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Messages - LastDay3

Salaam/Peace to All,

Updated: July 27, 2023

Please, first, certainly See the previous posts above,
and then always Remain in Peace/Salaam.
(QURAN, Sura 44, 10-11-12-13-14-15-16)

(*Please, do not reply to this MESSAGE,
because I will not be able to respond for the reasons explained in the previous posts above.
Thank you, again, for your Understanding and Kindness.)
Salaam/Peace to All,

Updated: April 11, 2022
Please, first, certainly See the previous post above,
and then always Remain in Peace/Salaam. 
(QURAN, Sura 44, 10-11-12-13-14-15-16)

(*Please, do not reply to this MESSAGE,
because I will not be able to respond for the reasons explained in the previous post above.
Thank you, again, for your Understanding and Kindness.)


Salaam/Peace to All,

(İf you know Turkish) please, certainly follow our YouTube Channel here:

The Most İmportant "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" and "MAHDİ"

(İf you do not know Turkish) please, certainly Read all previous posts by "LastDay3," above,
and Take Care and Get Ready for the Awesome and Great Days of our LORD ALLAH,
--(Covid-19 was only a beginning =Chapter 74,   1-2-3-4-5,   30-31, ........)-- for/in Near Future.

Remain in Peace/Salaam.
(*Please, do not reply to this MESSAGE,
because I will not be able to respond for the reasons explained in the previous post above.
Thank you for your Understanding and Kindness.)

Salaam/Peace to All,

I have been very busy delivering this Most Critical and Important "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant"
to the whole People of my beloved native Country and the City (=the whole People of Turkiye and Istanbul)
by this Most Important Commandment of ALLAH here (=Sura 14/4),
in this most Special and Important Year =2019 now,

with all of such Absolutely Most Superb and Matchless
GREAT and AWESOME MIRACLES, Warnings and Good News here:

So I may not be able to come back here for quite some time.

So please, carefully Read and clearly Understand
this Most Critical and Important "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant"
as clearly Delivered in all the previous posts above,

and wholeheartedly get Ready before these Great and Awesome Days
=Sura 44/10-11-12-13-14-15-16
=Sura 16/24-29

of ALLAH come, Worldwide, in this Final Age now, in the near future.

Because those who clearly See and wholeheartedly Support
this Most Critical and Important "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" above now
shall be Protected, and Greatly and Immensely Rewarded by ALLAH,
here now, and Forever.

=Sura 39/17-18  >>>  33-34-35

=Sura 41/30-31-32-33

=Sura 16/30-31-32

Remain in Peace/Salaam.     


Sufficient Signs (=Ayat) and Warnings (=Nudhur)
have already Clearly and Perfectly been Given by our LORD ALLAH here (=54/1-2,  3-5)

and thus openly and clearly delivered to all Jews and Christians and Arabs,
and to all Nations-Peoples of the world,

(*up to this very first 19th year of this Last Millennium now here:  2019

by HIS long awaited and anticipated "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" here:

So henceforth, all those who would still hostilely/arrogantly/ignorantly
reject, or despise, or ignore, or hide
(=57/19  &  20/126-127  &  18/56-59  &  2/159-160)

this most Critical and Important "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant"

henceforth shall have "no excuse" in the Sight of our LORD ALLAH
in this regard (=54/1-2,  3-5,  6-8  &  21/1-10  &  72/20-28  &  46/34-35)
in this Final Age now.

Embrace True Islam,
and always Remain in Peace/Salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

Historic "Locust Invasion" in Mecca. Saudi Arabia (=January "05")

"It says millions of night cockroaches & locusts have invaded Makkah and Medina
and they are making it difficult for people to pray
even in the Masjid Al-Haram for the first time in history."

                                                     Historic "Locust Invasion"
                                                                began to occur

                                Rabiulakhir  29, 1440     =     January 05, 2019 

                                                Month Day                    Month Day

                                                    04     29                         01      05

                                                      Year                               Year
                                                     1440                               2019


So was/is there a Most Critical and Important
from ALLAH
(=this time, like this one here in =QUR'AN, Chapter 7, 132-133)

(*after that "First" WARNING/MESSAGE
as we have already clearly Witnessed it in that "Historic Storm,"
in Essence, in this "Exact Same Manner"
in the previous post above)

in this "Historic Locust Invasion" above, now again,

to all Arabs (=especially and first of all, to all Children of Ishmael living in Mecca and Arabia therein)
in this Final Age now?

