International Conference:
Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform - The Way Forward
Oxford University in June 11-13 2010
Dear brothers and sisters:
Please read this invitation and answer the questions regarding your participation and the topics you are interested in as a panelist. We would like to receive your answers to the questions ASAP.
For information, contact us at:
contact@deenresearchcenter.comThis year the conference of Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform – The Way Forward will be held at Oxford University in June 11-13, God willing. The participants are individuals who agree on the imperative of a drastic reformation in the Muslim world. Though each of us are independent thinkers, we are all in agreement regarding the urgency of reforming our theology, attitude, action and our organizational strategies to further align ourselves to the Quran interpreted in light of reason.
We have successfully organized a conference in Atlanta, USA in 2008 where thinkers and scholars from both the East and West came together in an effort towards instigating a reform to promote monotheism, peace, justice, progress, critical thinking, and freedom in the Muslim world.
OBJECTIVES: The conferences have multiple objectives. Among these are:
• Facilitate opportunity for reformist Muslim leaders to meet each other personally and exchange ideas.
• Diagnose the theological, cultural and political problems leading the degeneration and decline of Muslim civilization.
• Critically analyze political, cultural, economic, psychological conditions of Muslim individuals and societies and their interaction with other groups.
• Discuss the geopolitical strategies implemented by the World's leading powers and their overt and covert operations in the so-called Muslim lands.
• Suggest solutions and develop short and long term projects to bring about a progressive reform in both personal and social realm.
• Pick a country or two for implementation of specific projects to address the issues.
You may read about the conference here: You may find the short bios of the participants at: edited volume was published from the compilation of essays from that conference. You may order that volume from here: THIS YEAR'S PARTICIPANTS
The following is the list of potential participants.
Abdur Rab (PhD. Author, Economist, USA) Depends
Adis Duderija (Phd. Islamic Hermeneutics, Bosnia)
Aisha Musa (Prof of Islamic Studies, Florida International University) Confirmed
Akbar Ahmed (Prof American University, DC, USA)
Ali Behzadnia (M.D. Former member of first cabinet of Islamic Republic of Iran, USA)
Amina Wadud, (Prof. Gender Studies, University Melbourne, Australia)
Andreas Christmann (Prof. Middle Eastern Studies, University of Manchester, UK)
Arnold Yasin Mol (Author and member of NMP, Neatherlands) Confirmed
Aslbek Mussin (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Asma Ishak (J.D., Toronto Law School)
Baroness Warsi (Politician, UK)
Caner Taslaman (Prof. of Philosophy at Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey) Confirmed
Chris and Linda Moore (UK) Confirmed
Daniel Martin Varisco (Prof. of Anthropology at Hofstra University)
El-Mehdi Haddou (Vetenerian, Canada)
Fatima Marnissi (Prof. Tunusia)
Farouk A. Peru (PhD candidate, activist, UK)
Fereydoun Taslimi (Businessman, USA) Confirmed
Gershom Kibrisli (Karamite leader, Israel, Netherlands)
Ghayasuddin Siddiqui (PhD, Muslim Congress, UK) Confirmed
Hasan Mahmoud (Author, Canada) Confirmed
Jeffrey Lang (PhD., Mathematician/Author, University of Kansas, USA)
Kassim Ahmad (Author, Political leader, Malaysia)
Khaled Abou El-Fadl (Pof. Of Law, UCLA, USA)
Layth Saleh al-Shaiban (Author, Activist, Saudi Arabia) Confirmed
Mahyad Tousi (CEO BoomGen Studios, California)
Martha Schulte (Prof. Arabic University of Texas, USA)
Matthew Capiello (PR MPJP, USA) Confirmed
Melody Moezzi (Author, Lawyer, USA) Confirmed
Mike Ghouse (Activist, World Muslim Congress)
Mohamed Hedjaj (PhD. Engineer)
Mohammad Mova Al Afghani (Founder and Lawyer at Center for Law Information, Pakistan)
Muhammad Shahrur (Prof, Syria) Confirmed
Mustafa Akyol (Author, Turkey) Confirmed
Nader Hashemi (PhD, Denver University)
Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed (Prof. Sussex University)
Raymond and Sophia Catton (Witnesses, Canada) Confirmed
Reza Aslan (PhD, Media consultant, USA)
Richard Voss (Prof. Business Management at Troy University, USA)
Ruby Amatulla (President MPJP, Author, USA) Confirmed
Shabbir Ahmed (M.D. Author, USA)
T.O. Shanvas (M.D., USA) Confirmed
Taj Hargey (Prof, Oxford, UK) Confirmed
Tariq Ramadan (Prof. Oxford, UK)
Yusuf Desai (Forward Thinking, London)
Ziyauddin Sardar (PhD, Author, UK)
A member of European Foundation for Democracy
A member of Netherlands's Muslim Party
Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform – The Way Forward
Provisional Conference Schedule
FRIDAY, 11 June 2010
Friday Congregational Prayer followed by light lunch
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Panel 1: The Paradigm of Islamic Reform – History and Heritage
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Refreshment Break
Panel 2: Theological and Philosophical Imperatives for Islamic Reform
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Dinner: First Keynote Speaker (During Dinner to be Followed by Muslim Musicians)
8:00 pm
SATURDAY, 12 June 2010
Panel 3: New Quranic Hermeneutics, Muslim Law and Islamic Reformation
9:30 am - 11:00 pm
Refreshment Break
Panel 4: Islam, Science, Culture and Freedom – Towards a Muslim Renaissance
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Lunch: Second Keynote Speaker (During Lunch or Over Dessert)
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Panel 5: Gender, Sexuality & Human Rights in Islamic Discourse
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Refreshment Break
Panel 6: Media, War on Terror And Western Foreign Policy
4:30 pm - 6 pm
Dinner: Third Keynote Speaker (During Dinner Followed by Muslim Comedian)
7 pm
SUNDAY, 13 June 2010
Panel 7: Democracy, Justice, Tolerance and Reason – Prerequisites for Reform
10 am - 11:30 pm
Refreshment Break
Panel 8: Workshop / Round Table Pragmatic Steps Towards Islamic Reform
12 pm - 2:00 pm
We expect every participant pay for their own expenses. In fact, we are glad that we are not supported by any government or king, by any religious organization or cult. We are independent activists with sense of duty who are rising to the occasion of our own volition.
Though our brothers and sisters at Oxford will try their best to open their homes to provide boarding for some guests; we will inshallah strike a deal with a hotel nearby conference site to get discount for the participants. To cover the direct conference costs (hiring of facilities, all meals and refreshments, publicity and incidentals), we believe that ?50 GBP per person is a fair and realistic price for this important three-day conference. A few brothers and sisters already promised contribution to subsidize the conference. If sufficient funds are raised then a fee for registration may not be charged at all.
Since we would like to keep everything transparent, we will not accept any contribution that is not announced publicly. The registration site will have a section for contribution. Below is the first contributor for the conference:
BrainbowPress: $500.00
After receiving your answers for the following questions, we will announce the link of the webpage for registration and the website containing detailed information about the conference, titles of panels, panelists, and events.
1. Would you like to join us for the Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform Conference at Oxford University in June 11-13?
2. In case you will make it to the conference personally, would you like to submit a paper for the next issue of Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform – Oxford 2010 (Preferably between 3000 – 5000 words)
3. Can you afford the cost of travel?
4. Would you prefer staying at a hotel, or be hosted by a family at Oxford?
5. Would you need the registration cost for the conference be forfeited?
6. There will be 7 panels and 2 workshops. The titles of the panels mentioned above are not final, but used to get an idea about the interest of participants. Please put the number of the above-listed panels in order your preference, such as, 3175624 or 6127543 etc:
