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Messages - Neptin

Off-Topic / Salaam, How are y'all doing in 2024?
July 01, 2024, 08:58:32 AM
It's been a while since I visited here. I miss the old times. But I had to leave a very long time ago because my personal and professional life was suffering. And I was not finding peace and joy with Qur'an alone as I once did back in the mid 2010s when I first discovered the message.

I've struggled with a whole host of issues, like loneliness, which being a Qur'anist contributed immensely to for me. Lack of love in my life, lack of friends, detachment from families. Getting screwed over and sacrificed at my job, leaving me broke for the past two years and causing me chronic stress and anxiety which in turn causes me sleep issues, other health issues and addictions.

I hope everyone here is doing better and I'm working hard to fix my predicament. I can see that the numbers here continue to dwindle. Most of the brothers and sisters have left and there are just a few active members now.
General Issues / Questions / Re: Envy
August 06, 2023, 07:07:36 AM
It depends on your motive.

If you're looking just to impress people or out of boredom, that'll be in vain. But if you're business-minded and doing it as a means to attract an audience and build a brand, go for it.

Salam, it's been a while since I posted here. Anyway, I found an interesting article that I wish to share. Link above.

It starts with;

In 2015, many liberal residents in Hamtramck, Michigan, celebrated as their city attracted international attention for becoming the first in the United States to elect a Muslim-majority city council.

They viewed the power shift and diversity as a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign.

This week many of those same residents watched in dismay as a now fully Muslim and socially conservative city council passed legislation banning Pride flags from being flown on city property that had – like many others being flown around the country – been intended to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community

I can't add anything to this but confirm that God has finally vindicated me.

For ages, western 'liberals' were bedfellows with 'Muslims,' And not just any Muslim, usually the ultrareligious and hardline kind of Muslims.  Anybody with common sense knows that Muslims generally don't mix with liberals. Go to all the Muslim-majority countries, and you'll find Muslims voting primarily against liberals.

You know there's a problem when the same Muslims move to the West and begin voting for liberals. Why the sudden shift? Why vote for left-wing liberal parties that champion abortion, gay rights, and normalized pornography? Why not vote for the more traditional and family-oriented right-wing parties who are against these 'vices?'

Well, part of the answer is that conservative Westerners, for all their faults, are more down-to-earth and foresighted people who tend to respect themselves, their history, and their culture. They're not the type to give traditional Muslims free rein to topple churches & build mosques over them or censor people for criticizing Islam or Muslims, or cover their faces in public with niqab masks.

So, the traditional Muslims at first hopped onto the bandwagon with 'liberals' who often praised them and even entertain their BS. And today, these same Muslims elected in the council of Hamtramck Michigan banned LGBT flags. Surprised, anyone? This is just the beginning. And I warned about it for years.

There's no betrayal here. Traditional Muslims see Western liberals as nothing but cheap, disposable, immoral, a pretty dumb and stupid group to be exploited for political gain. Western liberals think that dissing their own culture and fighting some disingenuous war against 'white supremacy,' 'racism,' 'xenophobia,' or 'Islamophobia,' will get them validation of the so-called minorities, whether it's Muslims or Blacks, but they get nothing more than electoral votes.

Once the so-called minorities gain power, they just discard the liberal ideology and follow what suits them, what is more profitable for them. In the Iranian Revolution of the late 70s, liberals were on the side of Ayatollah Khomeini. As soon as Khomeini came to power, he turned his back on them and crushed them.
I said in the past that the virus is no real danger and only the immune compromised and geriatrics suffer considerably or die from the cases.

I want to point out that based on the info I've collected from a trusted source at my local hospital lately, my original views on the virus were wrong. It's not just as simple as COVID-19 is a deathly disease like HIV or Hepatitis C like some have stated.

It's actually more complicated in that the human body's reaction to the virus is much more unpredictable than the doomers and deniers of the virus realize.

There are records of healthy adults without history of compromised immunity suffering severe symptoms and passing off from the infection. Conversely, there has been records of weak immune individuals suffering no symptoms after contracting the virus.

The severity of your symptoms on contacting the disease is unpredictable and the differences of opinion on the degree of threat of the virus is based on this misunderstanding.

So, protect yourself with mask, sanitizers, gloves and safe distancing. That said, I still wouldn't go far to recommend lockdowns. I have strong reasons to believe the lockdowns were instituted for political and economic reasons disguised as fear of the infection.
Previously, I said there are too many progressive or liberal minded Muslims drawn to far-left politics and that this is a bad thing. Their general consensus seemed to be that as the left represent freedom, equality and tolerance, the left is therefore pro-Islam.

This is a great con. And a very easy way to expose this con is to alternately consider Islam and the Left's view on porn.

Quranic View on Porn

Since moderation, modesty and chastity are core principles of the scriptures, it follows then that all the scriptures stand diametrically opposed to porn. After all, porn use or production is basically abuse or perversion of sex in and of itself.

