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Messages - jkhan

Don't email or PM Me.. I have already left from this forum..

for your concerns you can or join to my reddit as under


Note: My dear fellow faithful ones, I am not gonna respond your questions through PMs or emails.. whatever your concern you can direct to above link or my discord

Bye ... May Allah bless you all honest and faithful ones..

Peace All..
Since I have been given notice and warning not to publish any of my translations under this topic and violating would reault in deleting all threads..

So I leave the forum and I'm not gonna post... But if anyone wants to contact me can reach in my discord channel in its baby stage..

May Allah guide you all...
If in future if I have a blog I will let you know through my discord only...
So bye guys.. It's the will of Allah perhaps..
hamza mīm mīm (أ م م) = foundation/proposition/found/core/center/community /mother etc

16:120 "That, Abraheem had (kana) a community (ummath), constant/consistent (kanithan) to Allah of sincerity, and it was not from the associators."

2:124 ".......Said; that I will assign you to mankind as a foundation/proposition (Imam). ....."

Ibrahim was not a community but he had a community..
ṣād ḥā fā (ص ح ف) = flat plates (like all ancient people write on metal plates or wood plates having a spiral on top or side)

81:10 "When the plates (alsuhuf) are swarmed (Nushirath).

Always swarm does take place in thick clusters.. as a thick body of movement.. This is referring to the Plates of the Earth and their swarming.. We know Earth has plates and their movement causes massive earthquakes.. Scientifically they call Plate swarm..

81:11 "And when the Sky is stripped off."

The sky is one and it consists of layers so it becomes skies or is formed of layers and they will be stripped off..

81:12 "And when the Terror (Al Jahannam) is infuriated/maddened."

81:13 "And when the exuberance (aljanna) is accessed."


66:11" And Allah has cited an example to those who professed; wife of Pharaoh, when she said, "My Lord, configure for me in surrounding of You an entertainment (bayth) in exuberance/indulgence (Aljanna) and deliver me from Pharaoh and his deeds and deliver me from the people, the strayed."

The wife of Pharoh did not ask Allah to build a physical house in the Garden.. But she asked what the above verse states.. Al Al Janna is mostly in Al Quran is Exuberance/indulgence.. Why should the wife of Pharoh ask Allah to build for her a house? Is that the greatest request? would a house bring for her indulgence? Or was she living in a poor hut lifetime.. Come on she was the wife of the Leader of the greatest civilization... all amenities were there..  No happiness though.. There is potential behind her request.. She must have spent a desperate life in the presence of Pharoh being a faithful one hiding without any entertainment as family or love but only witnessing the curse of pharoh and his people's actions.. While she was incredibly a powerful faithful person...  She couldn't enjoy her life with pharoh looking at what Pharoh doing and she had no power to resist either..

Bayth could be even atmosphere filled with entertainment..
So when i translate arabic word MAJNUN as Passionate/ardent/enthusiastic you think i am a spammer.. So i want to divert you people from the fact...

Use your wits, my dear people who are honest and using intellect..

You are very fortunate you are hearing these manifest elucidations... I can be silent if I want God willing then Allah only knows who would disclose these facts to you... Perhaps a massive Mercy of Allah you are discarding by calling these as spammers or authoritative with sheer approach without any evidence..
53:32 "Those who distance/detach (yajthanibu) magnitude (kabeer) of the failures/losses (alithzm) and the immodesties (alfawahish) except the proceeded/advanced (allamam) that your Lord is vast of the Graces (maghfirath). He is well discerning (a'a'lam) of you when He resurrected/raised you from the Earth and while you are more enthusiastic/passionate (ajinna) concerning the concealments/secrets (buthun) of your cores (Ummahathikum). So, do not apply purity to yourselves. He is well discerning of who conscientized."

Majnun in Quran is not madness/crazy but majnun = very ardent/passionate.. That's why they called Mohamed as majnun.. Here word 'Ajinna' is not Fetus but passionate..

for example ... 37:36'They were saying that 'are we to leave our gods for a passionate/ardent (majnun) poet'? Not only this verse but every verse where majnun appears..

Fahisha is not immorality but it is rightly immodesty/indecency

Word 'allamam' is not as they translated 'little faults'.. that's laughable.. But it is proceed/advance.. Precede has another word in Al Quran qāf dāl mīm (ق د م)..

In a nutshell, Allah informs us that we have made errors in life so we are not pure from the beginning...So distance/detach from big level of failures and indecencies save what is advanced before..

