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Topics - LastDay3


Salaam/Peace to All,

Each and every truthful Believer
=from among all Nations/Peoples of the World,
=from among all Jews (=Children of Israel) and Arabs (=Children of Ishmael),

whoever wishes to receive a  "1000 --(Solar or/and Lunar)-- Months"

Worth of Awesome CREDIT-REWARD

(to receive it) just in a single Night,

must absolutely See this, in this Final Age now, (clicking) here:

The Most-Superb WISDOM of/in "1000 Months" here! (=97/1-3)

Remain in Peace/Salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

Historic Storm in Mecca. Saudi Arabia (=August "19")

Tonight due to heavy winds at Masjid Al-Haram
the Kiswa/Cover of the Qabah has been blown out of its place,
uncovering the brickwork.
   August 19, 2018  =  Dhu-AlHijjah 8, 1439 

                                                Month Day                    Month Day

                                                    8    19                         12    8

                                                      Year                             Year
                                                     2018                            1439


So was/is there a Most Critical and Important WARNING/MESSAGE from ALLAH
in this Historic Storm above,

to all Arabs (=especially and first of all, to all Children of Ishmael living in Mecca and Arabia therein)
in this Final Age now?

One day, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) came to Zainab bint Jahsh (=i.e. His Wife,
the honorable Mother of all believers), in a state of fear and said:     

There is no God except ALLAH!   

Woe to the "Arabs" from the Giant-Disaster that has approached (unto them).   
For, today a hole has been opened in the dam of Gog and Magog like this;
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) made a circle with His index finger and thumb (therein).     

Zainab bint Jahsh (the honorable Mother of all believers) added: 
I said: O ALLAH's Messenger,  shall we (=i.e. all "Arabs" above) be punished (by ALLAH)
even though there might be righteous people among us (in the Future, at that time)?     

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said:   

Yes, when the (number) of evil-doers

--(especially those who would ignorantly/hostilely/arrogantly reject and oppose 
His long awaited and anticipated Mahdee descendant  =i.e. that most Critical and Important
"Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" in this Final Age now)-- 

increased (at that time)!     

Sahih Bukhari, Book 92, Hadith 82                     

So before the coming of this Giant-Disaster --as clearly prophesied
by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) above-- in the near Future,

all Arabs and all Nations-Peoples of the World should absolutely See
this most Critical and Important "MESSAGE"
for/in this Final Age, now (clicking) here:

Most Essential  "19"  of/in  QURAN TESTAMENT  ......

Remain in Peace/Salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

The "2018" Spectacular Perseid Meteor Shower

"The Perseid meteor shower comes around every summer when Earth passes
through the trail of dust and debris left in the orbit of the very large Comet Swift-Tuttle,
which passes near Earth every "133" (=19x...) years on its journey around the Sun."

When it is nearest to the Sun in its orbit (i.e. Perihelion) 
0.959 = we could legitimately take it "in three digits" as: "0.95" (=19x...) AU 

When it is farthest from the Sun in its orbit (i.e. Aphelion) 
51.23 = we could legitimately take it "in three digits" as: "51.3" (=19x...) AU 

=QURAN TESTAMENT 41/53 = 74/30 

Let us watch it, and have a Perfect Awesome View, inshaAL-LAH.

Remain in Peace/Salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

To witness one of the most notable and essential "Sign" of the fast approaching "Hour"

(GOSPEL, Luke 21/25-36)   =   (QURAN TESTAMENT  43/61  &  47/18),

for/in this Final Age now,
(please, click) here:

= Great  American  Eclipse,  on  "August  212017"

Remain in Peace/Salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

here is the leading Christian Site in America that firmly believes and openly provides Evolutionary Creation facts,
founded by Dr. Francis Collins (a well known and respected Professor of Biology worldwide, who was the Head of the
historic "Human Genome Project," which successfully mapped the entire Human Genome),
this may be the most advanced and truly informative Site with regard to "Evolutionary Creation" scientific facts --(especially
Basics of it, first of all, with clear and simple Language for everyone,
starting here:

But they are harshly criticized, even openly ostracized in many cases, by that strong Evangelical "anti Evolutionary Creation" movement
--(relentlessly fighting against all kind of Evolutionary Creation facts more than a century, based on their
literal --"trinity" based-- false/mistaken interpretation of Bible and Genesis particularly)--
first of all, especially here:

I fully support Biologos' strong belief and firm standing in favor of Evolutionary Creation facts,
but totally reject their following of such false Evangelical doctrines (i.e. "trinity," & "resurrection story of Jesus on the third day," etc).

But also I strongly believe/hope that such truthful Christians clearly Foretold in QURAN TESTAMENT here (=3/55-58 & 5/85-86)
perhaps may come out from among them, first of all, in near Future, in this Final Age now.