7. Dou you have a suggestion for another panel topic?
8. Would you like to give a brief report about your country?
9. Would you like to help raising funds for the conference?
10. Would you recommend including a debate with the scholars of Sunni and Shiite sects?
11. Would you recommend to include a debate with a leader of anti-Muslim group?
12. Dou you recommend a panelist who is not listed here? If yes, please type his name and contact address.
13. Your phone numbers:
14. Further comments and questions:
And many more … (Please suggest similar websites)
Abdullahi an-Na'im, PhD. is the Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law at Emory University School of Law. He specializes in, among other things,human rights in Islam and cross-cultural issues in human rights, and he is the director of the Religion and Human Rights Program at Emory. He also participates in Emory's Center for the Study of Law and Religion. An-Naim was formerly the Executive Director of the African bureau of Human Rights Watch. He argues for a synergy and interdependence between human rights, religion and secularism instead of a dichotomy and incompatibility between them. An-Naim is originally from Sudan, where he was greatly influenced by the Islamic reform movement of Mahmoud Mohamed Taha. He is the author of numerous journal articles and books on human rights, international law, democracy, and Islamic reform. His most recent book is Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Shari'a Cambridge, MA and London, England: Harvard University Press (2008). His personal website: Rab, PhD. graduated with Honors and received a Master's degree from Dhaka University and a PH.D. from Harvard. He has had a long career in economic research and consultation, analyzing various public policy issues ranging from public resource mobilization to industrial development and trade policy reform, while serving the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, the Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan and the Bangladesh and former undivided Pakistan governments, and various international organizations. He served the Pakistan Tariff Commission as a Member, and the Bangladesh Planning Commission as a Section Chief and a senior Consultant. He worked as an Industrial Development Officer with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna. He worked as a financial adviser for the government of Uganda under a World Bank assignment, and as a senior industrial economist for the Qatar government under a UNIDO assignment. Under a UNDP assignment, he contributed to part of a business plan for an industrial development bank of the Economic Co-operation Organization (whose founding members are Iran, Turkey and Pakistan). He also worked on various development projects of Bangladesh supported by donor agencies such as the World Bank, USAID and the Asian Development Bank. He also consulted as an agricultural trade specialist for the US-based International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC). Abdur Rab grew up in a traditional Bengali Muslim family. Since his school days he has been very devoted to religion. A turning point in his religious approach came when he came in contact with a virtually unknown but versatile Bengali spiritual guide Shah Aksaruddin Ahmad who possessed deep Quranic and spiritual knowledge. Under his guidance, Abdur received some preliminary lessons in spiritual exercises. Inspired by him, Abdur closely studied the Quran and the Hadith and relevant Islamic literature of modern scholars. His website is:
http://www.explorequran.orgAdam Sigmund of South Jersey was born in 1980 and raised Roman Catholic. In April of '08 he became a rational monotheist after learning of God's words in the Quran and the miracle of how these divine words validate themselves. Currently, he is employed as landscaper and attending school to be a medical assistant.
Ahmed Subhy Mansour, PhD. is Former Assistant Professor at Al Azhar University, Egypt. He is currenly in the US seeking political asylum as well as serving as visiting Fellow at he Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School. Originally an Egyptian national, Dr. Mansour is a distinguished scholar of Islam with expertise in history, culture, theology and politics. He was an advocate for democracy and human rights in Egypt for many years, during which time he was isolated and persecuted by religious extremists and by the regime and also served time in prison for his liberal political, religious and social views. Having graduated with honors from Al Azhar University of Cairo, one of the oldest and most well respected centers of Islamic thought in the world, he later received his PhD with highest honors from Al Azhar as well. In May 1985, Dr. Mansour was discharged from his teaching and research position there due to his liberal views that were not acceptable to the ultra-conservative religious authorities who controlled much of university policies and programs. In 1987 and 1988 he was imprisoned by the Egyptian government for his "progressive" views, including the advocacy of religious harmony and tolerance between Egyptian Muslims, Christian Copts, and Jews. Dr. Mansour has authored 24 books and some 500 articles in Arabic, dealing with many aspects of Islamic history, culture, and religion. His organization website is:
http://www.ahl-alquran.comAisha Jumaan, PhD, MPH is the President of the Islamic Society of Atlanta.
