Peace All.
I want to clarify a very important point for all of us to note regarding GOD s granted freedom to every human:
10:99: Had your Lord willed, all the people on earth would have believed. Do you want to force the people to become believers?
This is very much relevant here ,because there will always be differences and this fact should teach us to respect that every human have the right to their chosen freedom.
Since on the personal level we are free to accept our own choices and make our own decisions, then no one should force anyone to believe or otherwise. As long as this person is keeping it for him/herself, is peaceful and does not corrupt the community and fight God's laws, he/she can keep such freedom.
In reality,because of this freedom,there exist countless of versions of any scripture according to the interpretations/understanding /...of the individual.
When I am discussing here , I am aware of this point and do not mind all views, I accept that is normal.
At the time of the prophet ,even as only few verses came down, the division started. It is naive of us to discount all possibilities of different interpretations and sides /clans that led to sects and division after that up to our time. The three categories of believers, hypocrites/manipulators/pretenders and disbelievers existed from day 1.
It is irrelevant how many variations or which is the right one. GOD s test requires a criteria and those choosing GOD and submission will be guided towards the truth eventually.
However,if we are believers, Qoran has taught me that We can easily be divided if we advocate other than GOD's laws in the name of freedom, the false freedom, and we can ONLY be united if we advocate God's laws and stand for it even when there is only minority to do so.
We have to side with GOD all the time or we would be siding with the opposition/ Satan.
It is not Qoran alone that unites ,it is GOD Alone that unites or otherwise. with it.
You shall hold fast to the rope of GOD, all of you, and do not be divided.
The advocators of righteousness and forbidders of evil, and the keepers of GOD's laws. Give good news to such believers.
GOD bless you all.