One day, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) came to Zainab bint Jahsh (=i.e. His Wife,
the honorable Mother of all believers), in a state of fear and said:     

There is no God except ALLAH!   

Woe to the "Arabs" from the Giant-Disaster that has approached (unto them).   
For, today a hole has been opened in the dam of Gog and Magog like this;
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) made a circle with His index finger and thumb (therein).     

Zainab bint Jahsh (the honorable Mother of all believers) added: 
I said: O ALLAH's Messenger,  shall we (=i.e. all "Arabs" above) be punished (by ALLAH)
even though there might be righteous people among us (in the Future, at that time)?     

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said:   

Yes, when the (number) of evil-doers

--(especially those who would ignorantly/hostilely/arrogantly reject and oppose 
His long awaited and anticipated Mahdee descendant  =i.e. that most Critical and Important
"Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" in this Final Age now)-- 

increased (at that time)!     

Sahih Bukhari, Book 92, Hadith 82                     

So before the coming of this Giant-Disaster --as clearly prophesied
by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) above-- in the near Future,

all Arabs and all Nations-Peoples of the World should absolutely See
this most Critical and Important "MESSAGE"

(in this most Critical and Important
very first 19th Year now of this Last Millennium here  =  2019)

for/in this Final Age, now (clicking) here:

Most Essential  "19"  of/in  QURAN TESTAMENT  ......

Remain in Peace/Salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

Each and every truthful Believer
=from among all Nations/Peoples of the World,
=from among all Jews (=Children of Israel) and Arabs (=Children of Ishmael),

whoever wishes to receive a  "1000 --(Solar or/and Lunar)-- Months"

Worth of Awesome CREDIT-REWARD

(to receive it) just in a single Night,

must absolutely See this, in this Final Age now, (clicking) here:

The Most-Superb WISDOM of/in "1000 Months" here! (=97/1-3)

Remain in Peace/Salaam.

Salaam/Peace to All,

Historic Storm in Mecca. Saudi Arabia (=August "19")

Tonight due to heavy winds at Masjid Al-Haram
the Kiswa/Cover of the Qabah has been blown out of its place,
uncovering the brickwork.
   August 19, 2018  =  Dhu-AlHijjah 8, 1439 

                                                Month Day                    Month Day

                                                    8    19                         12    8

                                                      Year                             Year
                                                     2018                            1439


So was/is there a Most Critical and Important WARNING/MESSAGE from ALLAH
in this Historic Storm above,

to all Arabs (=especially and first of all, to all Children of Ishmael living in Mecca and Arabia therein)
in this Final Age now?

One day, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) came to Zainab bint Jahsh (=i.e. His Wife,
the honorable Mother of all believers), in a state of fear and said:     

There is no God except ALLAH!   

Woe to the "Arabs" from the Giant-Disaster that has approached (unto them).   
For, today a hole has been opened in the dam of Gog and Magog like this;
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) made a circle with His index finger and thumb (therein).     

Zainab bint Jahsh (the honorable Mother of all believers) added: 
I said: O ALLAH's Messenger,  shall we (=i.e. all "Arabs" above) be punished (by ALLAH)
even though there might be righteous people among us (in the Future, at that time)?     

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said:   

Yes, when the (number) of evil-doers

--(especially those who would ignorantly/hostilely/arrogantly reject and oppose 
His long awaited and anticipated Mahdee descendant  =i.e. that most Critical and Important
"Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" in this Final Age now)-- 

increased (at that time)!     

Sahih Bukhari, Book 92, Hadith 82                     

So before the coming of this Giant-Disaster --as clearly prophesied
by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) above-- in the near Future,

all Arabs and all Nations-Peoples of the World should absolutely See
this most Critical and Important "MESSAGE"
for/in this Final Age, now (clicking) here:

Most Essential  "19"  of/in  QURAN TESTAMENT  ......

Remain in Peace/Salaam.