Aisha Y. Musa, PhD, is the author of "Hadith as Scripture: Discussions on the Authority of Prophetic Traditions in Islam". Her training at Harvard was focused on early Islamic scriptural history, specifically the relative authority of the Quran and Prophetic Traditions (Hadith). Her book, Hadith as Scripture: Discussions on the Authority of Prophetic Traditions in Islam (Palgrave, 2008)-explores the development of the doctrine of duality of revelation and issues surrounding the relative authority of the Quran and the Prophetic Traditions (Hadith) through an examination of early Islamic texts from a variety of genres from the 8th and 14th centuries CE and compares the early controversies to their current counterparts. The question of the relative authority of the Quran and the Prophetic Traditions is part of usul al-fiqh (roots of jurisprudential methodology). How early Muslims answered that question has helped to shape Islamic theology and jurisprudence throughout the Muslim world for the past 1200 years. As part of the work, she produced the first English translation of al-Shafi'i's Kitab Jim?' al 'ilm, one of the most important early texts dealing with the authority of Prophetic Traditions.. The current resurgence of debates over the authority of Prophetic Traditions relative to the Quran, make it a contemporary question of both academic interest and personal importance to Muslims. Her research and teaching interests extend from the early classical period to the present and include translation of classical Arabic texts, Quranic interpretation, women's issues, and modern day reformist and neo-traditionalist movements. Aisha Musa is an Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Religious Studies at Florida International University
Ali Behzadnia, M.D. is a Medical Doctor who came to the United Stated near forty years ago. He is a life time student of Islam and is interested in Quranic research and Interfaith Dialogue. He is socio-politically active and was a member in the first cabinet after the revolution in Iran, as Deputy Minister of Health and welfare, acting Minister of Education and associate professor in Medicine at Teheran University. He opposed the non-democratic religious regime of Iran, and returned to the United States, after nearly two years. He is a member of several academic and religious organizations and is in private practice in California.
Chibuzo Casey Ohanaja was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. Coming from a Nigerian Christian background he was not introduced to Islam until High School through a close friend from Pakistan. As a Political Science/Arabic and Middle Eastern studies major at the University of Notre Dame he began to deeply research and study various faiths, beliefs and systems of life. Allured by the message of Islam he discovered the Quran and found that it had the most humane, logical and pragmatic system of life. He reverted to Islam at the age of 20. Although through further studies of the Muslim history, hadith, fiqh, the Arabic language and observations through his travels in Africa and the Middle East he found that the traditional Islam prevalent around the world was incompatible with the message of Islam in the Quran. Now realizing that only the Quran can be used to guide and bring peace to mankind he has dedicated himself to informing and lecturing to people about the true message of Islam which is preserved in the Quran. He is currently the President of the Muslim Student Organization in Notre Dame, Indiana and is a coordinator for the University of Notre Dame Interfaith Fellowship. After graduation from the University Notre Dame he hopes to continue his studies in law, Arabic and Islamic studies.
Dilara Hafiz is a retired investment banker, Sunday school teacher, interfaith activist and co-author of The American Muslim Teenager's Handbook along with her daughter, Yasmine, and son, Imran. This abridged article originally appeared in and is distributed with permission by the Common Ground News Service (CGNews). The full text can be found at
Edip Yuksel, J.D., was born in Turkey in 1957 as the son of Sadreddin Yuksel, a prominent Sunni scholar. During his youth he was an outspoken Islamist, and spent years in prison for his political views. While a popular Islamist author and youth leader, adopted the Quran Alone philosophy after corresponding with Rashad Khalifa and reading his landmark book, Quran, Hadith and Islam. This led him to break with the traditional approach to Islam in 1986. In 1989, he was sponsored for immigration to the US by Rashad. He moved to Tucson, worked with Rashad for one year in Masjid Tucson, and became a prominent member of the United Submitters International. After the assassination of Khalifa he broke away from the United Submitters International as he objected to the new cult-like ideas arising among its members. Yuksel is the author of over twenty books on religion, politics, philosophy and law in Turkish and numerous articles and a few books in English. His current work is as the co-author of: Quran: a Reformist Translation and the author of the Manifesto for Islamic Reform which are available at Edip is the founder of Islamic Reform organization and his online books, interviews, and articles are published at: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? and his English email list is at Karim, PhD., is a Kurdish-American mathematician and has been working in computer industry since 1978. In 1978-1999 he worked as Development Engineer and R&D Engineering Manager for IBM. Spent many years in architecture of Engineering Scientific processors at High-End computers. Then later worked in architecture of PowerPC Floating Point and Multimedia SIMD processor. Karim has involved in many other processors development including Graphics processors. Holds over 100 technical disclosures and patents and is the co-author of a book on Compiler. He then worked for STMicroelectronics for seven years until 2007 as a Technical Fellow, where he directed research in computing and applications. With his team and collaboration with over a dozen of universities around the world, Karim conducted various activities in major areas of SoC and Embedded Systems. Currently he is working for NBCTR as CTO.