Though it was not particularly a warm Welcome, at all, but at least they have not deleted or suspended it (yet)
--(in many other Evangelical Christian sites there is not even slightest chance to make even
a short comment in favor of QURAN and Evolutionary Creation facts therein)--

for delivering the MESSAGE, openly, there:

Remain in peace/salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

this Result may cause very important Developments, or/and Repercussions and Consequences,
especially in the Middle East, and throughout Europe and then also throughout the World,
in the short and long term.

A Must See Topic here from Last Year, on March 2016,
(clicking again now) here:

Could TURKISH President (R.T.E) be such a "SIGN" (=41/53) for/in this Final Age now?

*Please, do not ask any questions in this Issue
because I have already said all what I wanted to say in this Issue,
in the link above; no more comment.
You may comment and give your opinion, if you wish, as you wish.
Everyone is free and entitled to his/her own opinion.

Because I always prefer to totally stay away from all politics;
I am only interested in those profound "SIGNS" above; what could they mean for us,
exclusively and only in this most specific Respect as clearly emphasized in the link above,
for/in this Final Age now?


Remain in peace/salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

I have seen recently (specifically in my home Country) some Scholars argue that
"it is absolutely forbidden for parents to choose the gender of their offspring, because they say:
only AL-LAH can grant "sons" or "daughters" to whomever HE wills, (=in Arabic: liman Yashaau),
according to Sura 42 and Verses 49-50.     

So I wanted to carefully check and clearly see it again, here thus:

49-  To AL-LAH belongs the Ruling-Dominion of the heavens and the earth; (so,) HE creates whatever HE wishes.
HE may bestow "daughters" to whomever wishes (to have "daughters"), (=in Arabic: yahabu liman yashaau "inathan"),
and may bestow "sons" to whomever wishes (to have "sons"), (=in Arabic: yahabu liman yashaau "aldhukoora"),   

50-  Or HE may bestow-them-as/in-pairs: "sons" and "daughters;" and HE may make whomever wishes sterile.
(For) certainly, HE is Best-Knower, Best-Measurer.


So in my understanding, parents can thus lawfully wish to have "daughters," or to have "sons,"
by this specific Permission/Grant of our Lord AL-LAH unto them above.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The High-Tech Road
The odds of choosing the sex of your child may be even better with the help of technology.
According to the fertility experts contacted by WebMD, MicroSort -- a method that involves separating
the male sperm from the female -- is the current gold standard.

"The only effective method that I feel would be useful for sex selection is the MicroSort technique,"
says William Gibbons, MD, director of the EVMS Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine.

Carson agrees. "I think sperm sorting is probably the most viable method that we have right now,
but it's probably most effective when it's used in combination with in vitro fertilization."

MicroSort, which is licensed by the Genetics and IVF Institute in Fairfax, Va., is undergoing
an FDA clinical trial.
The technique involves separating X- and Y-bearing sperm by using laser light, dye, and a machine called
a flow cytometer. Once the sperm are divided, the specimens are inserted back into the woman through
artificial means, such as in vitro fertilization.

A news release issued in October 2002 from the Genetics and IVF Institute reports that MicroSort
has a 91% success rate among couples wanting "girls," and a 73% rate for those wanting "boys."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So if this kind of medical procedures mentioned above are totally harmless to (Mother, offspring, and Father),
and if they do not attempt to do any genetic manipulation (=i.e. changing the DNA of the offspring --because to change and
manipulate the DNA of humans, or any other organisms, may be such a satanic practice that is strongly condemned in QURAN TESTAMENT
here: 4/119-121)--

then it may be such a Great Blessing of our Lord AL-LAH unto all parents above, in this Final Age now.

And finally, we should also certainly note that our Lord AL-LAH specifically mentions

the "daughters" first, and the "sons" thereafter, in this Verse above (=42/49),

and then, 

the "sons" first, and the "daughters" thereafter, in this following Verse above (=42/50),

I think HE may also thus clearly be indicating to us 

neither "daughters" nor "sons," are particularly more important and precious,
but they may thus be equally most important and precious,

because the Most Essential thing is:

whether "Male" or "Female," to be, equally, such a sincere, faithful and truthful Servant of AL-LAH,
here and forever (=49/13), in the first place.

Remain in peace/salaam.   

