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Messages - JinnJinn

What is the nature of God? / Re: Exalted Assembly?
November 24, 2024, 09:02:05 PM
Quote from: hawk99 on November 22, 2024, 08:16:01 PMPeace JinnJinn,

So, you understand the verse litterally that the Jinn are people?  Could you describe their physical appearance?

Why do you refer to them as beings?  Beings has an alien sound to it.

How did you find their location?

God bless you.


I refer to them as beings as Allah has called them People and they call they are people, and they are Men and Women.  Is human BEING alien? so why do you think there are aliens while every creature of Allah is a living being?

I don't know their physical appearance to be exact. Since the Quran calls them people, men, and women, they can't be far from the nature of human beings, with the difference being the source of creation alone i.e. Naar.

If the Al Quran and previous Scriptures like the Torah guide the community of Jinn beings as Allah points out, how would that be possible while it addresses the nature of human beings? Yes, they are identical to human beings and of the lifestyle. Take a close look at what the Al Quran commands to follow in life. How would they follow the commands of Al Quran in life if they don't resemble human beings? For instance, Al Quran commands to do charity. Would that be applicable to Jinns? Al Quran commands what to eat and what not, would that apply to Jinns? etcetera. So, if Jinn calls that this Al Quran guides to the straight path, what does it mean to them? If nothing applies to Jinn being from Al Quran then how can Al Quran and the scripture of Musa be guidance to them?

Jinn beings do not live in toilets, abandoned houses, caves, or deserts as traditional Muslims made people believe, but they live a proper life as we do. They deserve Janna based on their work. We will share Janna with them if we happen to enter it.

I clearly stated that was my perspective and not necessary to take it as fact. But they are living on Earth and in flight and they are visible and living on this Earth even before humans landed.

Note please: Some call Rh blood group people are jinn since they one of the rarest blood groups, but unfortunately, it's a big lie. They are human.
Quote from: Ervin on November 23, 2024, 03:54:06 PMSunni Islam is true Islam 101%

You are sick as per you and don't call a company to share your sickness.

Based on what evidence from Allah are you saying that Sunni Islam is 101% true? would you please disclose to everyone that damn evidence for you to claim that you are 101%? Do you want to spread falsehood while you are confused yourself? Don't you know that Allah punishes those who spread falsehood?

Just follow the path of Allah. Isn't that a problem for you people who go after falsehood just as they existed for centuries?
Quote from: Wakas on November 22, 2024, 01:04:57 PMExactly.

It is passed down via practice/precedent, which some may call "sunnah" or "amal".

It is further proven with the fact that hadith books did not exist early on and people were still performing Traditional prayer according to Traditional Islamic history.

Sadly, many do not know there is a difference between "sunnah" and "hadith", especially prior to Shaafi. And many are not aware it is a recorded fact in Islamic history that the status of hadith was elevated, especially after Shaafi.

To practice rituals of any magnitude or type be they positive or harmful there are two ways. One is to practice by having visual experience the second is to read or hear something and learn them and practice. Whatever the way one may put them into practice they will be either Sunna/way or Hadith/written/hearsay. Sunna or Hadith, if they are on the wrong path, i.e., Not from Allah, then what is the point?

When Allah sent a group of Jinns towards the Messenger while He read Al Quran, they didn't wait to observe rituals and how to practice but they listened to AlQuran alone and left to their own community as spreaders of Message of Allah.

I know I have a bad mouth but, take my good side if you are interested.
Rather than finding out or simply following how to pray and how many times to pray since a ritual called Salah is being widely practiced amongst traditional Muslim people, instead and it would be better to research through Al Quran what Salah is and how it relates to Mumin, and why Salah and Zaka are mostly combined.
If someone is worshiping the Sun it has its sunna and hadith how it should be practiced ritually. Do you want to practice the Sun worship or do you want to find out why worship the sun and do you want to practice it or leave it to them? Be a detective if you love Allah. Would you be blind if your father was murdered without being a detective with all possibilities? You can if you don't love your father, but if you love your father be a detective and listen only to what is sensible and truthful. Would you ever be biased to falsehood against your father's murder? So why would you be blind against the Lord?
What is the nature of God? / Re: Exalted Assembly?
November 20, 2024, 10:26:04 PM
Quote from: hawk99 on November 20, 2024, 09:34:17 PMPeace ALL,

What are your interpretations/understandings of verse 46:29.

God bless you.


Humans have become familiar with calling ourselves 'people' as if there is no other beings who can be called people. Jinn beings are people/kauwm. They are men and women like human beings. The only difference is that they are Jinn beings. That's why we both are the only worthy two creatures destined to live in Hell or Paradise once our trial is done.

46'29 never states they, themselves opted to visit, but it states Allah diverted them to reach towards the Messenger of the Quran since it was meant for guidance. Once they listened to what they listened they returned to where they came from as they were to pass the message of truth to their beings i.e. Jinn beings (people).