Fereydoun Taslimi is an entrepreneur philanthropist who came to Islam after rejecting it. "I was not a Muslim until I rejected all that I thought was Islam, heresy is my path to salvation." He is the co-founder of Noor Foundation and founder of several High-tech companies. Prior to joining PerformanceIT, Mr. Taslimi was co-founder and CTO at infoGO, Inc. Before that, he was Vice President of ESI, Inc. from 1986 to 1996, co-founding the company along with Mr. Mittel. During his tenure, Mr. Taslimi was instrumental in the design and development of several successful product lines in the area of voice processing and Internet Telephony servers. Prior to ESI, Mr. Taslimi started Adax, Inc. in 1984, a company that developed a programmable PC-based phone system. While finishing graduate school, Mr. Taslimi founded Informatics Sciences a company that developed multi-lingual computers and applications systems that was subsequently sold in 1984. Mr. Taslimi graduated with honors from University of London in 1975 and received a Masters degree in computer science from Georgia Tech. His organization's website:
http://www.noor.orgIftikhar Ahmed Mehar, PhD. was born in Nairobi-Kenya. He obtained the Doctorate in Business Administration and Information Technology from Columbia S. University (USA). He is an Adjunct Professor and teaches these subjects. He is a Muslim; an Islamic Scholar and a Theologian. From time to time he holds seminars to explain the essential Islamic values. He has contributed a variety of articles; mostly to clear any ambiguities about Islam. He is the author of “Al-Islam: Inception to Conclusion.” His current book, “Al-Islam: The Origin of all Sciences” is scheduled to be released in the spring 2009. He has not aligned himself to any particular sect or group but practices Islamic values as declared by the last prophet Muhammad.
Martha Shulte-Nafeh, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Arizona and Language Coordinator of Middle Eastern Languages at the Department of Near Eastern Studies. Martha received her B.S. from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in Economics, received her M.A., in Linguistics from the University of Arizona in 1990, and her Ph.D. from the same university in Near Eastern Studies - Arabic Language and Linguistics 2004. In 1982, she taught English as a Foreign Language at American University inCairo, Egypt.
Melody Moezzi, J.D. is a writer, activist, author and attorney. Her first book, War on Error: Real Stories of American Muslims, was published in the fall of 2007 by the University of Arkansas Press. Ms. Moezzi has a regular column in Muslim Girl Magazine and has written essays and articles for several other print and online publications, including Parabola, Dissident Voice, American Chronicle, Urban Mozaik, and the Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine. She has also appeared as a commentator on NPR's All Things Considered. Born in Chicago in 1979, Ms. Moezzi grew up mostly in Dayton, Ohioamid a strong and vibrant Iranian-American diaspora. Today, she lives in Atlanta, with her husband, Matthew, and their cats, Olyan and Talula. She is a graduate of Wesleyan University and Emory University School of Law, as well as the Emory University School of Public Health. Her website:
http://www.melodymoezzi.comMike Mohamed Ghouse is a Speaker, Thinker and a Writer. He co-chairs the center for interfaith inquiry of the Memnosyne Foundation, president of the Foundation for Pluralism and is a frequent guest on talk radio and local television network discussing interfaith, political and civic issues. He is the founding president of World Muslim Congress with a simple theme: Good for Muslims and good for the world. His comments, news analysis and columns can be found on the Websites and Blogs listed at his personal website Ghouse is originally from Yelahanka, Bangalore and Dallas, Texas has been his home town for nearly three decades. Also see:
http://www.foundationforpluralism.comRichard S. Voss, Ph.D. teaches business management courses at Troy University, where he is pursuing several research tracks, among which his favorite involves an ongoing project to integrate established theories of national cultural, universal human values, and civilizations into a unified civilizational theory. Dr. Voss embraced Isl?m in Morocco in 1983 and adopted his Isl?mic Reformist orientation upon discovering Dr. Rash?d Khalifa's book, Quran, Hadith, and Islam, in the bookstore of the University of California at Riverside, his undergraduate alma mater where he had studied foreign language, shortly after his return to the United States. Several of his articles are posted on:
http://www.19.orgRuby Amatulla is an American Muslim business woman who is an activist to promote understanding and constructive engagements between the West and the Muslim world. She is a writer and a speaker for the cause. She is the president of a recently formed non-profit organization, Muslims for Peace, Justice and Progress (MPJP). Also see: Ahmed MD. is a writer of books in both Urdu and English on history and Islam. He was born in Pakistan in 1947 and currently resides in Florida, United States. A medical doctor by profession, he started his military career in the Pakistan Army under Emergency Commission as a young Captain in 1971. Then he served in Royal Saudi Army (Medical Corps) and became a Brigadier General at the early age of 31. He has since made a new career as an Islamic scholar, and been published in various magazines and newspapers. Being a young member of the royal medical staff of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, he learned the Arabic language and was trained in Islamic Theology and Quranic exegesis in the 1970s under the auspices of Malik Faisal bin Abdul Aziz and Malik Khalid bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia. He has widely traveled the Muslim world and has been a visitor to many Islamic centers of knowledge. His website is:
http://www.ourbeacon.comT.O. Shanavas, M.D. is a physician based in Michigan. He is the author of the book Creation and/or Evolution wherein he discusses the Quranic view on evolution and its roots in Islamic history.
El Mehdi Haddou, MD. is a 37 year-old Canadian veterinary Doctor originating from Morocco. At the age of 24, he started to question his faith, Islam, the purpose of this life and the existence of God. In November 2006, after reading Rashad Khalifa's book: 'Quran, Hadith and Islam' posted at, he began to verify Rashad Khalifa's ideas of code 19 and confirmed the findings. Recognizing that God has answered his questions and had given the proof that I was always looking for. Since that day, he witnessed a big change in his spirituality. "Now", he says, "Without hesitation I have attained certainty. I am following only the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran."
Eman M. Ahmed Originally from Pakistan, Eman came to Canada in 2000. She is currently the Projects Coordinator at CCMW. In Pakistan she worked in areas related to social development and human and women's rights. She was also the managing editor for the Heinrich Boll Foundation book series on Women and Religion. Her publications include "A Dangerous mix: Religion & Development Aid", (WHRNet), "Violence Against Women: The Legal System and Institutional Responses" in Violence, Law and Women's Rights in South Asia, (Sage Publications); and "Promoting Inclusivity; Protecting (whose) Choice?" (AWID). She has MAs in Publishing (SFU), Social Anthropology (Oxford) and English (Pb)
Hasan Mahmud is the Ex President and Director of Sharia and Islamic Law, Muslim Canadian Congress and the author of: Book “Islam and Sharia” (in Bengali - being translated into English). Two books, “Chasing the Mirage – The tragic illusion of Islamic State” and “Cruel and Usual Punishment” refer to this book about analyzing Sharia Law. Docu-Movie on Sharia Law – “Silent Genocide” Docu-drama on Sharia Law – “Law and Justice” DVD on Sharia-Debate. DVD on Sharia issue of Apostasy. Hasan delivered speeches on Sharia Law in many seminars, conferences and Educational institutes in Europe, USA, Canada and Asia.
Mohamed Hedjaj, PhD. is a French and Tunisian engineer born in Tunisia in 1971. He traveled from France to Tunisia, where he spent five years to study secondary school in Arabic from 13 to 18 years old, and then returned to France to continue his education. He graduated from Arts et M?tiers engineering school in Paris and has a PHD on vibration analysis of engines. He is working in France as an expert in vibration and mechanical analysis for firms like Peugeot and DELPHI. He promotes monotheism and justice by posting articles and comments on the Internet. He is fluent in French and conversant in English. He does not differentiate between different forms of fanaticism, be it from "Muslims", Catholics, or Zionists. He prefers using the word monotheist because he considers that the word "Muslims" is associated to false ideologies. His knowledge of Arabic has permitted him to study Quran in its original language: Arabic. He disagrees with some classical understanding of verses and is appreciative of Quran more than any other source.