Whatever I have said that may be perfectly Correct and Right is from AL-LAH,
and whatever I have said that may be essentially or partially mistaken or wrong
may only be from my own self (shortcomings: forgetfulness, hastiness, etc.) (=34/50)

Salaam/Peace to All,

The discovery of the Higgs Boson
Big Bang to Big Data | Kyle Cranmer | TEDxBinghamtonUniversity
A young physics professor at NYU and a leader in the search for the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider,
the world's highest-energy particle accelerator in Geneva, ......

he explains and emphasizes the essential importance of Language of Mathematics
and Perfect "Symmetry" (=i.e. Perfect "Pairs")
that is clearly observed in quantum (=i.e. atomic, subatomic level) of our whole Universe (e.g. in atoms,
quarks, leptons, electrons, etc. therein)

and the crucial importance of the discovery of Higgs field / Higgs boson in this respect,   

in a simple and clear language, that we can clearly understand, in the above short (i.e. about 16 minutes) video.

49-  And of every wished-intended-wanted/thing (=in Arabic: shayin) We have created
as/in perfect "Pair," (=i.e. perfect "Symmetry,")
that perhaps you may take-Reminder. (=taDhakkaroon = Dhikra here: 74/30, "31")!

49-  Surely, We have created every wished-intended-wanted/thing (=in Arabic: shayin)
in a Precise-Measure. (=biQadarin here again: 74/30  =  41/53)!

QURAN TESTAMENT  51/"49"  =  54/"49"

Remain in peace/salaam.

Whatever I have said that may be perfectly Correct and Right is from AL-LAH,
and whatever I have said that may be essentially or partially mistaken or wrong
may only be from my own self (shortcomings: forgetfulness, hastiness, etc.) (=34/50)

Salaam/Peace to All,

so let us clearly see these most Essential and important Verses, in this regard,
here thus:

59-  The bodily appearance/shape/form (=mathala) of Jesus in the Sight of AL-LAH
is (the same) as the bodily appearance/shape/form (=mathala) of Adam;
HE created him from "dust" (=i.e. from all elements present in earth "crust" therein), thereby HE said
to him (in the womb of his Mother) "Be" and he (immediately started to) "be" (therein).     


First of all, we should absolutely see that

this specific term above:  "mathala" can essentially be understood as (="bodily appearance/shape/form") therein,

because this specific --same root-- verb here: "tamaththala" has thus clearly been mentioned
by our Lord AL-LAH, first of all, here again thus:

17-  ...... so We sent Our Spirit (=i.e. Gabriel, 2/97 = 16/102) to her (=i.e. Mary),
and he came to her in "bodily appearance/shape/form" (="tamaththala" laha) as a perfect human (therein).


So, we may thus clearly infer that

1)  The bodily appearance/shape/form (=mathala) of Jesus (PbuH)  was/is  exactly same as
the bodily appearance/shape/form (=mathala) of Adam (PbuH), by the Perfect Decree of
our Lord AL-LAH therein above (=3/59), from the very Beginning.

and then also

2)  The creation of Jesus (PbuH) in his Mother's womb was exactly similar/same as
the creation of Adam (PbuH) in his Mother's womb therein above (=3/59),

(*yes, because Adam and all of those first modern Human population with him therein,
must have been descendants of an earlier Human population therein: 2/30 = 6/133,
so thus Adam (PbuH) had a Mother too, just like Jesus (PbuH) had a Mother above.

So, thus in all of these most specific aspects which are clearly emphasized
in this most Essential and important Verse above (=3/59),
we can thus clearly see a perfect similarity/equity between Adam (PbuH) and Jesus (PbuH)
therein above (=3/59),

and for this Reason, we can thus clearly see a perfect similarity/equity between two of Them (PbuT) above,
also in MATHEMATICAL respect, first of all, from the very Beginning, here thus:

Amazing MIRACLE in "Adam = Jesus" is Revealed right here now! =3:59!%20=3_59.pdf 

So but how could Jesus (PbuH) be exactly same as Adam (PbuH),
with regard to the bodily appearance/shape/form (=mathala) therein, from the very beginning?

So let us clearly find the Answer, in QURAN TESTAMENT,
by always following this Perfect-Explanation "Principle" of our Lord AL-LAH therein (="75/17-19"),
here thus: 
16-  And mention in the Scripture, Mary, when she withdrew herself from her family to an eastern location. 

17-  And she had taken seclusion beyond them, and We sent Our Spirit (=i.e. Gabriel, 2/97 = 16/102) to her,
and he came to her in "bodily appearance/shape/form" as a perfect human (therein).
18-  She said: I seek refuge with The-GRACIOUS from you if you are righteous.

19-  He said: I am Messenger of your LORD, to grant you the gift of a pure son.

20-  She said: How can I have a son when no human-being has never touched me, and
I have never been unchaste?

21-  He said: Thus, your LORD has said: It is easy for ME. For We shall make him a "Sign" for the people and
a "Mercy" from Us.
And (thus) the "Procedure" (=i.e. perhaps, the "blowing" of one of Adam's normal cell, by Messenger "Gabriel" (PbuH),
into the Mary's reproductive cell therein, as we will clearly witness such a specific indication in the clarifying Verses
below ="75/17-19")-- has been completed! (=wa kana "Amran" maqdiyyan!)
22-  So she became pregnant with him (=Jesus, PbuH), and she withdrew with him to a far-off location.

