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Allah Semata

Started by adley, August 29, 2009, 09:09:57 AM

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Rupanya para pendahulu kita cukup bijaksana dalam menghadapi kaum yahudi dan kristen, biarpun berkali2x dikhianati mereka tidak pernah balas dendam. Lihat saja, muslim selalu jadi korban dalam keganasan kristen, tapi setiap perang dimenangi oleh muslim, keadaan kembali menjadi damai. Kita harus siap kalau sewaktu2x diserang oleh kristen, dan supaya bisa tetap memegang kekuasaan kita harus menegakkan hukum islam dan mengawasi orang2x "islam" dari negara non-arabic, karena muslim mesir pernah berperang melawan muslim arab+yahudi+kristen.

Kita harus bisa menjadi seperti pendahulu kita.
At first I thought I'll be neutral by replacing my emotional attachment, what then happened was, I switch my side from the other extreme to the other one. I had no idea what is neutrality.



Absen sebentar ah.

Where faith begins, knowledge ends.

Andya Primanda

Say: 'Travel through the earth and see how Allah initiate creation!'


Boleh ikutan absen engga :D?
?For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe.?

?When you judge another you do not define them, you define yourself.?

?Time may heal physical pain but only love can heal emotional pain.?

?My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.?



Sorry as I break the first rule which said 'For Indonesians Only'....i was Invited by Bardan to join this forum as well......

Apa Khabar sahabat-sahabat Indonesia?
Life is beautiful if you follow the correct path!


Kabarku baik-baik saja, Haseena. Kabarmu bagaimana? Sudah lama tidak posting di Free-Minds ya? Btw I feel weird trying to make my Indonesian comprehensible to a Malaysian ;D.

On that note, Indonesians should have a meet-up :D! I heard from a brother that most of the "Quranists" over there are the older generation! Pssshhh, let the younger generation take over!

PS: Haseena Sis, if there is a big Indo meet-up, will you come down for a visit :D? Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta/Bandung ain't that far ;)!
?For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe.?

?When you judge another you do not define them, you define yourself.?

?Time may heal physical pain but only love can heal emotional pain.?

?My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.?


Quote from: BornAgain on April 24, 2011, 11:06:58 AM
Kabarku baik-baik saja, Haseena. Kabarmu bagaimana? Sudah lama tidak posting di Free-Minds ya? Btw I feel weird trying to make my Indonesian comprehensible to a Malaysian ;D.

On that note, Indonesians should have a meet-up :D! I heard from a brother that most of the "Quranists" over there are the older generation! Pssshhh, let the younger generation take over!

PS: Haseena Sis, if there is a big Indo meet-up, will you come down for a visit :D? Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta/Bandung ain't that far ;)!

Insya Allah.......I would love to.

Posting in FM....just feel that I'll keep to myself what I belief. Very busy with my studies and work and of course my lil nephew!!!!!!

Same postings abt prayer, fasting etc...which I have been listening since I was 10. Haven't seen you in FB too.

Life is beautiful if you follow the correct path!



Sudah lama nian topik lapak ini tak ada yang berkunjung..
Biarlah saya "sundul" dulu :)
Apa kabar teman2?

David Saidi

Salam jumpa saudara rakan-rakan sesama free-minder.
Tak perlu tengok apa kita Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura (this is just the political labels)
Selama kita sanjung Allah Sahaja, kitorang semua keluarga  :group:
Now this account runned by AhlusSunnah