I'm eager to learn more about the attributes of God, especially those that inspire love, hope, and Anger, Disappointment, Destroyer, Vengeful etc. I'm not looking for debates but rather positive insights and shared experiences. If you have scriptural references, personal stories, or teachings that highlight God's nature, I'd be grateful to hear them.
I have asked my queries at
https://chatnow.org and with a pastor and below is the chat transcript. Please go over the talk and if any one can answer me please.
How are you?
Hello Ray
am fine
I'm doing well.
What's on your mind today?
Are you a human or a chatbot?
I am a male, human, live in the US.
thank you
since you are a volunteer , may I know your qualifications to answer my queries about God?
Yes, I have done years of study in the Bible, have walked with JESUS for over 30 years and know GOD personally.
That is just great
may I begin asking my questions pls
Go ahead.
First one. God exhibits emotions such as happiness or anger, as illustrated by the punishment of Pharaoh through plagues. How can God, the Creator, exhibit characteristics that are traits of humans, the created? Being divine, should God not be beyond human emotions like joy or astonishment, since these are responses to occurrences? How is this possible?
In the Bible, GOD created humans "in HIS image".
It stands to reason that the very emotions that we have and MUCH more come from HIM!
Yes, but considering a Creator who was not brought into existence by anyone, how can He experience emotions such as happiness or otherwise, as though He were also created? That's my query. I'm not disputing that we are made in His image. My question is, if He is uncreated, then how is it possible for Him to experience these emotions? For instance, if you suddenly become happy, it implies that something has happened of which you were previously unaware, leading to your happiness. This means you didn't foresee the event. However, God is omniscient, knowing everything past, present, and future. So, how can He be subject to such reactions
You, by your argument, have stated that emotions are limited ONLY to humans. There is NOTHING in all of history, nor in ANY of the writings of ANY religions that state that a divine being should be emotion-less!
Even JESUS, GOD in the human form, had great joy when something wonderful happened!
Emotions are NOT just human, the indicate life!
In response to your point, I acknowledge your assertion that emotions are not exclusively human traits and that no historical or religious texts explicitly state that a divine being must be devoid of emotions. However, my argument hinges on the nature of these emotions themselves. Emotions, as we understand them, often arise as reactions to events or revelations, implying a transition from unawareness to awareness. Given that God is all-knowing, possessing complete knowledge of the past, present, and future, the concept of God experiencing emotions like happiness or sadness seems contradictory. For if one knows everything, there would presumably be no surprise or new information to elicit such emotional responses. Therefore, my concern is how the attribute of omniscience aligns with the experience of emotions, which typically denote a change in awareness or state.
Your point may seemingly be valid, however, again, you are ascribing to GOD, a limitless, divine being, emotions AS YOU understand them in this world! Anger, for example, is usually impulsive and very rarely correct. GOD's anger is NEVER that way, never impulsive and NEVER incorrectly applied. For you or me, finite beings, to state that GOD cannot have emotions is similar to an ant stating that he fully comprehends the stars in the heavens!
it is evidently clear we approach the understanding of divine emotions from distinct viewpoints.
I follow the Bible.
While I recognize the infinite nature of God compared to our finite existence, my inquiry seeks not to limit God but to understand the compatibility of omniscience with emotional responses as we know them
Where are your opinions of GOD from?
let me please continue then i shall reply on that
If God's anger is not impulsive, as you've described, then how do we interpret the series of plagues that were inflicted upon Pharaoh and his people as a form of punishment? This action, at first glance, may appear to be a direct response fueled by anger or retribution towards Pharaoh's defiance. However, considering your explanation that divine anger is fundamentally different from human anger—never impulsive and always just?
My understanding of God is still evolving, and I sincerely hope for your kindness and patience as I navigate through my changing thoughts. It would be greatly appreciated if you could engage with my inquiries with an open mind, rather than through the traditional lens often associated with Christian perspectives.
I have something more to add please
Occasionally, I find myself contemplating the possibility that we, as humans, might be the creation of a higher, more advanced being, and our existence could be akin to simulations or experiments conducted by these beings. It's intriguing to observe how similar patterns of emotions and behaviors—such as love, despair, anger, and conflict—recur through the centuries, suggesting a cyclical nature to our existence without significant progress or direction. While some might interpret life as a test of our perseverance by God, I'm curious about the purpose behind it all. What does God seek to achieve through this? Please understand, this isn't meant to disrespect or challenge divine intention but is a reflection of my genuine curiosity. At times, it feels as though we're akin to robots, executing a predetermined set of tasks, and I'm eager to explore and understand the broader significance of our roles and experiences.
Fortunately, GOD has left us with the written Word (the Bible), that explains MUCH of HIM and of HIS divine purpose.
Consider these verses:
He is the God who made the whole world and everything in it. He is the Lord of the land and the sky. He does not live in temples that men build! This God is the One who gives life, breath, and everything else to people. He does not need any help from them. He has everything he needs. God began by making one man. From him came all the different people who live everywhere in the world. He decided exactly when and where they must live. God wanted them to look for him and perhaps search all around for him and find him. But he is not far from any of us: 28 'By his power we live and move and exist.' Some of your own poets have said: 'For we are his children.'