                                                     V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V

12-  And Mary, daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We blew into it by Our "Spirit" (=i.e. by the
blowing of Messenger "Gabriel", perhaps, one of Adam's normal cell, again, into the Mary's reproductive cell
therein above;)--

and/for she believed in the "Words" of her LORD and HIS "Decrees;" and (thus) became (one) of those Righteous. 

QURAN TESTAMENT  19/16-22  =  66/12     

Remain in peace/salaam.

Whatever I have said that may be perfectly Correct and Right is from AL-LAH,
and whatever I have said that may be essentially or partially mistaken or wrong
may only be from my own self (shortcomings: forgetfulness, hastiness, etc.) (=34/50)
Off-Topic / What if a Nuclear Bomb hit NYC?
December 25, 2016, 07:41:15 AM

What if a Nuclear Bomb hit NYC?
(an essential explanation with visuals in about 4 minutes)
Its no mystery the power that a Nuclear Bomb has.
We saw the devastation that was Nagasaki and Hiroshima,
but how would a modern day Nuclear attack on NYC play out?
The results are quite scary.....

1-  Say: I seek refuge with the LORD of "the Split" (=i.e. "al-Falaq" =
"the Split" of the Atomic nuclei  =  Nuclear bombs, etc.)

***"al-Falaq" essentially means "the Split"
e.g. we may clearly see it also here: 6/95  &  26/63

2-  From the evil of what it produces (=i.e. massive energy, shock-waves, total destruction).   

3-  And from the evil of utter-darkness (=i.e. of mushroom clouds and its aftereffects therein) as it falls,

4-  And from the evil of those which blow (=i.e. radiation, high energy particles therein) into the knots (=i.e.
to destroy our DNA double helix structure which basically resembles many knots therein).

5-  And from the evil of an "envious-one" (=i.e. all "crazy guys" in the world who is deranged enough to drop
such a Nuclear bomb)-- when he envies!


So, our Lord AL-LAH is always our One and Only Protector  &  One and Only Deliverer, forever.

=QURAN TESTAMENT  10/62-64  &  11/54-56  &  36/25-27  &  40/45  &  ..........   

Remain in peace/salaam.

Whatever I have said that may be perfectly Correct and Right is from AL-LAH,
and whatever I have said that may be essentially or partially mistaken or wrong
may only be from my own self (shortcomings: forgetfulness, hastiness, etc.) (=34/50)

Salaam/Peace to All,

so let us clearly see these most Essential and important Verses,
in this regard, here thus:

228-  And those divorced-women shall wait for three menstruation-periods; and it is not lawful for them
to conceal what AL-LAH has created in their wombs, if they believe in AL-LAH and the Last "Day" (=i.e.
a specific reference to this Present "Thousand-Years" here in this World now: 22/47 or/and  Future "Infinite-Years"
in the Hereafter then: 36/54-58)
And their husbands are more justified to return to them (specifically) in this (case of Pregnancy above),
if they (=i.e. Wife and Husband mutually) wish to reconcile (therein).
And for those Women (will come Responsibility, when/if the Marriage is restored therein) for/like/as
those (Benefits) in favor of them, in righteous manner (=i.e. because those Women in this case of Pregnancy above
will be Responsible to suckle their new-born child, for two full years, if the Fathers (and they themselves
mutually) absolutely wish to do so therein, as we will clearly witness it in the clarifying Verses below  ="75/17-19")

But for the Men (will come Responsibility) in favor of them (=i.e. those Women above) one more "Degree"
(="Darajatun": i.e. because those Men in this case will also be Responsible to provide for their "new-born child,"
in addition to their beloved Wife therein, as we will clearly witness it in the clarifying Verses below  ="75/17-19")
For AL-LAH is Mighty, Wise. 

                                                    V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V

233-  And the Mothers will suckle their children for two full years, for the one (=i.e. Father) who may
absolutely wish to complete the suckling.
And upon the Father for whom the child is born (is a Responsibility) to provide their (=i.e. Wifes')
all (extra) provisions and clothing (therein), in righteous manner (=i.e.
thus in addition to legal/lawful Dowry payment: Fareedatan
that should be given by the Husband, ideally, in the beginning of the Marriage (=2/237),
and then also legal/lawful Regular payment: Saduqatan
that should be --on a daily, or weekly, or monthly basis-- given by the Husband again throughout the Marriage (=4/4),
the Husband now should also make an extra effort to take good/best care of their "new-born child" therein above)--
in righteous manner.   