Thank you brother

I am fine with my belief. You will not be asked about me and vice versa.
We have all the choice to believe as per our understanding. That is why Quran tells us in 109:6 to say

لَكُمۡ دِينُكُمۡ وَلِىَ دِينِ

For you your deen and for me my deen.

No offence but I am not interested in numerology to prove that Quran is from Allah. 
The book has enough signs in it to prove that. Allah's book is enough for me for guidance.


Thank you for your reply, Novice.
In my understanding, as long as we believe in AL-LAH as our One and Only GOD (=ILAH)

Who has never taken any Son/Daughter  =112/1-4,
and Who has no Partner in Sovereignty    =17/111,

and to Whom belongs "All-Praise" (Al-Hamd) and "All-Judgment" (Al-Hukm)
here and in the hereafter, Forever =28/70,

then we may belong to the Same Religion, under ONE GOD (=AL-LAH), as brothers and sisters,

and ultimately our LORD AL-LAH will Judge about us and will let us know
who among us are following the Better/Best Path, and doing the Better/Best Deeds (=17/84).

So my sincere recommendation to you, as a dear Brother here, Novice,
is that you always keep an open mind in this Issue,
and always keep in mind such Most Essential and Important Verses in this regard,
in the first place, here:

49-  (For,)  every "intended-thing"  We have Created them
based on  "Perfect-MEASURE"  (=in Arabic: "biQADARIN")!

                         v v v v v v v v v v 

28-  ?? And HE has Precisely-COUNTED  every "intended-thing"
as/in  "Numbers"  (=in Arabic: "Adadan")!

                         v v v v v v v v v v 

29-  And every "intended-thing" We have Precisely-COUNTED them
(as/in) "SCRIPTURE"  (=in Arabic: "KITABAN")!

QURAN TESTAMENT  54/49   >>>   72/28   >>>   78/29     

30-  Upon it  (shall be)  "19"  --(as an Awesome Signature of       
such a  "Perfect-MEASURING"  &  "Precise-COUNTING" on all of them above.   


And we can clearly witness this  --"19" coded--  "Perfect-MEASURING"  &  "Precise-COUNTING"
not only in the "SCRIPTURE"  (=i.e. "QURAN TESTAMENT") above,

but also in our whole Universe/s, from the very Beginning, therein (41/53 = 74/30),

so that even this most famous atheist Scientist of our time (=Leonard Susskind)
is utterly Amazed and Shocked by such a "Perfect-MEASURING"
especially on "Fundamental Forces" and "Cosmological Constant" therein, first of all,

that he reluctantly accepts and confirms the Possibility of an Existence of a MOST-INTELLIGENT GOD,
--even as the "First Option" therein,
(though he desperately tries to make all kind of flimsy excuses
to evade and run away from that "Number One Possibility," thereafter)
in this interesting interview here:

Leonard Susskind - Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life and Mind?

And we can clearly witness this  --"19" coded--  "Perfect-MEASURING" on our whole Universe/s
(=especially, "Four Fundamental Forces," and "Cosmological Constant," first of all),
even from the very Beginning, therein (41/53 = 74/30),

(in this link below) in this Final Age now, again, here:

QuintEssential  MIRACLES  in  "4"  Fundamental  Forces  of  our  Universe!
=QURAN TESTAMENT  7/185  >  54/49

Remain in Peace/Salaam.

I do not need numerology to prove that this guidance is from Allah.

This guidance is a challenge and anyone can prove that it is the truth from Allah
by following the commands and see the results.

May Allah guide us all to His guidance.

Salaam/Peace Novice,

that "Guide/Guidance" (=in arabic: "Yahdee/Huda") you rightfully reiterated in your post above
is one of the most significant Attribute of this "19" coded, Symmetrical Miracles,
in the first place, here:



24-  And he (=a disbelieving or a skeptic person) said:

"This (QURAN) is nothing but an ancient magic."

25-  "This (QURAN) is nothing but an utterance of a human-being."