So, you must not think that God is like something that people imagine or make.
I assure you, I have diligently explored the religious texts of the Torah, as well as the Old and New Testament, and have observed instances where God is portrayed as a force of destruction, focused on punishing people. There are numerous verses that, to the common observer, may raise questions about the necessity of subjecting humans to such extensive trials and suffering. Please understand, my intention is not to selectively interpret these scriptures, but rather to seek a comprehensive and holistic understanding. I'm genuinely trying to grasp the broader picture and the overarching messages within these texts, and I would greatly appreciate your insights and guidance on this journey.
In the past, people did not understand God, but God ignored this. But now, God tells everyone in the world to change his heart and life. 31 God has decided on a day that he will judge all the world. He will be fair. He will use a man to do this. God chose that man long ago. And God has proved this to everyone by raising that man from death!"
I appreciate your perspective and the insights you've shared. However, I feel that our conversation is steering towards Jesus Christ, while my questions are centered on the nature and attributes of God. My intent is not to deny Jesus or his significance in any way. Rather, I'm seeking to understand the complexities of God's character and how they align with the themes of mercy, justice, and love that are so central to our discussions. It's the essence and attributes of God that I find myself pondering over, and I hope we can explore this together. Please try to see where my confusion lies—it's in grasping the broader essence of God's nature, not in questioning the role or existence of Jesus
Unfortunately for all who do not wish to turn to JESUS, HE is the only way to GOD.
HE Himself said that HE is the way to GOD!
If we study JESUS, we will understand GOD!
HIS love, HIS compassion, HIS holiness and even HIS anger.
Did you observe JESUS' response in the temple, with the whip?
I respect your viewpoint and the conviction with which you hold it. However, I would like to gently bring into consideration the vast and diverse tapestry of human civilization, including ancient cultures like the Chinese and the Indus Valley, which have flourished for over 5,000 years. These civilizations have their own rich spiritual and philosophical traditions, which have evolved without reference to Adam, Eve, Abraham, Noah, Moses, or Jesus. The essence of my reflection is on the inclusivity of God's love and the vastness of human experience across different times and geographies. To suggest that the spiritual journeys and beliefs of countless individuals outside of the Judeo-Christian tradition are in vain seems quite a stark standpoint. It is my belief that all of us are children of God, embraced by a divine love that transcends our understanding and encompasses all beings, irrespective of the path they follow. I hold these thoughts with the utmost respect for your beliefs and teachings, and my intention is not to dispute but to express a longing for a broader understanding of divine grace that acknowledges the rich diversity of human faith and spirituality
In the temple, Jesus made a whip of cords and drove out the merchants and money changers, overturning their tables, and declared, "My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers".
The anger of GOD is not easily aroused. It's not an impulsive emotion such as that of an abusive husband or dad.
JESUS viewed the temple, saw the disgrace, then left.
Much later, HE came back and used the whip!
That is how GOD is!
HE is FIRST merciful!
I understand the significance of Jesus' actions and teachings, including his response in the temple. However, it's important to remember that not everyone is familiar with these stories or has been influenced by the Judeo-Christian tradition. Many people and civilizations have lived and passed away without knowledge of these events or teachings, through no fault of their own. Suggesting that their lives or beliefs were in vain because they didn't know of Jesus feels like a difficult stance to reconcile with the compassionate and inclusive teachings found in many spiritual traditions, including Christianity. I believe in a God who understands and loves all His creations, regardless of the time or place of their birth.
That is why I sent you these verses: "In the past, people did not understand God, but God ignored this. But now, God tells everyone in the world to change his heart and life. 31 God has decided on a day that he will judge all the world. He will be fair. He will use a man to do this. God chose that man long ago. And God has proved this to everyone by raising that man from death!""
GOD was patient for thousands of years!
But NOW, we must recognize our guilt!
We must turn from our sin!
We must turn to JESUS, the ultimate sacrifice!
I appreciate the verses you shared and the message they convey. But It's also true that, according to many religious teachings, God has communicated with humanity through various messengers throughout history, offering guidance and opportunities for redemption. This suggests that God has not simply ignored people but has actively engaged with them, demonstrating patience and a desire for understanding. Recognizing the multitude of messengers sent by God across different times and cultures, it seems clear that divine engagement with humanity is complex and multifaceted, rather than a matter of being overlooked or ignored. I understand and respect your emphasis on the significance of Jesus in understanding God's message and intentions for humanity. While I do accept Jesus and his teachings, my current exploration is aimed at delving deeper into the nature and attributes of God. The essence of my confusion lies not in the acceptance of Jesus but in trying to reconcile certain aspects of God's character with the broader scope of divine compassion and justice as portrayed across various traditions. Your perspective has been enlightening, and I value our discussion. However, I'm still navigating through my thoughts to fully grasp the complexity of God's nature. This journey of understanding is important to me, and I'm grateful for the insights you've provided, even as I continue to seek clarity on these matters.
Thank you for chatting tonight!
Thank you so much