(But) a soul cannot be burdened except in accordance with its --physical/mental/financial-- capacity.
(So), no Mother shall be harmed because of her child, nor shall a Father (be harmed) because of his child.
And --(if the Father dies)-- upon the Guardian is the same (Responsibilities) above.

But if both-of-them (=i.e. Wife and Husband) wish to wean (their new-born child therein earlier), out of mutual-agreement
between them and good-counsel, then there is no sin upon two-of-them.
And (here also in this case now) if you wish to hire nursing mothers for your children, then there is no sin upon you
when/if you rightfully deliver (to those nursing mothers) what you should rightfully pay (to them), in righteous manner.

And (always) be Conscious of AL-LAH, and know that AL-LAH is Seer of what you do. 

QURAN TESTAMENT  2/228  =  2/233

Remain in peace/salaam.

Whatever I have said that may be perfectly Correct and Right is from AL-LAH,
and whatever I have said that may be essentially or partially mistaken or wrong
may only be from my own self (shortcomings: forgetfulness, hastiness, etc.) (=34/50)

Salaam/Peace to All,

here we shall clearly see these most Essential and important Verses (3/81  =  33/7-8), in this respect,
first of all, now here thus:

81-  AL-LAH took the Covenant (=Meesaq) of "the Prophets," (saying):

When I gave you the Scripture and the Wisdom, then a "Messenger" will come to you,
confirming/fulfilling what is with you,

so you shall certainly "believe" in him, and you shall certainly "support" him!  ........

                                                  V V V V V V V V

7-  We took from "the Prophets" their Covenant (=Meesaq)
--(as it is clearly mentioned in the above Verse, in the first place)--

from you (O Muhammad), and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus, the Son of Mary;

And We (thus) took from them (above) a solemn Covenant (=Meesaq).

8-  So that HE will surely question the truthful-ones about their truthfulness (in this
most specific Issue above),
and HE has prepared for the "disbelievers" a painful Retribution (therein).

QURAN TESTAMENT  3/81  =  33/7-8

So due to the Fact that our Lord AL-LAH thus clearly Recommends unto us
to carefully follow the reading of QURAN (=feattabi QURANAHU)
in order to clearly see its Perfect-Explanation (=Bayaanahu) by HIM therein (here =75/18-19),

so, when we carefully follow this Recommendation above, we clearly see that 

these second Verses above (=33/7-8) are the Perfect-Explanation (=Bayaanahu) by our Lord AL-LAH
of that same "Covenant" (="Meesaq")
which is mentioned in these first Verses above (=3/81).


("Covenant = Meesaq" perfectly-established in (=3/81

                  V V V V V V V V   75/18-19 
("Covenant = Meesaq" perfectly-explained in (=33/7-8).     

*Please, also absolutely note that
these --(exact "opposite")-- key words at the end of those Verses above:

"believe" in him (="latuminunna" bihiX  "disbelievers" (="kafireen")

is another Powerful-Proof that this "Covenant = Meesaq" here (=33/7-8
is absolutely referring to the same "Covenant = Meesaq" here (=3/81), from the very Beginning. 

So thus, we can clearly conclude that

after these great "Prophets" (="Nabeyyeen") here:

Muhammad, and Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus, (Peace be upon All of Them)

a "Messenger" (="Rasool") would thus absolutely be sent by our Lord AL-LAH
for/in this Final Age now.   

QURAN TESTAMENT  3/81  =  33/7-8

So finally, let us clearly witness the Fact that
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) was already fully aware of
the fundamental Significance of these Verses above,
and thus clearly prophesied about that specific "Messenger" (="Rasool") above,
in one of his most miraculous Prophecies, now here thus: 

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said: 

If only one Day of this World remained, ALLAH would lengthen that Day,
till HE sends (=in arabic: yab'atha) a "Man" therein who is
from me, from my family (=i.e. his descendant),

whose name will agree with my name (=i.e. "Muhammad"  &  "Ahmad")
whose father's name will agree with my father's name (=i.e. "Abdullah")

who will fill the Earth with "Equity" and "Justice"
as it has been filled with "chaos" and "discord" (before the Advent of it).

Sunan Abi Dawud, Book 38, Hadith 4

Please, certainly note that this specific verb:

...... till HE (AL-LAH) sends (=in arabic: yab'atha) a "Man" ......

in the above most miraculous Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him)
is specifically used also in QURAN, in the first place, therein, when it refers to:

...... till HE (AL-LAH) sends (=in arabic: yab'atha) a "Messenger" ......

here: Sura Qasas 59Mumin 34, from the very Beginning!

So now, let us clearly follow this same Essential Principle perfectly Recommended unto us
by our Lord AL-LAH above (=75/17-19),
and try to clearly find the Perfect Answer of this most essential Question, in this respect, here:

Prophet Muhammad (PbuH) is the "Seal/Final" (="Khatama") of (which) "Prophets"?

