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Messages - Fadiva


True. While debating one should point all the passages he doesn't agree and give proof or at least show why his understanding is different.

Just a few points and questions:

I noticed :
Salati al fajri, salati al 3ichai and wal (wa +al) salati al wusta which seems different from the others in its formulation. Fajri, 3achai but wusta. Seems like fajri and 3chai translate a period of time but not wusta (adjective).   

2.238 : where is the word "especially"? Have you read all the verses with the word wa and derive from it " And especially " ?
Why should one be more likely forget or do not a salat during the day than salat al fajri for instance?
You've mentioned because of business. But in some countries, where it's hot, one can notice that a lot of people don't open their shops or don't work until 3 or 4 p.m.

On this verse we can read salawati which seems to be a plural meaning a minimum of three and we can read
wal salati al wusta  so if we don't add a word one can understand here a minimum of 4 salats unless he proves that it it is "especially". One other can understand all the salats and the how salat should be (wusta as adjective).

And we can read: 24.58

Here one translation :
Arberry: O believers, let those your right hands own and those of you who have not reached puberty ask leave of you three times -- before the prayer of dawn, and when you put off your garments at the noon, and after the evening prayer -- three times of nakedness for you. There is no fault in you or them, apart from these, that you go about one to the other. So God makes clear to you the signs; and God is All-knowing, All-wise.

By just reading not deducing, salat of dawn, evening salat but "when you put off your garments at the noon".

Good logic said:
"Should "in a day" be a question? Why?

One would easily argue there is no "in a day" or" in a week" or" in a year" or "in your lifetime" in the verse. So what can be the most logical? The most likely? Or has the verse got nothing to do with prayers?"

Why should be "in a day" In verse 2.238 the most likely? Can you explain it?

Why should one deduce from " When you put off your garments at noon", that it is a salat while it is mentioned for dawn and dusk?

I am just pointing some things.
I am trying to be as honest as possible and not saying you're right or I'm right.
But read, reread, notice, not deduce to fast we have to read all the verses.
Question yourself. We are humans, we can mistakes.

So maybe it's better the restart and take point by point the claimimgs and give proofs he you have.
Europe / Re: sujet pour les francophones
March 13, 2021, 04:31:11 AM
Salam Siwto,

Ça va hamdulilah. Ici pas mal de gens respectent les gestes barrières et portent le masque. Il y a un couvre-feu à 18h00, aucun voyage vers les pays Hors Union Européenne est autorisé sauf motif impérieux. Le gouvernement envisagerait des mesures encore plus restrictives  :(, à voir. Allah O A3lem
Europe / Re: sujet pour les francophones
March 11, 2021, 01:38:20 PM
Salam siwto


Health & Fitness / White horehound (marriwa)
March 10, 2021, 04:55:40 PM

I don't know if you know "marriwa". It is a (very) bitter herb. We generally use to ease digestion, to "help" reduce the   blood sugar level, and for respiratory problems.
It should be consumed with moderation.

Here a link for information :

I highly recommend to search different sources of information.
Europe / Re: sujet pour les francophones
March 10, 2021, 03:05:14 PM
Quote from: Houriya on March 10, 2021, 02:38:15 PM
Bonsoir fadiva,

Belle gosse  :sun:
J'a réussi à déchiffrer le premier paragraphe   :yay:

Pour la petite histoire, je suis née au Maroc, y ai poursuivi mes études jusqu'à la maîtrise. Je suis arrivée en france à l'âge de 22 ans pour poursuivre des études supérieures, j'ai obtenu mon doctorat  en science en 1997. J'ai vécu plus d'années en france qu'au Maroc.


Salam Houriya,

Bravo 😁, il y a même une faute (si ce n'est plus  ;D)
Tu en as fait des études, mashaAllah. Moi, je n'ai qu'une licence en langues étrangères appliquées et une formation en communication.

C'est gentil, mais ce n'est qu'un bout de photo  :) (paranoïa : tan khaf li koun chi terorist mkhabi  ::),  gha tan t7ak, Allah y ster).
Europe / Re: sujet pour les francophones
March 10, 2021, 02:35:05 PM
Quote from: herbman on March 10, 2021, 01:58:20 PM
Moi aussi je suis francophone de Belgique.
Bienvenue sur le site

Salam Herbman.   

Salam Houriya   :group:
Europe / Re: sujet pour les francophones
March 10, 2021, 02:32:49 PM
Quote from: tutti_frutti on March 10, 2021, 12:46:53 PM
salam fadiva

hahaha dehektini ... iyeh aandak l7a9 ndwiw alors french :)

okay mais tu lis le Coran par verset que tu selectionnes ou du début a la fin? le site du Coran seul je suppose est comme "islamawakened"?

peace :)


je lis par sourate. Dans l'ordre où ils sont dans le livre. Il m'arrive aussi de lire des versets pour un sujets particulier.
Islamawakened, je ne connais pas, je n'ai pas encore visiter sont je ne peux te répondre.
Matrimony / Re: A kind and believing man
March 10, 2021, 12:32:52 PM
God bless you tutti frutti.
Europe / Re: sujet pour les francophones
March 10, 2021, 12:30:09 PM
Salam Tutti frutti,

Ila nhadro bel l3arbiya darija keyn li ma ghi fem walou. O m3a le clavier dial tilifoni li ti bedel lkalimat O nb9 ndir les corrections O nwader lwaqt 3a y tla3lya ldem 😤😅
Alors discutons en français c'est mieux.
Je n'ai pas de traduction française de Coran à te conseiller, je consulte le site Coran seul qui propose plusieurs traductions de versets et des traductions mots à mots. Après, je pense que l'on doit vérifier. Je ne maîtrise pas l'arabe classique, ce que je regrette. 😟
Matrimony / A kind and believing man
March 09, 2021, 06:01:29 PM

I will be frank, i hesitated to post here. I had almost given up finding a partner because of incompatibility : I met different men, but they were not serious. And I never accepted the exacerbation male chauvinism.
A almost got married but had trouble with his too strict family (mother and sister on fact).
There are much more traditonalist muslim who just follow around me and I never met a muslim who reflects on religion, who really seek the truth. May Allah guide everyone who wants the truth.

I have given up for several years. I have even think of the possibility to stay single.
I came back my parents home and took care of mother who has diabetes and is illeterate.

Now, I am not that young, even if I look younger.
I am thinking of the possibility meeting someone interested in marriage.

I would define myself as a muslim woman who seek to improve herself God willing, I won't define myself as a "quranist" or "suni" or else. I am interested in the truth. I can question myself and can recognize my faults. I'm not a stubborn person.
I am a calm and respectful person.

I am not tall not small not fat not thin ( a lot of not 😅) : 1m64 (5'5''), 56 kg (123, 5 lbs)
I have brown hair and brown eyes. 
I am said to be rather pretty. That is a matter of tastes.  I have put a small piece my picture.

A muslim/believer. Someone not attached to  unfounded traditions.
A respectful man, not a macho man 😤

Physically: average height and weight.
Age: I would say between 35 to 45.
Someone who lives in France or near France.

Maybe a bottle trown into the sea maybe I will find someone here InchaAllah.