There is no reason to highlight being in the fetus of your mother and immediately state 'Don't apply purity to yourselves' as if fetus is impure.. Don't apply purity because you/we never were pure but reformed.. Allah creates fetus and no to call it impure.. But we our selves were impure

When someone is reformed he shows in society as passionate and may conceal his core failures and immodesties as if he was pure from the beginning while addressing others who are trying to reform..  No one was pure.. So, do not apply purity to yourselves. That's the key of the verse.. that's it..
reflect my fellow faithful ones.. any critics pls bring logically within Quran..

for your reference below is the same verse of Sahih international translation

53:32 Those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, only [committing] slight ones. Indeed, your Lord is vast in forgiveness. He was most knowing of you when He produced you from the earth and when you were fetuses in the wombs of your mothers. So do not claim yourselves to be pure; He is most knowing of who fears Him.
48:29 Muhammad, Messenger of Allah; and those who along him are distressed (ashda) upon (ala) the rejectors; calm (ruhma)between them. ...."

The above verse does not state that Messenger. Mohamed and those with him are SEVERE or STRONG or FIRM against disbelievers while they are MERCIFUL...  NO severe nor merciful..
Ashda = distressed in the verse alone... here not Severe
Ruhma = calm/comforting in the verse alone.. here not merciful
It's distressing for them to see the rejectors, i.e. they feel for them and their hearts wish they believe.. After all, they are people just misguided... if I present an analogy.. if your daughter got married and leaves your house to another, It distresses you mentally.. it's not talking about aggressors of rejectors but rejectors in general..
While with faithful ones they each other solacing and so calm..
my dear fellow faithful people who depend on translations.... if you accept a translation out of thousands available it means you have given thought to it or you are biased to it.. Allah's genuine utterance is available in Arabic but, do you approach it? That's my question.. I have approached it and am approaching daily.. So i share... if you disagree i have no issue but state your comment and disagree.. So i would present why your disagreement is wrong ... if your disagreement is right i surrender..
I have no issues.. if not this forum i can always share in twitter or facebook or in a blog or discord.. since I am used to this forum i share.. Did i compel you all or did i sound authoritative.. The problem is those who don't have words against what I translate interfere.. Just debate with logic, So I am ready to expose with the guidance of Allah how weak those who oppose Allah's verses.. 

You won't find anywhere these pure translations.. Just reflect if you are honest.. that's all I have to state..

Did anyone who debate in this forum state that he would surrender to the truth in public, I state I will surrender to the truth if you speak it through Al Quran.. And I don't notice anyone surrender in this forum even how fragile and mocking their statements were... Haven't you seen that I was almost in the brink of accepting when I first heard of Rashad Khalifa as messenger of covenant and didn't I surrender to the truth.. I am honest when guidance is clear...i am not arrogant in heart

I will in sha Allah continue as long as Allah permits me to do so.. just reflect...that's all I say..' just reflect' .. it's not compelling..
34:14 So in time We concluded upon him the death, not publicized concerning his death save a perishable (dabba) of the Earth was defaming (thakulu) his prolonged life (minsathuhu). So, in time, became separated (thabayyanath) the Jin being, that if they were discerning the deepness/profundity, not they would have remained in the shameful of the humiliation."

but kept Nabi Sulaiman's death was unknown to others ... someone aware of his death, most probably from his family members started defaming his prolonged life for whatever unexplained reasons thus exposing he was no more... Then Jin being came to know and felt betrayed and separated themselves and wished they discerned the deepness/profundity (ghaib) so that they would not have gone through shameful humiliation..
dāl bā bā (د ب ب) = Perishable/expire/perish/ruin/wither/perished/perished one/expired/depart/withered/vulnerable...

ṭā yā rā (ط ي ر)Thair – fragments and scattered

6:38 "And not any perished (dabba) through the earth but not fragments scattered/dispersed with its sacrum wings (bijanahaiihi); save communities like you."

Sacrum bones are like wings and scientifically they call wings also and place coccyx
The two projections at the sides of the sacrum coccyx are called the alae (wings),
Why sacrum wings? Yes.. that's the bone of the human anatomies that last for ages and then perhaps decomposes..

16:49 "And to Allah acknowledges whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth from perishables (dabba), and the controllers (malaika), and they are not arrogant."

27:82 And when the utterance became incumbent upon them, We extract for them a perished one from the earth (dabba min al ardh) communicating to them, that the mankind was, of Our verses, not convinced.

Bring your best translations so that I can also compare and see... welcome.. let's debate honest and faithful people and have no time with spammers.. I am ready ... Are you ready? :yes