                                                  --continues in the next post--

Salaam/Peace to All,

here we shall clearly see these most Essential and important Verses (=23/5-7  &  4/25-28), in this respect,
here thus:

5-  And those (Believers) are the ones who guard their chastity,     

6-  (So they have marital relations) only with their spouses (=azwajihim)  or  what their right-hands
(=ma malakat aymanuhum); (and) they shall not be blamed.

(*Both of these marital relations (=i.e. with their spouses  or  with what their right-hands accommodated) above
are defined as: perfectly rightful and equal lawful/legitimate Marriages" (="Nikaah")
by our Lord AL-LAH, here: (=4/25), as we will clearly and openly witness it here now.)

7-  But whoever seeks anything beyond these (=i.e. these two types of perfectly rightful and equal
"lawful/legitimate Marriages"
(="Nikaah" above), then those are the transgressors.

                                   V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V

25-  But whoever of you does not have financial-means (=tawlan) to marry the
believing "protected-Women" (=i.e. "Muhsanaat": they are financially secure and independent Women,
because they may be "well-protected and provided" in this regard by their own Families, or/and through
their own lawful and legitimate Jobs/Businesses, etc. therein),

(you should seek to marry) from those that your right-hands would accommodate (=ma malakat aymanukum)
of your believing "working-Women" (="Fatayaatikum": they are financially less secure and
less independent Women, because they have to work --for average or minimum wage-- to take care of themselves
and also to help their Families.)

Because AL-LAH knows-Best (the quality and strength of) your Belief, some of you are (thus) from some (=i.e.
we are created equally as "Man/Male" and "Woman/Female" here, and the Best among us, in the Sight of AL-LAH,
is --(not those who may be the Richest in worldly possessions here)-- but the One who would reverence HIM
the Most here =49/13).

So you may marry them with the permission of their Families (=i.e. because it may have serious effect/consequence
also on their Families financially and also in other physical/emotional aspects as well, when/if they totally lose
the much needed --financial, and physical/emotional-- help of their Daughter unto them therein),

and so you shall give them their payments in adequate/recognized/considerate (=almaroof) manner (=i.e.
the dowry payment : fareedatan which should be set ideally in the beginning of Marriage =2/236-237
and then especially the regular --daily or weekly or monthly-- payment : saduqatan =4/4
which should be given regularly as long as the Marriage perfectly and lawfully continues therein--
should not be less than this hard-working believing Woman (proposed to for Marriage therein) was already earning
in her Job as an average or minimum wage therein);

(and in return for this Great Help and Support of AL-LAH unto them above,
these hard-working (in her Job or/and also at home) believing Women shall always maintain) moral behaviour,
by not committing lewdness, and by not having any secret-lover.   

And when they "become Protected" (=i.e. "uhsinna" : when they thus become financially
more secure and more independent through this lawful Marriage therein)   

if they come with an immorality (=i.e. adultery, etc.) they shall have half of what is the punishment
for those who are "protected-Women" (=i.e. "Muhsanaat" from the beginning above.)

---(*Because AL-LAH cares about those who live in financial-hardship (=alanata) here and thus Rightfully mitigates
the punishment for them, when/if they ever lose control and (unintentionally/uncontrollably/inadvertently) do
something wrong, in an unfortunate moment, in this respect above.)---   

This --second type of perfectly rightful and equal lawful/legitimate Marriage" (="Nikaah") above-- 
is for those (truly caring and compassionate Men) who would rightfully care about the financial-hardship
(=man khashiya alanata) --(of those financially less fortunate Women of/in the Society)-- from among you.

And your perseverance (=tasbiroo : thus to observe all of the Commandments (=Hukm) of AL-LAH,
wholeheartedly here =76/24) is Best for you. And AL-LAH is Forgiver, Merciful.

26-  (Thus) AL-LAH wants to clarify for you and guide you to the paths of those before you, and pardon you;
for AL-LAH is Knowledgeable, Wise.

27-  And AL-LAH (thus) wants to pardon you (=if we ever lose control and --unintentionally/uncontrollably/inadvertently--
do something wrong in this respect above),
but those who follow (their) lusts want that you deviate a great deviation --(by trying to make us forget or ignore
this Immense Compassion and Forgiveness of AL-LAH here, even thereafter, unto all of us: 25/68-72, 73-76)   

28-  AL-LAH (thus) wants to alleviate (your burden) from on you; (because) the human-being was observed 
to be --physically/mentally-- weak. (=8/66  &  20/115  &  7/102  &  24/21  &  .........)

QURAN TESTAMENT  23/5-6-7  =  4/25-26-27-28

Remain in peace/salaam.