Islam shouldn't breed societies pervaded and perverted by porn that is accessible to little children as young as 10 or 11 years old. Meanwhile, far-left politics does this as you will see.

The Rise of Porn in the West

Post mid-twentieth century, it was the far-left emotionally charged mindset of continuously pushing boundaries of society in the guise of freedom and tolerance that paved way for legalizing porn and the eventual boom of the industry in the west.

There are now platforms like OnlyFans allowing anyone to produce and sell porn from the comfort of their homes. You may recall Rahaf Muhammad, the teen Saudi girl who fled her country for asylum in Canada in 2019. Today she lives in Canada as a single mom and runs an OnlyFans account.

The left will tell you that porn is a personal issue, that it is not a huge problem if no one is compelled to perform, if you consume it in 'moderation' and that no one will expose you to it if you object to it. All these are untrue.

You Almost Can't Escape Porn

So long as you live, you must've been or will be exposed to porn at one point in your life. Even if you never visited hardcore internet porn sites, you may be drawn to it via entertainment media, social media or by chatting with common folks off-line.

Dangers of Porn

Porn use may be an individual issue, but it leads to vices in users that ultimately harms others in the society. Some of these includes – sexual grooming, sexual trafficking, sexual abuse and sexual dysfunction.

Even more, porn leads to sexual promiscuity which leads to STI, unplanned pregnancies, abortion, fatherless homes which often leads to poverty which then leads to crimes, irresponsible and degenerate youths who are sex maniacs, who sexually objectify the opposite gender, misogynist men and misandrist women, and all kinds of weird and unimaginable paraphilia.

See how far we've come? The original intent of the scriptures was to combat so many of these vices not to contribute to them as the far-left have done through porn.

Today, the same far-left mindset that paved way for porn is now paving way for censoring dissenting views, abolishing the police, and legalization of hard drugs, which again like porn is highly addictive and does severe harms to society as a whole.

The Problems with Progressive Muslims

What is really happening with these progressive Muslims who proudly identify with far-left is that they're not paying close attention at all. So, they're easily impressed with platitudes or happy words like 'freedom', 'equality' and 'tolerance.'

But Islam isn't just about freedom, tolerance and equality. Islam is also about truth, justice, discipline, hard work, self-accountability, self-sufficiency and humility; which are values that the far-left flagrantly downplay in their discourse.
Quote from: hawk99 on December 03, 2021, 04:05:14 PM
Peace Neptin, where does Quran say that angels are made of light?

I was quoting the website of the miracle. I never said so myself.
Yes, I thought quite as much. Even at the speed of light, angels would be too slow to travel across the universe.
I want to take a pause from word count miracles for a moment and look at a different kind of miracle that doesn't require counting. One of the most popular example being the Speed of light - 299,792.458 km/sec.

There is an entire website dedicated to elaborating on this miracle - And I'm just going to paraphrase the writer before my analysis of the miracle. I'll put a strikethrough on faulty assumptions and deductions of the writer.

Let's go.

God created angels from light. They move at light speed. It is the angels who carry out God's orders from a Preserved Tablet somewhere in outer space. They commute to and from this Preserved Tablet to get their orders from God. And the speed at which they commute to and from this Tablet turned out to be the known speed of light:

Quote[Quran 32.5] (Allah) Rules the cosmic affair from the heavens to the Earth. Then this affair travels to Him a distance in one day, at a measure of one thousand years of what you count.

It is the angels who carry out these orders. Hence in 1 day the angels will travel a distance of 1000 years of what you counted (the moon). Since this verse is referring to distance, then God is saying that angels travel in one day the same distance that the moon travels in 12000 lunar orbits. 12000 Lunar Orbits/Earth Day = distance/time = rate of motion (speed).

Distance traveled by angels in one day = 12000 x Length of lunar orbit.

C t' = 12000 L' - where C = speed of angels, t = duration of earth day, L = length of lunar orbit.

Ct = Speed of angels * duration of earth day = distance traveled by angels in one earth day.

12000 L = 25836303825 km

Ct = 25836303825 km

C = 25836303825 km/ 86170.43114 secs

C = 299792.458 km/sec = Speed of angels = Speed of light.

So, wow. Speed of light and speed of angels are the same. Scientific miracle, right? Well, not so fast. Let's see.

1. Wrong translation. The verse never said that the affairs travel in one day the distance travelled by the moon in 1000 lunar years. So, the distance covered by the moon is irrelevant here.

2. The moon completes almost 13 orbits in one lunar year, hence if you're calculating distance covered by the moon in 1000 years, the equation is 12.9 * 1000; not 12 * 1000. If you use the right equation, the answer at the end is not equal the speed of light.

3. If we're to accept the calculation, it mean 258363303825 km is the distance the angels travel to God. But this is shorter than the distance between earth and the nearest star outside the solar system, the Proxima Centauri. So, where do the angels travel to meet God? Somewhere between our Sun and the Proxima Centauri?