If you are interested in for info, in my perspective, Jinnbeings are not invisible but they are visible, but they don't approach us and they live in Antarctica which is their homeland on Earth while they reach beyond what humans could ever go in the skies. They are far beyond our technology. Jinns did work for Sulaiman and they were not invisible in their true physic. Neither Malaks/controllers are invisible but Controllers opt to be invisible (to both jinns and humans) with the will of Allah in their own figures, but they are visible when they disguise themselves as human beings for their respective missions.
What is the nature of God? / Re: Exalted Assembly?
November 18, 2024, 07:13:10 PM
Quote from: Ahmad Bilal on December 11, 2009, 10:00:47 PMPeace to all,

What is the "exalted assembly" (i.e. high society, etc.) mentioned in 37:8? Some have interpreted this as meaning that Allah is a PLURALITY, and His Oneness is actually the unity of all members of the assembly. They say that Allah Himself is ONE BEING, but, in perspective, He is not the ONLY god; rather, He's the highest among the other members of the assembly (i.e. angels). Therefore, when the scriptures use such words as "We" and "Us" in reference to God, it is referring to the entire "exalted assembly", the unity of the whole. This is also the reasons why, in instances when Allah ALONE is being mentioned, without the collective body of the assembly, the words "I" and "Me" are used, instead of the plural references.

Does anyone have a particular viewpoint on this? That was the first time I'd heard that perspective on this subject and the interpretation of the "exalted assembly", and, in my opinion, it seemed very interesting...



Allah, our Lord is always singular and there is no ambiguity within Al-Quran.
The best example is when Allah called Musa, He said 'Ana Allah, Rabbuka / I am Allah, Your Lord'.

The second point is the usage of 'We/Us'. Yes, that's absolutely necessary. Ever since Allah commenced creating the Heavens and Earth, Allah used His own creations to make them successful.
I noticed in JKan's blog that the Arabic word Arsh is translated as office. I concur with it. Amazing simply amazing his translation is. I could not possibly get it being an expert in Arabic literature, but he found it out not knowing how to speak Arabic even. In Allah's Arsh all those elite assigned controllers/malaika and those immortals are working according to the commands of Allah. They work in the Heavens and the Earth as Messengers with their respective missions.
When Allah mentions in the Al-Quran 'they return to Us' or They called Us' it is not Allah alone. We might have correctly called Allah alone, but the reply of our calling goes to Allah and those in Arsh working accordingly. Read all PLURALITY usages and you will possibly understand without doubt why Allah has used it in plural forms.

Yes Ahmed Bilal. Below is your quote:

The "exalted assembly" could even include the messenger in this chain of We.

[2.285] ... Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers ...

In fact, the chain of WE includes all of those who work in the office/Arsh of Allah. That's why Allah commands us to believe in that chain. Our faith is not complete if we don't believe in the 'WE'. They are direct workers of Allah under His command and human beings cannot deny the 'WE' and proceed.
Quote from: good logic on November 07, 2024, 07:57:22 AMSo There is no freedom of choice?
And your role is to show folks the right path?
Then this is a delusion ,if only you had any power over others!

GOD has clearly given all of us to "Believe in it or do not believe in it" and both sides are free to choose their own path. Believers are diverse and so are disbelievers. It is only GOD who will show them where they differ.

If others know GOD sends messengers or think they know and want to believe anyway they choose , it is none of your business. Nor it is their business that you choose not to believe.

Save your own neck and they do the same.
But you are entitled to answer anyway you like .within the rules of the forum of course.

Yes, I am a fool for answering your post. I shall apologise and keep to what I said before, I will stop now.
GOD bless.

Yes, there is no freedom of choice in submission.
Don't react like a fool, anyone can call others fool but, if you react like fool then indeed you are a fool.
I have no role to play with you and I am not here to show you right path. I am here to show the curse of wrong path. You answer or don't answer, it won't make any difference to me.

you stated "Believe in it or do not believe in it"

Believing and disbelieving is not freedom of choice blind old man. Believing and disbelieving has reasons, and they are accepting facts and denying facts. The denial is not freedom of choice, but it is going against the command of Allah knowingly, same as Iblis. For his denial the reason was arrogance not willing to accept the truth while other controllers willingly conceded knowing the truth.

You are not blind, but you were made to be blind by Allah. Who can show you right path when Allah has made you blind as you love wrong path? Wrong path of any sorts is denial and rejection of Allah's command.

