I Want the Earth Plus 5%

Fabian was excited as he once more rehearsed his speech for the crowd certain to turn up tomorrow. He had always wanted prestige and power and now his dreams were going to come true.

God's System of Doom

"We have sent down to you a scripture containing your message. Do you not understand?" (Qur’an 21:10)

When we read the stories of previous generations as related in The Qur’an, most of us are unable to relate to them thinking that they are 'tales from the past' which no longer have any significance in our age of science & technology.

"We narrate to you the best narration's through the revelation of this Reading (Quran). Before this, you were totally unaware." (Qur’an 12:3)

Enemy # 1

After reading the Quran from cover to cover a few times, it becomes overwhelmingly evident that the central theme of the Quran is the One-ness (Tawhid) of God.

Are Two Women Equal to One Man?

According to today’s Muslim scholars and leaders, women are not fit to rule or hold any office of significance because God has indicated that they are deficient when compared to men.

Menstruation and Religious Duties

According to Muslim scholars, a woman is not allowed to perform her religious duties if she is menstruating. A woman has been disallowed from performing her Salat (prayers performed to get closer to God) if she happens to be menstruating. Worse still, woman are also told that they are not allowed to fast either if they are menstruating. The logic behind the prohibition is that women are in a state of impurity and are unclean when menstruating.

The question is, when God is all knowing and He is fully aware of how women are physiologically different from men, why would He forbid women from performing not only their Salat but also fasting as well.

The True Testimony

The prophet Abraham who, although not a Jew or a Christian, was such an excellent example that God commanded his Messenger Muhammad to follow him. And Mohammed responded by saying:

" I have submitted my wholeself to God and so have those who follow me..."

Why then have millions of people been entrapped into following the teachings of Abu Hurairah a mysterious person from the shadows of Hadith literature? Could it be that they have rejected the teaching of Quran while believing they have not done so? God says:

 " Have you noted those who only know part of the scripture, and when invited to adopt God's law, they turn away in aversion?.... That is because they are deceived in their faith by their own inventions." (Quran: 3:23-24) 

What's in the Name?

2:31. And He taught Adam the names of all things, then He displayed them to those given control and said: "Inform Me the names of these things if you were truthful."

Al-Falaq & Al-Nass: The Final Pair

That the Qur'an is a monumentally well-integrated Book must be borne in mind when attempting tafseer (explanation), and this becomes amazingly evident in examination of the last two Suras of the Qur'an, Al-Falaq and Al-Nass.

The Hidden Side & The Straight Path

I seek refuge with The God from Satan the outcast. Guide us the straight path. [1:6] Previous research in the Quran about the Trust/"Amana" in verse 33:72 indicated that humankind only knows an apparent/detectable side of the low life and there is a hidden side that we are unaware of (see THE TRUST).