Irshad Manji is a Canadian feminist, author, journalist, activist and professor of leadership. Manji is Director of the Moral Courage Project at New York University. The Moral Courage Project aims to teach young leaders to speak truth to power in their own communities. She is author of The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call for Reform in Her Faith, now published in more than 30 countries. She is also creator of the Emmy-nominated documentary, Faith Without Fear, which launched the American Islamic Congress 2008 “Think Different” Film Festival.
Arnold Yasin Mol is born and raised in Holland. Coming from a Catholic background, he started to research many faiths and beliefs, and while studying biochemistry at college he, discovered the Quran and found it to have a logical social and scientific message. He embraced Islam at the age of 20. Being first drawn into classical Islamic doctrine, he studied its message and history thoroughly and found it contradicted the Quranic message on many points, and decided to study Theology at college (tertiary level Theology) to study how history, religions and cultures influenced another. Now only accepting the Quran as a divine source based on its social and scientific message and make up, he has founded an organization together with several Muslim thinkers to study the Quranic message as the basis for a secular social global society and works with several modern Islamic thinkers. Currently he has studied Arabic at the University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands and is starting Social Theology at Amsterdam College. Arnold is the CEO of DRC Think Tank. His website is:
Kassim Ahmad is Malaysia's foremost thinker and philosopher. Kassim Ahmad was born on 9 September, 1933 in Kedah, Malaysia. He received his Bachelor of Art's degree in Malay language and literature, but also read widely in political science and Islamic philosophy. He grabbed national headlines in the 1950s with his dissertation on the characters of Hang Tuah (Perwatakan Hang Tuah), the Malay literary classic. He taught Malay language and literature for a time in the London’s School of Oriental and African Studies and then in a secondary school in Penang where he has been staying with his family since 1966. Kassim was jailed for nearly five years under the ISA (the Internal Security Act, Malaysia’s draconian measure of detention without trial) for daring to express openly his political views, an experience which he recounted in his book, Universiti Kedua (Second University). Kassim again shook the Malay world with his "Hadith: A Re-Examination" in which he challenges the infallibility of the purported words of Prophet Muhammad. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in Letters by the National University of Malaysia. He has written several books on Malay literature as well as on Islamic subjects. His English and Malay articles are published at
Mohammad Mova Al Afghani works at a Jakarta-based Lawfirm and lectured at Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor. He founded the Center for Law Information (CeLI), a law information NGO in 1999. He is a frequent contributor at Daily Jakarta Post and has had several international publications. Mr. Al Afghani is also a member of the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) Task Force on Implication and Policies. He graduated from the law faculty of Universitas Indonesiaand -- with the scholarship from Deutsches Akademisches Austausch Dienst (DAAD) -- obtained a master in European Law from University of Bremen (with distinction).
Layth Saleh al-Shaiban is one of the leading muslim intellectuals for Islamic Reform. Layth is the founder of Progressive Muslims and Free-Minds organizations. He is the co-author of the Quran: a Reformist Translation, and the author of The Natural Republic. Layth works in a financial institution as a financial adviser, and lives in Saudi Arabia. See also:
Caner Taslaman, PhD. was born in 1968 in Istanbul, and graduated from the sociology department at BosporusUniversity, Dr. Taslaman pursued his studies for MA and PhD degrees in Philosophy and Religion, and he also studied political sciences. He is post doctorate scholar at Harvard University. His range of interests, not being limited to philosophy, sociology and political sciences, stretched to such fields of positive sciences as physics and biology, and he produced works on the said disciplines as well. In all these scientific treatises, dealing in widely differing subjects, his focus point has always been religion. Among his works are; Quran Unchallengeable Miracle; The Big Bang, Philosophy and God; Evolution, Philosophy and God; Modern Science, Philosophy and God; Quantum Theory, Philosophy and God. Two of his many websites are: and
http://www.quranmiracles.comChristopher Moore was born in Nicosia, Cyprus, which was under British rule at the time, soon after gaining independence. Due to his father's devotion to Military Service his education was conducted by the Military. Now married for years to his wife Linda and the grandparent of two young granddaughters. Like Cyprus, he gained independence from British rule at the age of 49 to retire to Turkey. Since retiring he has been able to feed his growing passion for Quranic Islamic studies.
