Guys @ jaffar, amin, fadiva,
Hope u all doing well.
Lets clear it first, whenever i try to precise the posts i ll have to explain it again for details so bare with me in this long post as it appears its gona be long lol.
Part 1ST about that character
Part 2nd about that interesting topic we didnt do the justice what that topic deserved.
Part 1st.
When i was 8 or 9 nine years old first time in my life i heard about that person.
My uncle lost his diamond RING and it was joint family system. So they decided to visit someone who can tell them who stole it..
My mom was also with that my uncle and aunts. He correctly told them who stole it and amazingly upon asking from that person he acknowledges it.
Second part of the same story my mom was makin a decision in her heart that she will not gona come again to these places again and shockingly he said to my mom i know you will not come at this place again. (at that time my mom was thinking its against islam to seek help other than God lol)
Then few years later my cuz lost his phone and he identify the person again.
Now about me i had interest in all those things since i was kid i e magic, jinns, supernatural etc. Will discuss it in second part..
Then when i lost my phone and i been to him for the first time.
Second time my frd lost his car. @ fadiva both of the times he write it down before even asking us the purpose of visit. Thats his method that applied to all the visitors.
Its not my believe or claim but people claimed he got JINN or MOKILS.
About me i m still admitting as jafar said i really dont know how he knew all of that and incase anyone can know all of that in my 37 yrs life he was the only person who amaze me the way he tell things. On top of that i dnt really know what is the source of his information..
Adding some things to jafar words i tend to agree at some point of jafar coz few years ago i heard he stopped doing that anymore due to a reason police wanted to ask from him about a robbery and he refused to help as he dnt want to involve in gov matters so the police beat him up badly thats the last i hear about him many years ago.
2nd Part
Guys i know the difference between magic, circus magic, tricks, illusions and also how they works due to my interest in those things i myself knows some tricks with playing cards and some other things what make people amaze and they think i m some kind of magician. But in relaity i know its not really magic its the trick what i did with their eyes my hands so dam quick to show them what i want to show them or make them think what i want to make them think and also it took a lot of practise before u can confident to do it.i also learned it from someone else.
David copperfield do the same at more advance level.
Magician in circus do the same
Lot of con artist do the same
Lot of fake BABA do the same
And interestingly i already know how all that works.
@amin these two situations are different.
@jafar thanks for the link i will go into it as it appears i still did not crack how all it happened.
I m just touching the PAST part of topic this topic also need a FUTURE part some claimed to do that too but i think its better to move step by step.