Whatever I have said that may be perfectly Correct and Right is from AL-LAH,
and whatever I have said that may be essentially or partially mistaken or wrong
may only be from my own self (shortcomings) (=34/50)

Salaam/Peace to All,

here we shall clearly see this most Essential and important Verse (=18/83), in this respect,
now here thus:

83-  And they ask you about the "Possessor of The-Two-Horns, or The-Two-Tribes" (="Dhee Al-Qarnain"),
Say: I will recite to you a "Reminder-Message" (=i.e. "Dhikran") of/about him.

*Because that this specific Person (="Dhee Al-Qarnain") has already clearly been mentioned and foretold
in TORAH before this, those who would specifically ask about him above now 
must be those who are already well-aware of these Verses therein, in the first place:

       V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V

And of/about Joseph,  he (=i.e. prophet Moses therein prophesied and) said:

13-  Blessed by the LORD be his land,
with the choicest gifts of heaven above, and of the deep that crouches beneath,

14-  with the choicest fruits of the sun, and the rich yield of the months,

15-  with the finest produce of the ancient mountains, and the abundance of the everlasting hills,

16-  with the best gifts of the Earth and its fullness, and the Favor of HIM Who (=i.e. Whose Power & Majesty) dwells
in the Bush.
(*When HE directly talked to Moses, exclusively and only with HIS Voice, from within that blessed "Bush"
therein =Quran Testament  27/8-9 28/30)

May these rest on the head of Joseph, on the pate of him who is Prince among his brothers.
(*Because he is specifically chosen by AL-LAH as the Prince/Leader among his brothers,
for this specific Reasons, therein =Quran Testament  12/4-6, 89-92, 100-101)

17-  A firstborn bull?he has majesty, and his "Two-Horns" are (like) the Horns of a wild-Ox;
with them he shall gore the peoples, all of them, to the ends of the Earth;
(*We will clearly see that this "Possessor of The-Two-Horns, or The-Two-Tribes" (="Dhee Al-Qarnain")
will thus go to the ends of the Earth and may also rightfully discipline some barbaric peoples
therein =Quran Testament  18/86-87-88, 90)

they (=i.e. those "Two-Horns") will be (established upon)
the ten-thousands of (the "Tribe" of) "Ephraim," and the thousands of (the "Tribe" of) "Manasseh."   

TORAH, Deut. 33/13-17


So the rest of this most Essential and important "Reminder-Message" (=i.e. "Dhikran")
of/about  this long awaited and anticipated "Possessor of The-Two-Horns, or The-Two-Tribes" (="Dhee Al-Qarnain"),

--(who will be sent by AL-LAH perhaps towards the very end of this Last Day (=Millennium: "2001 ......... 3000"),
and after he will have completed his Mission and taken to Heaven by AL-LAH therein (=18/94-98),
the End of the World will come, in a little while, thereafter: (=18/99.....)--     

as strongly and unmistakably indicated in the above Verses (=18/83 .........)
now it can clearly be seen here:

=QURAN TESTAMENT,  Chapter No. 18, Verse No. 84 ..................... 99

Because that this specific pronoun (=huwa, hu = he, his) has been used in QURAN TESTAMENT
to specifically refer to "men-males" or/and "women-females," equally,
here: (=4/124  &  16/97  &  .......),

and then (=huwa = he) has also been used to specifically refer even exclusively to any "daughter/female,"
here: (=43/17-18),   

so there is a great possibility that
this long awaited and anticipated "Possessor of The-Two-Horns, or The-Two-Tribes" (="Dhee Al-Qarnain")
clearly foretold in these Verses above (=18/83-99)

may be a Woman-Female "Messenger/Leader" (=i.e. specifically a descendant of "Prophet Joseph" (Peace be upon Him)
as clearly foretold in QURAN and TORAH above)
who will be sent and fully supported by AL-LAH at the predicted Time therein above.

*Yes, AL-LAH may have already sent many Woman-Female "Messengers" in the past,
and HE can do so, when/if HE wills, also in the Future at the predicted Time therein above.
Please, clearly see it in QURAN TESTAMENT  Chapter No. 16, Verse No. 43
now again here:

So, finally, we can see the clear relation between "Prophet Joseph" (Peace be upon Him)
and his long awaited and anticipated Descendant, i.e. 
"Possessor of The-Two-Horns, or The-Two-Tribes" (="Dhee Al-Qarnain") above,
in such a most specific and exclusive --perfectly parallel-- manner here:

21-  And thus, We "established Joseph" in the Land/Earth --(in the past),
and that We might teach him the interpretation of the narrations.   

                                V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V

84-  Certainly, We "established him" (=i.e. "Possessor of The-Two-Horns, or The-Two-Tribes"
(="Dhee Al-Qarnain") in the Land/Earth --(in the future, before the End of the World therein: 18/98-99......)
and We gave him the means of all things.