Mustafa Akyol is son of a well known journalist, Taha Akyol. He has criticized both Islamic extremism and Turkish secularism, which he likens to Jacobinism and fundamentalism. He is an outspoken promoter of intelligent design. Akyol was born in 1972 and received his early education in Ankara. He graduated International Relations Department of Bosphorus University. He earned his masters in the History Department of the same university. He is currently a columnist for the Turkish Daily News and Director of International Relations at the Intercultural Dialogue Platform, a subsidiary of the Journalists and Writers Foundation. He has given seminars in several universities in the U.S. and the U.K. on issues of faith, science, religious tolerance or inter-faith dialogue. Mustafa Akyol's articles on Islamic issues, in which he mostly argues against Islamic extremism and terrorism from a Muslim point of view and defends the Islamic faith, have appeared in publications like The Weekly Standard, The Washington Times, The American Enterprise, National Review, FrontPage Magazine, Newsweek, and Islam Online. His book on Kurdish issue questioned the official taboos and offered practical solutions. Akyol is a co-host in a Turkish TV program and his Turkish articles are published at
Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, PhD., is one of the leading spokespeople of the Muslim community in Britain. He is regarded as an expert on Islamic fundamentalism and Muslim political thought. He is one of the first Muslim leaders who has championed women’s causes, against forced marriage, domestic violence and murder in the name of honour. Last year, together with some senior clerics, he launched Muslim Marriage Contract to protect rights of women. He is now leading a campaign against child abuse within faith-based environment. He has consistently opposed the invasion of Afghanistan and subsequently that of Iraq, joining the Anti-war Coalition at its inception, becoming a member of its central executive. As a patron of Guantanamo Human Rights Commission and active member of ‘Campaign Against Criminalizing Communities’ (CAMPACC), he has campaigned against detention without trial of people held in Guantanamo Bay and Belmarsh. As director of one of the oldest Muslim think tanks, the Muslim Institute, he has promoted dialogue across all barriers: social, cultural and political. His organization's website: A. Peru is a human being in the world. This is where his discourse begins and ends, at the factualness of being human. As a human being, he addresses the human condition by being a student of Quran, which he considers to God’s message for humankind. Farouk is also a novice academic whose interests include the study of Quran according to its author. This entails the resurrection of the author’s voice in understanding Quran as the author provides methods of self-reference in the text itself. He also pursues the study of Quranism and Quranisticism which are the Muslim approaches to Islam relying solely on the Quran and the tendencies towards a Quranocentric Islam by Traditionist Muslims respectively. Lastly, he is interested in Islamic fundamentalism as a totalistic philosophy and Islamic pluralism as a counter-measure . He is also very interested in philosophy and hopes to pursue the philosophy of being in the tradition of Martin Heidegger and Jacques Derrida. He regularly blogs at: (which hosts his study of Quran) and (which hosts his writings about Islam and the Muslim world)
Kerem Adig?zel is a Turkish-Swiss mathematics student at the University of Zurich, minor in Computer Science and alongside learning Arabic. He is especially interested in Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Theology, Arabic, Logic, music and Science. He is an author of several articles on, maintainer and webmaster of and also a non-professional translator from Turkish and English to German (already translated many English and Turkish articles for This site is unfortunately the only extensive website in German, which is critical with traditional thinking in Mainstream-Islam. Kerem is calling out for rational reasoning in religion and science. He likes to explore new things and unconventional ideas and attempt to be open-minded to all claims. Fluent in German and Turkish, good in English, basic in French and very basic skills in Arabic (currently taking Arabic courses at the university to improve Arabic). See: