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Messages - jonny_k

Also if you wanna understad why logically only the God as laid out in Eastern Orthodoxy allows one to make sense of existence i.e. trancendental argument for the Orthodox CHristian God u may wanna hear out a top Orthodox apologist by the name Jay Dyer:

Im not sure if you've looked into the Providence of God i.e. God can use the texts or events from a false religion to lead people to His Truth. So no i dont have to believe anymore the quran is true in as much as i dont need to believe that the sunni majority fighting off the mutazila successfully in the past makes them true BUT YET there is a KERNEL of truth in such that the Word of God is UNCREATED the difference being that Word is Christ and NOT the quran.
Hello everyone,

Some of you may remember me as a quran alone muslim, defending the number 19 in quran, etc. Well i'd already left quran alone islam around 2011,, from there on i went through amny protestant denominations until finally i became an Eastern Orthodox Christian. The amazing thing is that the mathemtical pattern and even number 19 has an involvement in my journey. I acknoledged for example as Edip Yuksel points out the odds of the arrangement of the muaqataat in the quran being arranged in this manner giving multiples of 19 is about 1/60,000. HOWEVER when i saw the pattern of JUST TWO VERSES in the Bible i.e. Gen 1:1 and John 1:1 when the SAME FORMULA was applied to each of them it resulted in both pi and eulers number to FOUR SIGNIFICANT FIGS exactly, it kinna stuck with me. that was much more powerful with probability lower than 1/1000,000. SECONDLY given that 19 is the number thats so central in the quran it stands to reason that sura 19 verse 19 should be amongst the most profund verses of the quran. Well heres what that verse says:

19:19 He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son.

In the context its obviously talking about none other than JESUS CHRIST. imo no one can just chuck this off as coincidence given tht he belevied in code19. Thus God in His providence used the very number 19 to lead me to come home to Christianity. Ofc there was much more involved in the rpocess of my conversion. Another astounding of what i call a ripple effect within mainstream sunni islam is the muslims in the past evhemently fighting against the mutazila who claimed allah's word the quran was created,, as opposed to the mainstream view tht it is uncreated. muslims even went through persecution to defend this doctrine. Yet this mimicks what happened AT THE COUNCIL OF NICEA CENTURIES BEFORE THAT. For me this was anothe rpowerful evidence of God even leaving muslims with a trail of evidence to come home to the Orthodox Christian Faith which includes accepting the Council of Nicea. I now have a utube channel and a discord sevrer as follows:

Take care everyone.
Peace "Badr",

Quote from: Badr on December 02, 2010, 07:21:11 AM
Yeah, some insifignant details made/prescripted/said by the one who was only a "walking quran" and had only "extraordinary moral standards" and was chosen only by God himself just to transmitt what is revealed to him during about only 20 years (or more) witnessed but only tousands of people who were only amongst the most trustworthy muslims of all times.

JK- Where in the Quran was he termed "walking Quran"? As for his moral standards, sure they were great and probably better than most or possibly even all people at HIS TIME. As for the witnesses I think I already showed you how realiable eye wtiness accounts are, or didn't you see the video and trustworthiness has nothing to do with it. OUR human brain is made like that. GOD Bless!
Peace again,
ALSO i forgot to mention that the NUMERICS of the currency plays a VERY IMPORTANT factor. The fact that omnce a product is offered at a certain price PEOPLE'S MINDS FIX THE NUMERICAL VALUE int heir minds and then nobody wants to ever pay above that again except in a very few limited cases. Thius no company can afford to raise prices of their products without lsoing customers except in very few limited cases. This also speaks against any hyper inflation in case the government just issued money(ofcourse there'd be an agreed upon limit set for every month by the people as to how much they can issue) without taxing people as they do by reducing their numerical currency. GOD Bless!
Peace "Abdun Nur",

Quote from: Abdun Nur on December 01, 2010, 03:43:19 AM
Salaam jonny,

the first modern example of universal income tax was established by the private company, the bank of England, who demanded its establishment to pay the interest on the fractional reserve loans it issued to the English government around 1796 to fund the Napoleonic wars, initially at 8% but reduced to 3%, the terms of the loan were that the principle sum was not to be repaid only the interest, and over 200 years later 3% of personal income tax goes to pay the interest on that loan.

A similar story in America, before 1913 there was no taxation by the American government, and the government had a surplus in its coffers, taxation was introduced against common law with the legislation to establish the private company the Federal Reserve, who began lending fractional reserve notes as money, and as in England, debt and taxation built hand in hand.