QURAN TESTAMENT  12/21  =  18/84

Remain in peace/salaam.

Whatever I have said that may be perfectly Correct and Right is from AL-LAH,
and whatever I have said that may be essentially or partially mistaken or wrong
may only be from my own self (shortcomings) (=34/50)

Salaam/Peace to All,

here we shall reflect on these most essential and important Verses with regard to "Marriage,"
and try to clearly understand the Perfect Commandments and Recommendations of our Lord AL-LAH
unto all of us, in this respect, now here thus:

1-  O people, be Conscious of your LORD Who has created you as single "body/soul" (="nafsin" wahidatin
=  i.e.  "Male-Kind," for example: our honorable ancestor "Adam" in this respect, first of all, therein),

and HE created from it (=i.e. from exactly the similar/same genetic material, equally:
"46 chromosomes" = "46 chromosomes")-- its mate (="zawjaha"
=  i.e.  "Female-Kind," for example: our honorable ancestor "Eve" in this respect, first of all, therein),

and HE sent forth from two-of-them (=i.e. "Male-Kind"  &  "Female-Kind" in that first modern Human population
wherein "Adam" and "Eve" were thus chosen Leaders therein =2/30-38)-- many men and women;

so, (always) be Conscious of AL-LAH in Whose (Name) you request (your needs/promises/rights) from one another, and
(regard) the relatives. Certainly, AL-LAH is Watcher over you. 

2-  And give the orphans their possessions, and do not substitute the "bad" (=i.e. "illicit earnings/possessions")
for the "good" (=i.e. "lawful earnings/possessions"), and so do not consume their possessions --(by greedily
combining/adding them)-- into your possessions; for truly this would be a gross injustice/sin!

3-  But when/if you fear that you cannot perfectly uphold justice for (all) the orphans (by taking good care of
all of them in your Society-Community-Nation), then you should marry off (=faankihoo)
those who (look) morally-clean to you of the "women" (=i.e. specifically the "mothers" of those orphans above)

="two" (to "two" good "single" man)   and/or   "three" (to "three" good "single" man)
and/or   "four" (to "four" good "single" man).

But if you fear that you cannot achieve-"equity" (=i.e. you cannot succeed in finding perfectly "equitable" matches
for/in each case above) then (you may try to "marry off"

at least) "one" --such "widow" with her orphan/s above-- (to "one" good "single" man),
or/and (this Law will apply exactly the same also with regard to) those whom your right-hands accommodated (=i.e.
those "young girls/daughters" protected and sheltered by Believing --(financially middle or low income)-- parents or
stepparents here: =4/25)   
This is best that you do not commit injustice and suffer hardship (as/in whole Society-Community-Nation). 

*In the above Verse when/if this specific verb:  "marry off" (=fa-ankihoo) is thus rightfully read and understood 
in exact similar/same manner as here:  "marry off" (=wa-ankihoo) (=24/32),
then we can clearly see that our Lord AL-LAH recommends unto all truthful Believers (as a good/best Deed on our part,
as a whole Society-Community-Nation)

to lawfully "marry off" (=fa-ankihoo)
all such "widows" with their orphans,  and then also all such "young girls/daughters" above,
especially who are morally-clean (=tayyibat) among them, first of all, in this Rightful manner above: (=4/3),

and then again

to lawfully "marry off" (=wa-ankihoo)
all "singles",  and also all "working-men and working-women" (in their business or in their homes as their lawful employees),
especially who are morally-upright (=salihaat) among them, first of all, again, in this Rightful manner here: (=24/32),

in such a perfectly parallel and absolutely Coherent/Consistent manner here:  (4/3  =  24/32). 
4-  And give the "women" (=i.e. specifically the "mothers" of those orphans above here again, first of all)
their "dues" (="saduqatihinna"  i.e.  --daily, weekly or monthly-- payment (other than
the "dowry-payment" (="fareedatan") here: 4/24 = 2/236-237)
that should be given regularly to them
by their husbands therein)-- willingly,
but if they remit (occasionally) any of it to you of their own will, then you may take it thankfully, humbly. 


So, due to the Fact that our Lord AL-LAH thus makes it unmistakably Clear to us
that HE has originally/ideally/perfectly created

one "Eve" for one "Adam"   or/and   one "Adam" for one "Eve"

in the very first Verse of this most specific Chapter above (=4/1),
henceforth, I believe we should always absolutely be mindful of this "Perfect Decree" of our Lord AL-LAH
above, in the very first place,
and thereby should clearly understand that

A wholly blessed and lawful "Marriage" is only between "a (one) Man" and "a (one) Woman", from the very beginning.

QURAN TESTAMENT  30/21  =  4/1, 2-3-4

Remain in peace/salaam.