I can make mistakes, even I studied it several years ago but never been to an English speaking country).
I'm happy to be able to post. I tried to register 5 months ago but never received the activation code,I even tried with several e mail adress. So i decided to follow some topics waiting one day if i can connect here. I never retried from 4 months ago, until today and i'm here  :).
It worked without having received and used an activation, I wonder why. Maybe there are some technical problems in this website (and some articles can't be found).
I hope to be able to reconnect other days in order to communicate with you inch Allah.

I consider myself as a muslim because I accepted to submit to Allah, I think that I have a lot to learn. I experienced different states of belief or disbelief.
I grow up in a family which follow what they have been taught i.e transmission by family and scholars : a mix with culture (marroco) and "traditional islam". They trusted/trust because enable to read.
I followed what has been taught to me without asking questions, following some hadiths, traditions and quran based "instructions" a kind of mix but never made research. But one day, someone showed some violent verses from al quran (translations), and i discovered some violent hadiths and the behaviour of some muslims ( violence, terrorism, punishments, lack of patience, hostility...). I was lost and stayed some years fearing Islam.
And I tried to come back to islam but still been more or less disturbed. The day I discovered that some translations are false (admitted  either but some "sunni" muslims and the muslims who base their belief on  Al quran alone), that adiths form the books of muslim and bukhari (I wonder if those are their true names) are questionable I was hopeful.
Now, I try to anderstand Allah's messages, trying to following them. I'm trying to know the truth but it isn't easy, there are diiferent religious movements in Islam, how sad...
I just fear to wrong myself, hope that the god will guide me if he wants. I can't understand classic arabic just some words, i can read them with harakates ( recently learned).
Some observations, notes, points here seem very relevant to me. Thank you for having shared your research, reflections and opinions  :) There are useful.