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Messages - woke

Science / Re: Human greed and Animal abuse
February 07, 2020, 02:48:04 PM
How disturbing! Humans are So greedy and selfish. Very sad
Quote from: jkhan on January 14, 2020, 12:18:28 AM
Peace Everyone...

For me, i read the article with neutral mind to get something new... but i found out that article is so nonsensical .... only those who are blind will take it as true...

Conventional translators mostly have translated the word hamza kāf lām correctly according to what the context of the verses....

According to the article there is no single word hamza kāf lām is to mean Consume food (liquid+solid)... that's so incorrect....

May I know from the initiator, what are the meanings of Wa'Kulu Wa' Ish'rab verses in entire quran?

Perhaps you can ask him on the post. Post a comment asking about ashrubu.
Quote from: jkhan on January 14, 2020, 01:35:33 AM
Verse 6:118 has everyone reciting bismillah before they eat and before they slaughter (halal/zabiha slaughter). Yet it has nothing to do with meat, eat, or slaughter.
Sahih International translation: So eat of that [meat] upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned...
First of all, the word meat is inserted by the interpreter, it is not even mentioned in the verse.

Above is excerpts of article brought by Woke ( in blue )..

22:36 "And the camels and cattle We have appointed for you as among the symbols of Allah ; for you therein is good. So mention the NAME OF ALLAH upon them when lined up; and when they are [lifeless] on their sides, then EAT from them and FEED the needy and the beggar. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may be grateful."
As well verse 22:28 ''That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days Over what He has provided for them of animals. So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor."
The above verses clearly indicates that mentioning name of God while slaughtering regardless of the occasion ... But 6:118 in general God speaks of consuming specially food (liquid+solid) by mentioning or remembering the name of God...

Below is the translation of the author....

6:118 So consume that which the recognition/ distinction of Allah has been recalled / remembered /recognized (zikr).

God has not mentioned meat in above verse, that's true... Hadith oriented translators inserting a word meat probably knowing or not knowing... But the above verse is translated far away from truth...God has clearly asked us to  consume whatever we consume by uttering His name or remembering Him..
As Iyyaka explained, Why not translate the next verse 6:119 to give a clear picture?
6:119 "And why should you not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned while He has explained in detail to you what He has forbidden you, excepting that to which you are compelled. And indeed do many lead [others] astray through their [own] inclinations without knowledge. Indeed, your Lord - He is most knowing of the transgressors."

6:121 "And do not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed, it is grave disobedience. And indeed do the devils inspire their allies [among men] to dispute with you. And if you were to obey them, indeed, you would be associators [of others with Him]."

It is compulsory to remember / mention the name of God before Consume food.. that's what God teaches us... If you buy a chicken from a shop, you have no idea the condition of the chicken... But you have all the right to thank God for providing the chicken and then mention His name or remember Him... If you are the one to be slaughtering better mention the name of God or remember Him... God has not forbidden except what He has instructed us clearly... If the slaughter disbeliever and slaughtered without remembering God doesn't mean we can't eat what he slaughtered, we can but we have to remember God... If the slaughter sacrificed to any of his gods then if you knew it then we should avoid eating it..

Comment of Woke ''I have been FOLLOWING him for a few months now."
.... That's where things go wrong for you... follow quran with the guidance of God... and not anyone...

If you keep debating within yourself in this forum on this very topic, in sha allah you will find you are wrong and the one you keep following for couple of months.. dear Woke...

I am following Quran. But to understand certain concepts I have been following or reading his posts. They make sense to me. If they don't to you then that is fine. We do not all have to agree on this. Take what your rationale mind accepts.
Quote from: hawk99 on January 13, 2020, 05:43:00 PM
Peace woke,

Quote from the article:

"This root can only have one meaning throughout, either consume or a physical eating."

consume covers both spiritual as well as physical consumption.

"eat" in English is more palatable when it comes to food.    :eat:

From the article:  These are metaphors

•He ate his life. Meaning he became extremely aged.
•He ate the flesh of my sheep and drank the milk of them. Meaning he ate, fed upon, devoured, or consumed my wealth or property.
•The fire devoured or consumed the firewood.
•He consumed his life.
•Towns devour other towns.


                                   Peace! yes true it does cover both but in another post he explained that you can only have one meaning thru the entire book. I believe he has a reference to it on this post.  I have been following him for a few months now.
Peace Brother
Questions are good and important, that's how we all learn!
a root word has only one meaning, but the meaning can be applied in different ways, evolve.
My friend a dictionary to explain the meaning of a word can be used.
The word meat is never mentioned in the verse. It is not talking about meat. And hunger can be any hunger like hungry for love. I hope he continues to explain these words.
yes I understand your NO's.. but if you read the article it does say the other words must be studied using their root words. So these words such as blood, swine etc.. do not mean what they are translated as...