The Democratic Principles of the Qur'an

Considering the political state of the Sunni and Shia countries in the world today it would be very easy to suggest that Islam doesn’t promote democratic principles.
Considering the political state of the Sunni and Shia countries in the world today it would be very easy to suggest that Islam doesn’t promote democratic principles.
There has been a lot of eye-opening debate on the Free-minds discussion board about the topics of engagement and marriage.
“Do they not ponder the Quran?. Or do they have locks on their hearts?” (47:24)
Muslim scholars and the entire Muslim world will tell us that prophet Mohammed was an illiterate man who could not read or write. They tell you this information to make the miracle of the Quran sound even more miraculous disregarding that such statements create some obvious questions:
12:1-3, "A.L.R. These are signs <ayat> of the profound scripture. We have sent it down, an Arabic Quran that you may understand. We narrate to you the best stories through Our revelation to you of this Quran. Before this, you were totally unaware."
What is theft punishment in Quran? This article will show, God willing (Gw), that is to give the chance to the thieves to come forward, acknowledge their crime, and give back what they have stolen to the victim. They might even get a reward. If they do not come forward, prove should be found who are the thieves. Then they should work to pay the fees involved for the whole thing. What was stolen, if found, should be restituted to their owners. Otherwise, thieves should work for them until what they have stolen is repaid.
One of the most seriously misunderstood aspects of Islam is its position on fighting.
This article briefly presents a reply to the commonly held belief in many faiths that it is God (Allah) who has pre-determined the fate of people, and whatever good or bad happens to them in life is not a result of their own actions but was pre-written for them in their fate. If people are astray, then it is God to blame for that as well, according to this widely held notion in various Religions.
Some time ago we received the following question by e-mail, and it indicates that some people can arrive at this conclusion superficially reading some Quranic passages.
One of the major questions that any person asks when exploring the subject of life and religion in general is the ‘why are we here’ question.
This word that most people are willing to die for, that wars have been fought over, that people have been persecuted and isolated for…Is something most people don’t really know much about!
As amazing as that sounds, it is absolutely true. Different people have different understanding of the word ‘religion’.
"How can we observe the Salaat prayers by following the Quran alone?" is a favorite question among Sunni and Shiite Muslims who follow derivative texts, religious instruction, teachings and laws, all of which are written by men. With this question, both sects try to justify the necessity and proliferation of contradictory sectarian teachings, medieval Arab culture, oppressive laws filled with prohibitions and regulations--all falsely attributed to God and His prophet.
As a result, Monotheism is redefined as a "Limited Partnership", in which the recognition and submission to God alone becomes an oxymoron; a contradiction in terms in which other 'partners' are submitted to and accepted by these 'believers.'