Is there Abrogation in the Quran?

PICKTHAL: Nothing of our revelation (even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof.
PICKTHAL: Nothing of our revelation (even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof.
After being active for a number of years now, the revival movement of Islam based on God Alone has caused some stir in the circles of the "sects" who seek to silence our voices while implementing their corruption of the holy scripture to allow for tyranny, oppression, and injustice as a supposed way to God!
We have selected a number of articles written against our position by these 'sects' and will (God willing) show the inconsistencies with their arguments (our comments are in red).
And among men are those who purchase idle HADITH (tales) without knowledge to mislead (men) from the Path of God, and make a mockery of it (God’s Path) [Quran, Luqman (31): 6]
The Holy Quran is unquestionably the Divine Book of Islam. However, Muslims with some exceptions regard the Hadith as Islam’s second essential source. The Hadith and related literature[1] has greatly influenced Muslim beliefs and practices. However, all Muslims should dispassionately ask themselves this critically important question: Is the Hadith reliable enough as religious guidance? It is time this question was settled decisively for all of us, for if there is some doubt about the authenticity and credibility of the Hadith, the influence it exerts on Muslim beliefs and practices cannot be regarded as wholly welcome, if not totally unwelcome.
Hadith are such an integral part of traditional Islam in all its variations, that when someone suggests that the Qur’an alone should serve as the source of religious law and guidance for Muslims, the idea is usually met with shock and amazement. So, those who advocate following the Qur’an alone must address the issue of hadith.
The Arabic word "hadith," means a story, or saying. Any story, or saying, from anyone. For traditional Muslims, it has come to mean specifically a story or saying told about, or attributed to the prophet Muhammad.
The prophet Abraham who, although not a Jew or a Christian, was such an excellent example that God commanded his Messenger Muhammad to follow him. And Mohammed responded by saying:
" I have submitted my wholeself to God and so have those who follow me..."
Why then have millions of people been entrapped into following the teachings of Abu Hurairah a mysterious person from the shadows of Hadith literature? Could it be that they have rejected the teaching of Quran while believing they have not done so? God says:
" Have you noted those who only know part of the scripture, and when invited to adopt God's law, they turn away in aversion?.... That is because they are deceived in their faith by their own inventions." (Quran: 3:23-24)
Imam Bukhari (died in 256H/870A.D), was well known for his compilation of Hadith/Sayings attributed to the prophet (peace be upon him).
Consider this… Suppose you are reading a book, you enjoy reading this book, you really like all the ideas and theories it presents.
The Koran and the History of Religion
"Do not accept anything that you have no knowledge of.
In confronting the Sunni and Shia sectarians who claim to be affiliated with God’s great system of submission “Islam,” the topic that most comes up is the one about “obeying God and obeying the messenger.”