I have a very good buddy in Japan who is a clean atheist. He does not believe in Allah in his life; he simply Does Not Believe in God. However, he is the best human being I have ever seen. He is very prompt in good actions, very accurate in his promises, very kind, very cooperative, calm, and very helpful and generous. He never lies. He is very honest with his wife and kids and so kind to his parents. I wish I could be like him.
The only wrong path I notice in him is not believing in Allah while he follows Allah's commands perfectly.
I can inscribe in a stone that he will end up in Hell. Shame.
Two conditions. Believe in Allah and follow his commands. Anyone who fails is negative.
You believe in Allah as Iblis believe in Allah, but you don't follow Allah's command instead you follow the wrong path i.e. your path.
Go suc*k your messenger.
Quote from: good logic on November 06, 2024, 10:01:13 AMLet us consider the role of Qoran and make this strong point that kills all debates and arguments about it going on aimlessly back and forth:

1- What is its origin?
2-If it is not human made then who initiated it and why?
3- If it has a phenomenon numeric structure, can this be from a human knowledge?

You are an obvious fool.
These questions won't conclude that Kahlfa Rashied is a messenger from Quran to lick his as*.

freedom of choice?

There is no freedom of choice when it comes to faith. There is freedom of choice in life but not in submitting to Allah and following his instructions. Freedom of choice should not result in punishment from others (i.e. Allah). Freedom of choice may have consequences for what one chooses, but one cannot be punished by another for using one's own freedom of choice that he felt right. Freedom of choice is not choosing the wrong path.

Freedom of choice should merely show its outcome and disappoint or please the person for choosing either this or that. Freedom of choice should not result in Hellfire. Then it is not freedom of choice, it is a trap. Allah has not given us freedom of choice to disbelieve in Him. Freedom of choice is only in good actions and not in evil and wrong paths and actions. You better mind it, blind man.

Where was freedom of choice when Iblis denied accepting Allah's command? In Allah's command there is no freedom of choice. If one denies and follow other than His commands and instructions and path, then he or she is lost.

Quote from: good logic on November 05, 2024, 09:36:14 AMThe penny will start to drop on many sooner or later about Qoran.

What is it and where does it originate from?
Those who debate about it , will realise that eventually there are only these two choices:
1-Accept it and follow its message
2- Ditch it / avoid altogether.

Now why argue about who is right and who is wrong if one believes GOD has sent a message or Qoran is GOD s message ?
The main task is to follow GOD s message according to our own understanding and search using our own faculties.
 Our task is not to be somebody s eyes,ears and brains and all we can do is give our views/opinions and move on to live our life by doing and acting the message.

So what does Qoran mean to you?
Then follow it or do not follow it.
The debates will eventually pass and be a past that needs to be improved on.

Is Qoran going to pass the generations test. It can only do so if everything in it will stand the scrutiny and challenge of the generations.
So has it done so up to now?
Live Qoran /follow its message then debate by giving your side/views then move on to take what is best , stand corrected with what GOD bestows on you with more of His knowledge and keep on the straight path.

GOD is very much aware of those who believe and work righteousness and those who oppose His message.
GOD bless you all.

Extensive research was carried out to conclude about the Numeric Phenomenon in the scripture. It's not a miracle, but it exists in AlQuran with intent to a certain extent. The people who discovered it turned the tables around and exploited their discovery to raise their identity to next level. It doesn't make any conducive sense. 74'31 raise some bullet points. But what are the benefits of them?
For instance, people like Shukri, goodlogics believe in these numeric structures and consider him a messenger of Allah—shame on those.
The verse states with much transparency; that those who believe and those who are given scripture would increase their faith and get convinced.
1. Traditional Muslims do believe in these number patterns and they never leave their traditions and rituals and they don't rely on Al Quran alone. 74'31 didn't change their faith level but, they are so fond of numeric phenomena.
2. Quranists have a difference of opinion; some believe in these number patterns while some don't. 74'31 didn't change their faith as they do what they do. For example, those who pray 5 times continue and those who pray 3 times, continue. They have plenty of differences in the 5 pillars of so-called Islam. But they all believe in numeric structure.
3. While hypocrites keep denying it as if there is no numeric structure at all in AlQuran.
Increasing faith and getting to a point where one gets convinced should not have complicated scenarios. Should they?

Jinn & the Paranormal / Re: whereabouts of Jinn
November 05, 2024, 12:57:59 AM
Quote from: Marwan-Aed on November 03, 2024, 03:05:41 AMThe Jinns have attacked me at least over 20 times in my life all failures.

Satan himself tried to obliterate me with his jinn dog, another failure.

And I have destroyed possibly one of the most powerful demons in all of existence.

My spiritual legacy is prophetic and insane.

I am Jesus and King Solomon :)

Ok, let me be honest with you. Would you like to explain everything that you emphasized above? It's in our hands to believe or disbelieve what you say but let us hear from you.
Perhaps you misunderstood something in life or realistically experienced it; for others, it may sound like a hallucination or sort of split personality or psychological trauma etcetera.
Quote from: centi50 on November 03, 2024, 06:52:53 AMSalam to all,

Sultan Zeshan kicked me out of a WhatsApp group because I objected that homosexuality is not promoted in the Quran as he was promoting it.
They need gays and lesbians and not you. :rotfl: learn a lesson. Read the Quran and be who you are. Can you? :&