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Messages - loli


I myself believe that there should be 3 time a day..

1. Salat Fajar - 24:58 - the name itself shows the timing of the solat - at twilight/sun rise
2. Al-Salat Al-Wusta - description in 2:238, and timing in 17:78; sinking of the sun till the darkness of the night(in otherwords sun set)
3. Salat Isya -24:58 - the name itself shows the timing of the solat - at night

My opinion is that 'Wusta' is the description of the solat since it is sandwich between two other solats in a day.

Some say that there is Salat Isya timing is described in 17:78, however i cant accept it since 24:58 shows that 3 times of nakedness, and the time of sinking of the sun till darkness of the night is too early for the little ones to ask for permission to enter our room.

This also fits with 11:114 timing, "Two ends of the day(Fajar and Wusta) and early portion of the night(Isya)

However.. thats just me....  :)

Im in the opinion that the basis of the Arabs have distorted the meaning of words in the Quran have no basis from the Quran itself;

However it is explained in the Quran that the Jews and other nation/race(qawm) that have not come to the Prophet have distorted meaning of words. Aidid Safar is no Arab.

5:41 Muhammad Ahmad/Samira
You, you the messenger, do not be saddened (by) those who quicken/speed in the disbelief, from those who said: "We believed" with their mouths, and their hearts/minds did not believe, and from those who repented/Jews (who are) often listening/hearing to the lie/falsehood, (and) often listening/hearing to other nations (that) they did not come to you, they alter/distort the words/expressions from after its places, they say: "If you were given that, so take it , and if you were not given it, so be warned ." And whom God wants testing him , so you will never own/possess for him from God a thing, those are those who God did not want that to purify their hearts/minds , for them in the present world (is) shame/scandal/ disgrace, and for them in the end (other life is) a great torture.

The fact that Aidid have not complete his translation(stuck at Surah #2) after close to 10 years his book was first launch shows that something is wrong in his approach.
Questions/Comments on the Quran / Re: 4:101-103
July 13, 2012, 05:37:35 AM
Salam Wakas,

Thanx for sharing your views and i agree with your observation on Aidid safar's group.

Howerver im not sure how the partitive nature of "min hum" could help in the current understanding.

However you explanation make sense.
Questions/Comments on the Quran / Re: 4:101-103
July 12, 2012, 04:40:34 AM
Peace Wakas,

Thanx for your insight on the word Sujud in 4:102

I was actually looking for the for grammatical evidence (for or againts) that the 4:101 and 4:102 is not connected, so far i found that 4:101 audience is plural; it may be a group of people listening to the prophet
In 4:102;  the audience is singular (my opinion its the prophet or the leader in the salat).

Aidid safr group is telling that the people refered in 4:102 is the mushrikeen just as you explain in the beginning of the thread. Just thought of asking whether is there any other gramatical evidence that points otherwise.

Questions/Comments on the Quran / Re: 4:101-103
July 11, 2012, 10:32:40 PM
Peace Wakas, All,

My opinion is that 4:101 and 4:102 is for a different audience;

4:101 And when you(pl) are journeying in the land there is no fault in you(pl) that you shorten the prayer, if you(pl) fear the unbelievers may afflict you(pl); the unbelievers are for you(pl) a manifest foe.

4:102 When thou(s) art amongst them, and performest for them the prayer, let a party of them stand with thee(s), and let them take their weapons. When they bow themselves, let them be behind you(pl); and let another party who have not prayed come and pray with thee(s), taking their precautions and their weapons. The unbelievers wish that you should be heedless of your weapons and your baggage, then they would wheel on you all at once. There is no fault in you, if rain molests you, or you are sick, to lay aside your weapons; but take your precautions. God has prepared for the unbelievers a humbling chastisement.

In 4:101; it refers the second person as plural
while in 4:102 it refers the second person as singular.

Hence there is a change of audience

Any comments/ corrections is appreciated

My opinion is that the full context of 17:26-31 is about spending and do not being a miser
17:29 specifically advise on choosing choosing somewhere in between those two extremes.


In respond to 16:43-44 that is normally used by proponent of Hadiths

16:43       We sent not any before thee, except men to whom We revealed: 'Question the people of the Remembrance, if it should be that you do not know --
16:44       with the clear signs, and the Psalms; and We have sent down to thee the Remembrance that thou mayest make clear to mankind what was sent down to them; and so haply they will reflect.

--> Hadith Proponents usually use 'litubayina'(to make it clear)  in 16:44 to justify hadith.

My Respond

  • Yes, one of the messenger's task was to make it clear to mankind
  • However how does the messenger makes clear the Remembrance?
  • The answer is in the next 20 verse

16:64 And We have not sent down upon thee the Book except that thou mayest make clear to them that whereon they were at variance, and as a guidance and as a mercy to a people who believe.

  • The Book was sent down to the messenger so that it will the messenger could make it clear to the to mankind.
  • i.e The Book was sent to make clear the Book, or in other words.. the Book explains itself.
  • This understanding correlates with the other verses that mentioned that it is God who make clear

Hope this helps
Salam Layth,

thanx for the reply.. i'll digest it for a while.. need sometime to think.

Salam Layth,

From TNR i learned that the 1st(Ramadhan) to the 4th Month is the Restricted Months/Hajj Months

From the Quran we know that in 2:196 Hajj have some fasting involved in the process as an option for whoever have affliction to his head
also in the same verse it is mentioned that for people who continues visiting till hajj need to give donation, but if he cant, thenr he needs to fast  3 days in Hajj and 7 days when we are back home

Also in 5:95 it is said that fasting is a punishment option for those who hunt animals during Hajj .

In my opinion, having Ramadhan as a part of the 4 restricted/hajj months creates a problem when the person who is already fasting(because of ramadhan - be it 10 days or a month) having to fast during the hajj months as indicated in 2:196 and 5:85. Hence my opinion that the restricted/hajj months and Ramadhan does not overlaps.

How do you address this problem?

Salam Layth,

Its a pleasure to have you to visit Malaysia. We rarely have meetings now to discuss on the Quran as we use too. Seeing your passion for the Quran might give some us a kick start to really study the Quran under a microscope..  :)

Thanx for the visit!