The problems we face do not stem from taxation alone, it is just a symptom of a disease, the disease we as modern humanity suffer is sovereign thought, through social engineering and culturally established practice imposed through the ages, and more recently through the media, people only think in terms of sovereign based systems, these systems are fundamentally the reason the world is in the terrible state it is, and the reason it is getting worse. Sovereignty is a slave master organisation, it exists everywhere today, in business with the boss and the workers, a pyramid of power, in government, in education, in religions, in law, in finance, in the class system, in expert opinions, all sovereign systems.

Until people realise Allah is the ONLY sovereign, and we all take personal responsibility for our selves, and refuse sovereignty, by installing the Islamic societal models of Allodial ownership, polycentric community, common law and human energy economics, humanity will suffer greater and greater hardships.

JK- As far as i know they had taxes in ancient Rome as well. At that time it made sense because production was fairly limited so if more people, coz of not having thir spending power cut whilst more money flows into the system, jumped onto the products it would cause hyper inflation. Thus people's spending power had to be cut and the government only spend that cut amount. In other words they had to make money flow as if it were something objective. With today's free market, great competition and practically unlimited production such is unnecessary. GOD Bless!
Science / Re: Physics proving the god
December 02, 2010, 07:20:05 AM
Peace "Abdun Nur",

Quote from: Abdun Nur on November 30, 2010, 02:41:55 PM

it seems you want me to teach you physics, which is a bit too much for a thread on a forum, why don't you prove Einstein is correct and then I'll tell you why its not true.

JK- I've been watching many videos on free energy. Most of them make no sense and are obviously fakes but some actually made some sense i.e. the possible extraction of vacuum energy(zero point energy) by a German Physicist Prof. Dr. Claus W. Turtur. However he's been heavily criticized on a conference where the rest of the physicists say that what he showed is merely the Biefeld-Brown effect. Furthermore the effect he shows with his magnetic rotor is very small so I can't say anything yet. Listened to his lecture in German yesterday here where he also tries to refute some of the criticism levelled against him:
I've written him an email and am waiting for a reply. Might visit him sometime and check the device for myself.
I've also heard claims equating ZPE with Dark Energy which physicists accept is there. However it's extraction for useful work here on earth is not caimed to be possible so far.
Another thing which makes more sense is this:

BUT even if this is true it doesn't mean Einstein was completely wrong JUST LIKE Newton wasn't enitirely wrong either since the latter still applies for all practical purposes in classical mechanics with perfectly satisfying results for everyday use here on earth. MOREOVER the above concept of free energy does not violate conservation of energy BECAUSE the energy DOES COME FROM SOMEWHERE AFTERALL i.e. THE VACUUM.
GOD Bless!
Peace "Badr",

Quote from: Badr on November 30, 2010, 03:15:29 PM
it is not, for the reason i previously stated.

JK- It is not making a distinction when you consistenly name one messenger's name only in the shahaada? No independent inquirer other than those who already beleive would agree with that.

I think we reached a conclusion right here and your theory start to fall apart. The quran is in a big part, almost all of it is translated according to hadeeth. You may think that what is translated according to hadeeth cause trouble wich is from what I've known from this forum almost every thing ; the shahada, the salaat, the hajj, punishments, relation of the couple etc... so the hadeeth is used to translate almost all the book, I did not force you to confess it. Thats why hadeeth and quran are indivisible. 

JK- You're equating hadith with an Arabic dictionary which is BS to say the least. Much of how the Quran is translated relies on the Arabic language from independent dictionaries. Example the terms Hamd, Azeem, Rabb etc all have menaing sin the language itself. NOW the hadith may restrict them to certain menaings, sure, but that is exactly the point we're arguing against. We have to derive the meaning of a word, with mutiple menaings, with logic and reason as to what makes sense within the Quran and that'sd excatly why we have and want nothing to do with hadith followers and their biases.

funny how (quran) is between () in the three verses, it says everything. if it was only quran it would have been clearly said but no, why? because it is more general than "quran alone".

JK- It maybe that Muhammad in his time delivered particular local stuff which was only for that time. That much I can agree with HOWEVER whatever GOD meant to preserve as to what He delivered is only in the Quran and hence LOGICALLY only that could be meant for all time.

you answered your question by the verses you posted.

Case closed!