26-  AL-LAH said: So (now) I will get him into Uprooter    

--(thereby thus to absolutely and unmistakably Prove to the whole World
that "QURAN TESTAMENT"  is definitely Not a man-made Message,   
as that disbelieving or/and a skeptic Person erroneously claimed above,

but it is absolutely most Superb and matchless Word of AL-LAH here =17/88)!                                                   

27-  So what made you know what an Uprooter.                                                                                                 

28-  It does not let-last  --(but exclusively and only  in "allegorical/intellectual" sense  here,                                       
utterly-eradicates  any disbelief and skepticism                                                          

(*as it is already ignorantly put forth by that disbelieving or/and a skeptic Person therein, --in Verse No. "24"  above),

by those Perfect MIRACLES  for/on  the ?Left? side  now)--

and It does not let-stay  --(but exclusively and only  in "allegorical/intellectual" sense  here again,                                    
utterly-devastates  any disbelief and skepticism                                                          

(*as it is already ignorantly put forth by that disbelieving or/and a skeptic Person therein, again, --in Verse No. "25"  above),

by those Perfect MIRACLES  for/on  the ?Right? side  now)-- 

29-  (For, it presents such MOST-MIRACULOUS) "Tables"                                                   

--(due to/on  that ?Left? side  above now  &  due to/on  that ?Right? side  above now)-- for the Humanity.                     

30-  Upon it (shall be)  "19!"

31-  For We have made the guardians of the hellfire to be Angels;
and We did not make their Number (=that "19" above) except as a Test for those who have rejected;

=so that those who were given the Scripture (=Jews, and Christians, and Arabs) shall attain-Certainty,

=and those who have Faith (among/in all Nations-Peoples, Worldwide) shall increase in Faith,

=and so that those who were given the Scripture (=Jews, and Christians, and Arabs)

=and the Faithful (among/in all Nations-Peoples, Worldwide) shall not have any doubt,

and so that those who have a sickness in their hearts and the rejecters shall say:

"What is it that AL-LAH has (Really) Meant by this  "Allegory"  --(already Cited 
in those most specific  "26-30th  Verses"  above.)

Thus, AL-LAH will Send astray whoever wishes (to go astray)                                                 
--thus especially, due to/on  the ?Left? side  of those
"19" Coded  MIRACLES  (Signs > Ayat)  above now-- (=29/"47"),   

and HE will Guide (in arabic: Yahdee) whoever wishes (to go Guided)                                                          
--thus especially, due to/on  the ?Right? side  of those
"19" Coded  MIRACLES  (Signs > Ayat)  above now-- (=29/"49")!   

QURAN TESTAMENT  74/24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31


And also our LORD AL-LAH has thus already Most Clearly and Unmistakably Foretold it
to us here:


27-  (For) they have not expected any Reckoning (=in arabic: Hisaban)!

28-  And (for this reason) have utterly rejected Our --"19" coded-- "Signs"
--(as we have already clearly Witnessed it in the above Verses therein).

29-  But We have Precisely-Counted (=in arabic: Ahsayna) everything
as/in "SCRIPTURE" (=that "QURAN TESTAMENT" again above, from the very Beginning, therein)!



So therefore, dear brother Novice,
I truly, clearly and most strongly recommend to you and to myself and to each and every Believer
to wholeheartedly believe in and fully support

--(Each of us according to/within our basic understanding ability/capacity here: 2/286
or even if we may not have any such basic understanding ability/capacity at all, in this respect,
--due to such specific reasons-- here:  48/17  &  9/91)--

thus to wholeheartedly believe in and fully support
all of such Most Essential "19" coded, most Superb and matchless Symmetrical Miracles,
(by clearly Witnessing them in the links below) in this Final Age now,

Perfectly "114" Chapters & "6346" Verses of/in the whole "QURAN TESTAMENT"


Superbly "114" Chapters & "6234" Verses of/in the whole "QURAN TESTAMENT"   

that Great and Awesome Blessings may come upon

Each and Every One of us,

when/if we do this here, from now to forever, inshaAL-LAH.

=QURAN TESTAMENT  78/27-28-29   =   74/16-17  >  26-27-28-29-"30"-31 
                                     Signs                     Signs                            
                                   Ayatina                  Ayatina
                                        V                            V

                                 25/70-76               32/15-19
                                    Signs                       Signs      
                                    Ayati                      Ayatina

Remain in Peace/Salaam.