So, No. This isn't a scientific miracle. It is another post hoc theory by Muslims who either don't understand Qur'an, Science & Mathematics or who think it is OK to lie and deceive people for the purpose of propagating Islam.
Back then, there were no social media or internet to really expose the depth of the horror. Today is a little different. Of course, I'm not counting on it to trigger reform. It'll require host of Muslim countries apart from Afghanistan falling under Taliban like rule for that to happen. As long as Muslims can seek asylum in the west or other less Islamist countries where they can cherry pick & practice as they like without any compulsion, they won't recognize the need for reform.

That said, I still feel like more Muslims will see the need for reform when they really see that what true Sharia as traditionally culled from Qur'an & Sunna looks like.
So, there's been a lot of noise lately about Afghanistan falling under the hands of Taliban again, since the evacuation of American army troops from the country. A lot of people, including the so called moderate Muslims are bemoaning and crying on how this is a bad thing, playing the blame game and suggesting what should be done to help the Afghans, especially women & children.

Now, the Talibans are Afghani version of Wahhabis who ruled Afghanistan with iron fist between 1996 & 2001, and during that period they literally enforced antiquated and outdated Sharia laws like amputating thieves, killing adulterers or apostates or blasphemers,  secluding women from public, enforcing burkha on them, and beards on men, banning music, videos & pictures of human beings or animals(hence they forbid TV, video games, and social media).

After 9/11, US deployed troops to take out the Taliban & this forced many of them to flee and go under ground where they've remained ever since, kept at bay by the stationed US troops. But now, with the withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban have resurfaced at last. Today, the Afghani military is fallen, their president have escaped in private aircraft stashed with cash, and a lot of Afghani have stormed Kabul airport in previous days seeking to flee Taliban tyranny.

Here are 3 reasons why Taliban rule in Afghanistan may be a good thing

1. It'll force Muslims to have a honest dialogue for Islamic reform.

Islam needs a reformation. Period. You can blame Taliban on western imperialism all you want but at the end of the day, the west didn't teach Talibans all the hideous religious practices that they enforce. I can show you numerous binding hadith & even Quranic passages supporting Taliban backward laws & practices.

And in 2021, for people to just pretend that Islam is a religion of peace & the Talibans are just radicals who misunderstand Islam, is plain dishonest. The Taliban at least between '96 & 2001 were practising Islam as was literally spelt in traditional Islamic text, it was the so called moderate or liberal Muslims who went rogue & deviated from the script without an official sort of reform.

If there was a formal reform to explain away these outdated and backward teachings in Islam like the Protestant reformation did with Christianity, we wouldn't be having the Talibans. But because Muslims insist against reform, they have to chose between dishonestly cherry picking between traditional teachings in order to stay moderate or embracing all of the teachings & thus imbibing the hideous teaching that breeds fanaticism. The only other alternative is apostasy.

2. It should compel Muslims to take responsibility for themselves & stop depending on the west

Some western Muslims are begining to blame the return of Taliban on US, saying that the US should've prepared Afghani military for this before withdrawal, or that US should've never meddled with Afghanistan. But all these are just lame excuses. It'll be like blaming immigration for the rise of 'far right groups' in the west. It's a fairly decent claim, but it doesn't explain everything.

What we need to consider is why for 20 years, the Afghani Muslims failed to debunk Taliban ideology & convince the masses against it? Did they think just ignoring it or suppressing it will make it disappear? Taliban is Afghani Muslim religio-cultural problem, not American or British problem, the Afghani Muslims need to take responsibility & fix their problem. But as long as western troops remain in Afghanistan to ward off the Talibans, Afghani Muslims won't acknowledge or deal with the problem.

3. It serves as a timely reminder that the western elites cares only for money & power, not democracy or freedom for anyone

I think it is important to mention this because a lot of people including Muslims still get it twisted. Yes, at some point in the past, it looked as if freedom of speech, democracy & other human right values mattered in the west. But you can't say the same for the modern west wether it is the conservative right or liberal left in power.

And you only need to look how poorly the west treat her own citizens in order to get it. Look at America in the summer of 2020, and see the leaders encouraging or excusing protesters burning and looting business centers, stores & properties of innocent owners. Plain, open broad daylight crimes & terrorism were justified by American leaders & media as 'peaceful protests.'

If you think these same western leaders care about terrorists taking over Afghanistan & restricting individual Afghani freedoms etc, I don't know what else to tell you.

The western elite don't care for democracy or freedom, in fact they don't want it any where in the world. They're content with the status quo and realize that true freedom & democracies in non-western countries will enable these countries become independent of the west & begin competing with the west. And the west don't want this, they want to remain unchallenged at the top, so of course they prefer stupid, dumbass religious nutjobs at the helm in Muslim countries.

Now, what about the common Afghani people? And the women, we should worry what the Talibans will do with them like last time, right?

We shouldn't. You'd be shocked to find a lot of Afghanis prefer Taliban rule. And you'll find endless count of women admit they don't feel oppressed but empowered by the Taliban law. So, don't shed a tear for these people. This is their fate. If they wanted, they could've rejected the Talibans a long time ago.