
About us: a forum for monotheists, and discussion of Islam based on The Quran

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Topics - lordfox

TRASH / Re: Non Profit Organization
July 09, 2012, 03:20:15 PM
Here, I have made a superb design for you little fellas.
Off-Topic / Disturbing but intriguing website
July 01, 2012, 03:52:25 AM

Don't let the name repel you from checking out the website, it is no porn. Please share what you think it is, after watching the videos.
Forum Suggestions / Ads
June 30, 2012, 06:09:49 PM
Register with adsense and other companies, reap the money and send it to the needy.
Can anyone provide philosophical and quranical proof as to how and why, would the quran be the last scripture and muhammad the last messenger, if you think counter-wise, bring proof for your side as well. 

Thank you.
Off-Topic / Truth on ''crime''
June 12, 2012, 07:54:58 PM
General Issues / Questions / A few questions
June 11, 2012, 09:27:34 PM
I am conducting a study, and answering these questions would help me develop it.

1 - Were you born and raised by a religious muslim family ?

2 - Aside from finding the wrong in today's Islam (hadiths), which most see as the direct and irrefutable guidance from the One, why have you decided to affiliate yourself with the philosophy, or the spirituality, or the religion of islam ?

3 - Do you think the quran is a book of law and subsequently subscribe to moral relativism, or rather do you think it is simply a reminder, because morality is shared and universal ?

4 - If you are a religious muslim, what in your opinion, is the use of the Quran ?

5 - If rather, you view islam as a philosophy, what in your opinion is the use of the Quran ?

6 - Do you pray ? If yes, why ?

7 - Do you think prayer is a concept that has any quranic grounding ?

8 - Do you believe ''Allah'' to be a single God ruling the universe, or do you rather subscribe to panentheism or pantheism ?

9 - What is the political view supported by the Quran in your opinion ?

10 - Who will be granted paradise, the good believer or the good atheist ?

Thank you.
In verse 3:49, we are given an excerpt of the speech given by the messenger eessa (who is not Jesus) to the people, where he says that he can ''uhy? l'mawta'' / ''give back life (or reincarnate) to the dead'' by the leave of the all-knowing. In verse 5:110, it is the all-knowing that is ''speaking'' to the messenger eessa and tells him that by its leave, he could ''ukhrij? l'mwata'' / ''bring forth the dead''.

uhywi ≠ ukhrij?

Because it is said that the dead cannot come back, in 3:49, the messenger eessa was somehow mislead and he never really gave back life to anyone.  :hmm
Democrats, religious.. skip this thread.

As the present system is usurious, and we gain not even the 10% of the fruits of our labor, can the 'taking of money' (to not say 'stealing' because you are only taking what is yours) from banks really be regarded as immoral ?
The current understanding of the muslim mass, is that sexual intercourse before marriage should be avoided. Though, as with all things, we must put this explanation to the test, and if it fails philosophically, then it is simply wrong. If not, then we are following blindly, acting as sheep, and thus ignoring the advice of Allah.

And so I ask the philosophical or/and moral (true morality, not morality that is based on culture) reasons to support this understanding, because I cannot find any.

Thank you.
General Issues / Questions / "God" vs Allah
May 16, 2012, 10:27:25 PM
Let us set aside semantics this time.

When asked what created the universe, the religious inevitably answers "God", but when asked what created "God", the religious screams at the question being sophism, and answers that "God" was ever and will ever be. By his answer, the religious presents the possibility of a force always being as plausible and correct.

This is the ultimate philosophical flaw. We can therefore say, that the universe always was as well, because the possibility of "always existing" and "never being created" is a possibility that is accepted by the religious himself.

Knowing this, I would really like to understand why some muslims refuse to simply accept that we are all one , emanated, and persist in saying that there is an external God that has created the whole ?
North America / Toronto
May 16, 2012, 08:14:35 PM
Anyone? I'm alone it seems  :P
(Q, please ignore this thread)
Aren't perfect justice, and perfect mercifulness concepts that are absolutely contradictory? Why and why not?
TRASH / Re: A Few Questions for S.O.L. Adherents
May 08, 2012, 08:56:33 PM
Quote from: Mr.Q on May 08, 2012, 08:14:13 PM
Which is why I suggest you study and follow the Quran more than SOL.
We have cited for the people every kind of example in this Quran, that they may take heed. (39:27)
And We have cited in this Quran every example for the people. But man was always most argumentative. (18:54)

Despite your silly little straw man arguments and petty insults I still find you amusing.  ;) I simply asked you to use the Quran to justify your theologies and you instead insulted and made stuff up about things I never talked about. I do believe I stated in the first post, no red-herrings or personal attacks, did I not?

I asked you to use the Quran and you say you can't because you don't understand it and can't translate it, yet in the same breath comdemn those who do follow it as misguided, misinformed, "religious" and backward. Interesting. Wouldn't you have to understand it before you condemn others for wrongly following it?

You alone we serve, You alone we seek for assistance. (1:5)
And We did not send any messenger before you except that We inspired him that: "There is no god but Me, so serve Me." (21:25)
This is your nation, one nation, and I am your Lord so serve Me. (21:92)
And your Lord said: "Call on Me and I will respond to you." Surely, those who are too arrogant to serve Me, they will enter Hell, forcibly. (40:60)
"And that you should serve Me? That is a straight path." (31:61)

You can play semantics if you want and say "well by serving man and nature we are serving God" but why would you not say that to start with? Why not say we serve God by applying and upholding the Quran's teachings?

Lastly, you never did answer these verses below either. Please don't go back again and say you don't understand the Quran and can't translate it so you can't comment on the below verses, except of course to claim they are wrong, because you believe in a weak premise from Abdun Nur stated above. If you want to comdemn, mock and ridicule people for following the Quran, the least you can do is present the "correct" understanding, from the Quran, besides personal opinions and personal beliefs.

And He is the One who is a god in the heaven and a god on earth. And He is the Wise, the Knowledgeable. (43:84)
Your god is Allah; whom there is no god but He. His knowledge encompasses all things. (20:98)
And Allah said: "Do not take-up two gods, there is only One god, so it is Me that you shall reverence." (16:51)

"I wonder why some keep on believing things that are neither sustainable philosophically, linguistically nor quranically."

The only ones on this forum I mock are GodSubmitter, you and Abdul Hadi, go figure why I have no problem with the others, even though they are as religious as you.

Never mind, you can't understand a simple sentence, so to ask you to figure out something for yourself would be an impossibility. You my friend, are a corporal retard, at such extent that you seem not to be able to understand anything I say, even though I make a superhuman effort in writing not even simply, but simplistically, for the less intelligent like you. I am not even trying to be funny, reading you is absolutely exhausting, I can honestly swear that I have never met, anyone in my life that was this intellectually incompetent.