JK- I#m getting tired of repeating myself now. The verses above do not say in anyway that Muhammad delivered a method for salat, zakat. If this was true THEN AT THE VERY LEAST GOD woudlve said so clearly in the Quran BUT HE DIDNT. Case CLOSED! GOD Bless!
Peace everyone,

In the modern world of mass production taxation doesnt make any sense. Taxes were there to cut people's spending power so that the government could pay to establish public services WIHOUT causing inflation. HOWEVER in todays world even if demand increases, supply would also increase drastically. Thus the government could be given permission to print money and in the name of the people give it to the people whod be working for the general public plus even give every single indivdual arnd Eur 1000 or so tht everyones basic needs be fulfilled and they wld work happily to gain more luxury. That wld be a much better system and their wont be any inflation. The warnings of tht this wld cause inflation is wht i see as the actual fraud. Also just cause the middle class wld have 40% more money, all public service agents receiving equall sums as before too, STILL the former wldnt start buying more vital stuff than they actually need. At best theyd buy a bigger car but as i said car companies are always happy to increase their supply should demand go uo coz of so much competition so there wont be any inflation. GOD Bless!
Science / Re: Physics proving the god
November 30, 2010, 01:01:53 PM
Peace "Abdun Nur",

Quote from: Abdun Nur on November 30, 2010, 11:59:28 AM
Salaam jonny,

Tesla created over unity systems a hundred years ago, but if the sovereigns worshipped by the masses had allowed those very masses to use the abundance of Allah, they would have no long be any sovereigns still operating in the modern world, this is also the reason they buy and sell the abundance of the earth as if they owned it, because Muslim haven't got the brains Allah imbued an ant with, and clear guidance presented simply and clearly within the Qur'an confuses and mystifies them, to the extent they blindly follow sovereign jinn wherever they are led, they join in with the usury and the hoarding of Allahs property, buying and selling stolen goods as if it was acceptable.

JK- To be honest the cocnept of infinite energy even seemed problematic for me in view with GOD creating the universe in all the thing sin it. Coz if we can derive infinite energy from any pt in the vacuum, whats the whole fossil fuel GOD made in the earth for, what's the sun for with it's vast energy and the stars and so many other palces in the universe that have so much energy if we can just tap into the vacuum and get it? Could you offer me a good explanation for that?

Science proves many things, because many things are fundamental, it's these fundamentals that conventional physics rejects and attempts to cover in a blanket of deceit.

JK- CAn you give me example of some of these fundamentals and how they are proven?

If you reject the establishment as telling the truth and begin to look at the evidence of experimentation, a new picture of reality begins to emerge,

JK- But experimentation showed things like Einstein's general and special relativity to be true so far with no exceptions.

a richer, deeper and simpler understanding, the main reason people do not understand physics is is makes no sense, they have turned it into gibberish intentionally, this scares people away from investigation at any level, beyond superficial acceptance of scientific dogma. The media reiterate lies endlessly, 'energy cannot be created nor destroyed',

JK- Lets first define this. When you say energy can be destroyed, you probably mean that it disappears from our human observation, right? Coz in the absolute sense it doesnt make sense to say energy vanishes. it has to go somewhere like say into another dimension. If you agree on that , then I'll say that although this happens on the quantum level, I have not yet seen any reason to accept this can happen at the macro level too. ALSO it would make even less sense in relation to GOD, coz then why did GOD create a universe with laws and the things in it all follow laws and are stable, if everything is open?

for science, 'Einstein is a genius' for a jewish superiority, a man who was wrong on everything here stated, and will be shown as so in the end;

JK- So your saying relativity is wrong too?

'only two certainties in life death and taxes', both these ideas are lies, you cannot die in the conventional sense and taxation is a modern invention for the majority of the peoples of the earth, and as Islam demands all taxation must be refused and rejected Muslims must be at the forefront of that refusal, establishing common law as the true foundation of Islam, refusing sovereigns, corporations, legislations, taxations, usury and establishing reason, education as the corner stone of community.

JK- I agree with you on the tax issues. In the modern world of mass production taxation doesnt make any sense. Taxes were there to cut people's spending power so that the government could pay to establish public services WIHOUT causing inflation. HOWEVER in todays world even if demand increases, supply would also increase drastically. Thus the government could be given permission to print money and in the name of the people give it to the people whod be working for the general public plus even give every single indivdual arnd Eur 1000 or so tht everyones basic needs be fulfilled and they wld work happily to gain more luxury. That wld be a much better system and their wont be any inflation. The warnings of tht this wld cause inflation is wht i see as the actual fraud. Also just cause the middle class wld have 40% more money, all public service agents receiving eruql sums as before too, STILL the former wldnt start buying more vital stuff than they actually need. At best theyd buy a bigger car but as i said car companies are always happy to increase their supply should demand go uo coz of so much competition so there wont be any inflation. GOD Bless!