The Book of Prayers

When reading the Glorious Qur’an, the reader will notice that the Book of God uses a narrative that focuses on several areas, including “prayers.” Whilst prayers may be simple words of supplication spoken by the individu
When reading the Glorious Qur’an, the reader will notice that the Book of God uses a narrative that focuses on several areas, including “prayers.” Whilst prayers may be simple words of supplication spoken by the individu
Every year, a common occurrence is a dispute between followers of various sects about when so-called Ramadan starts and ends.
While the entire Muslim world reads the Qur'an day and night, and while their scholars claim to be able to explain and understand the majority of its verses, there is an anomaly that they tend to conveniently skip, where God gives very specific information about the nature of the Qur'an itself:
In our study of the Qur’an, we find that our Lord has placed a number of restrictions and guidelines on what and what is not permissible as food. It is the objective of this article to share these finding with the reader so as to build awareness of God’s laws for those who have submitted.
First Rule –All Food in General is Lawful
“O people, eat from what is on the earth as good and lawful, and do not follow in the footsteps of the devil. He is to you a clear enemy.” 2:168
Whether it is snails in France or horse meat in China, the first rule that the Qur’an teaches us is that “all food,” which is beneficial, is “lawful” unless it has been restricted.
The following is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was adopted on December 10, 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The attempt of this analysis is to show how all of the fundamental human rights guaranteed in this declaration were already established guarantees in the Holy Quran.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
“By no means shall ye attain piety until ye spend of that which ye love. And whatever ye give, God surely knoweth it well.” [The Quran, Imran (3): 92]
Perhaps no other topic has been so much emphasized in the Quran than ‘spending in God’s way’. The Quran is replete with verses that extol the virtues of spending in God’s way, and characterize the act of such spending as part and parcel of righteousness. The rationale for spending for others is to be found in the consideration that man can hardly live alone in happiness without sharing his earnings and possessions with others, and also in the fact that all that we earn and possess is really the Grace of God and belongs to God only.
1. It is enjoined upon every Muslim to make a testament as regards his bequest before he dies. The last will ought to cover the entire property and all persons to whom he wants to give something without any distinction of heir or non-heir:
(2:180) "It has been enjoined upon you that when you approach death and you are leaving behind your personal property, make a testament according to law for your parents and others close to you. This has been enjoined upon Muttaqeen as a duty from Allah.
How many times have you heard this phrase: "This is Haram, That is Halal"!
If you are a Muslim, then you probably hear these words repeated around you every day. You will hear them in school, you will hear them on TV, you will hear your parents say them, you will hear scholars and Imams say them, and, you will find tons of books written on the subject.
Just click on any of the traditional Islamic Web Sites and read any Q&A or Fatwa section they may have. You should find something like this (someone actually asked this question in an Islamic site):
"Is it Halal to eat in a Microwave in which Pork has been heated?"
In this article I will do the following inshaAllah:
We look at the Quraan, which provides plenty of evidence that the Quraan is the ONLY revelation given to the Prophet.
"And We have not taught him POETRY, nor is it meet for him; it is NOTHING but a ZIKAR and a PLAIN QURAAN, that it may warn him who would have life, and (that) the word may prove true against the unbelievers". (Quraan 36:69-70)
Over the years, the detrimental effects of alcohol are well recorded even in the West. The highway statistics of deaths, because of the influence of alcohol, are astronomically high.