The Smokeless Fire: Can We Explain the World of Jinn in Multi-Dimensional Logic?
Spatial dimensions and unseen reality, important in both science and religion, are areas that have perennially fascinated human beings.
Spatial dimensions and unseen reality, important in both science and religion, are areas that have perennially fascinated human beings.
With the current Covid-19 outbreak and the forced lockdown of nearly 1/3 of the human population, one has to wonder where the Devil is in this scheme and how he and his minions are benefiting from the overwhelming c
In a struggle that has spawned the ages, Satan, along with his followers, have endeavored to pervert the course of humanity towards purification and salvation to lead us away from God’s straight path and towards a path of selfishness and destruction.
Satan’s primary tool is his ability to “whisper” to humankind and thus suggest actions, using twisted logic, that are not in the interest of our species.
20:120 But the devil whispered to him, he said: “O Adam, shall I lead you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which will not waste away?”
After reading the Quran from cover to cover a few times, it becomes overwhelmingly evident that the central theme of the Quran is the One-ness (Tawhid) of God.
The word “Jinn” is mentioned 32 times in the Glorious Qur’an, and is mostly used to describe a species that seems to co-exist with humans on this planet.
Surely, the devil is your enemy, so take him on as an enemy. Indeed, he invites his party to become the companions of the inferno [35:6]
Why does man deny God's profound signs within himself and throughout creation? Why did early peoples deny the miracles God sent to them?