If one looks into Quran Allah says spend, spend, and spend in the path of Allah; if you have a disease it is because there is a disease in the soul of your heart 2/10; and he increases the diseases in multiples form it because of the rejection of Allah and resorting to spend for the cure from the doctors whom they think can cure what Allah made them suffer. This is pure shirky heart; and Allah increases their diseases further and further until they become a bundle of diseases dying finally at the mercy of the doctors through 'Euthanesia', the final treatment of the advanced science. Here the demon favours this spending of the money, in the cause of the doctors.
Now Allah says, 9.103 it is pertinent to make the ill and afflicted to take to spending in Allah's way instead of doctors' ways, trying to outstrip the realm of Allah.
Demons cannot touch the Quran; I challenge again, is the demon ready for the discussion on 9/103?