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Messages - youssef4342

Just as an advice, don't tell you parents anything that might make them upset, unless you can live independently.
you can advise your parents, but you can't necessarily guide them, and vice versa.
You're not alone,
We are a growing community and we're on facebook:

Uniting Muslims who follow the Quran alone.

Don't get your mix of emotions get to you. Calm down, Stand up, and do good deeds. Help out people and help yourself. Keep educating yourself and grow forward. God did not create us to worship him 24/7. You have other duties to take care of :), It's not just about belief in God. It's about belief in God + doing good deeds.

I suggest looking into

Peace be with & may the blessings and mercy of God Almighty be upon you.
Off-Topic / Re: The Music Thread
September 08, 2013, 11:12:21 PM
My Zikr
"Proclaim He's The One and only God"
I would like to set a dichotomy between "Same-sex attraction" and the modern label of "Gay"

1) First, one has to look at the wording. God did not say to be "Straight/Bi/Gay". That is a made up term, that is not found in any Abrahamic scripture. All of the scriptures site the act itself, they don't define a person by  a solidified term as "Straight/Bi/Gay", as society does today.
God in all scriptures states/alludes to Not having sex with the same gender, but he did not say you cannot be attracted to them. This makes a difference:

2) God knew that some people are going to have some form of attraction to the same gender, That would be a reason why he instructed us to only have sexual relationships with a spouse
Hint: If there was no way/inclination that people are going to have same-sex sexual relationships, then there was no need for God to instruct us about it at all. Clearly, God didn't say "Don't like/be attracted to the same gender", he would be saying "Don't FOLLOW UP upon your desire/attraction and consummate them with same-sexual relationships, as you're only allowed to have sexual relationships with your spouse."
Thus, As I believe, having same-sexual attraction, is not the sin itself, it's when that is acted upon and then consummating a same-sexual relationship. I see same-sexual attraction as a test, just like other test. We might have a desire for something which is actually harmful for us, and also, detest something which is beneficial for us (2:216)

3) God sets a trait of the believers as "Guard/protect their private parts" (23:5). The Question is, why do we need to guard them for? They must be more vulnerable , for them to have to be protected. The vulnerability could be better seen when you put attraction and love in the picture, which most of the times sets grounds for sexual relationships.

4) So by society's standards and definition, I say You can be perfectly Gay (have same-sexual attraction), and still go to heaven, so long as you abstain upon acting upon your desires and have same-sex consummated relationships. This goes for Heterosexuals as well, everyone need to abstain from acting upon their desires  (Just look at the story of Joseph and his master's Wife trying to seduce him (Which to note, he fell into, but God protected him nevertheless) (12:24). That would be a clear example to why God cited as a trait of the believers  "those who protect their private parts" (23:5). Thus, as a believer, you must protect your private parts, from even your own desires.

I believe this is a more balanced way of thinking, as someone told me.
Introduce Yourself / Re: New member
August 29, 2013, 07:39:41 PM
Peace & welcome
Feel free to look around and ask questions/research topics
A handful of us are also on facebook, there is this facebook group:
Uniting muslims who follow the Quran alone:
I personally support marriage, whether hetero or Same-Sex.
This is because marriage is less lewd than having open multiple relationships.
In marriage you have commitments, it's not as easy to just break a marriage, than it is a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. You have one partner instead of a hundred.

So for these reasons, I support marriage, whether hetero or same-sex. We cannot force people to believe, nor can we force people to stop doing wrong.

If you hinder people from getting married, then their is no tie between them, and thus there is a higher chance of splitting up, and having multiple partners, and more lewdness would be practiced. A single partner would thus be better.
Projects / Conferences / Events / Persian Praise dance
August 19, 2013, 03:38:04 PM
Edit "No longer applicable, by the hands of owner"

Praising God through Dance...My Persian Praise Dance Video:
You're not alone, There are a lot of people with similar beliefs on Facebook. Especially in the group
Uniting Muslims who follow the Quran alone:
Introduce Yourself / Re: Salam from an Oregon Girl
August 06, 2013, 07:26:03 PM
Peace be with you and Welcome  :peace:
Your story is similar to a lot of people here. Feel free to look around the forum. You can also find us Facbook