Fear - The Devil's Tool!

With the current Covid-19 outbreak and the forced lockdown of nearly 1/3 of the human population, one has to wonder where the Devil is in this scheme and how he and his minions are benefiting from the overwhelming chaos of events. The media frenzy that has bombarded all nations non-stop seems to be a coordinated effort to instill fear into the masses...

Gog & Magog

"And they ask you about the Two Horned One, say: 'I will recite to you a remembrance of him. We had facilitated for him in the land, and We had given him the means to all things. So he followed the means.'" (18:83-85) In chapter 18 of the Quran we come across the story of a mysterious powerful individual known as "Dhul Qarnain"...

Anubis and the Sleepers of the Cave

In Chapter 18 of the Qur'an we are given the story of the "Sleepers of the Cave" (from 18:9-26), which is a very old story recorded previously in Greek and Christian literature dating back to before the days of Christ. The events of the story are begun with a group of youths, accompanied by their dog...

Blind Dating Versus Perfect Timing

Every year, a common occurrence is a dispute between followers of various sects about when so-called Ramadan starts and ends. This year is no exception and some countries ended their so-called Ramadan one day before others. In the so-called Islamic calendar the start of Ramadan depends on the sighting of the new crescent moon. The sighting of the new crescent moon is not an easy task and only expert observers under optimal viewing conditions can see the new-moon crescent. What many people don't know is that the start of so-called Ramadan depends on a myriad of other factors other than the sighting of the new-moon crescent.

Common Misconceptions About Islam, Muslims and The Quran

Islam, Muslims and The Quran have become a subject of major concern to the world media, religious groups and people, especially after the events of September 11th 2001 in the USA. Many articles and books have been written about a religion followed by over one billion people worldwide, some of which saw in Islam a separate civilization that will inevitably clash with the current dominant western civilization, but some were more optimistic, showing interest in a constructive debate, seeking understanding.

Qur'an Verse 4:34 - 'Beat the Wife?'

From the time the Qur'an was revealed, it has unfortunately been subject to gross misinterpretation and mistranslation by traditional sexist men, particularly in regard to the rights and roles of women in society. The most obvious example of this, which can be seen in several English translations of the Qur'an, is that of verse 4:34, where the particular word in Arabic with root Da-Ra-Ba ض ر ب has been mistranslated to apparently allow beating of the wife. As ridiculous as this sounds, this misinterpretation is in-fact the result of a biased inclination of a misogynistic attitude in some men, instead of an honest reflection of the most appropriate meaning of the word.

Verse 3:7 - Which is Which?

While the entire Muslim world reads the Qur'an day and night, and while their scholars claim to be able to explain and understand the majority of its verses, there is an anomaly that they tend to conveniently skip, where God gives very specific information about the nature of the Qur'an itself in 3:7.

Is there Abrogation in the Quran?

PICKTHAL: Nothing of our revelation (even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof. Knowest thou not that Allah is Able to do all things? (Qur’an 2:106) Depending on which translation of the Qur’an is being read, the most common rendering of verse 2:106, as can be seen above in the translation of Pickthal, is that the Qur’an is subject to “abrogation”, and, in some special cases, is even subject to verses being lost/forgotten altogether!

The Kingdom of Israel - Beginning to Prophesized End

After over 60 years since occupying the land of Palestine, archeologists are still at a loss to explain why no evidence has been unearthed – despite the numerous digs – to prove the existence of the Kingdom of Israel in this same land as per Jewish claims. In-fact, so critical is this issue to validate Jewish claims over the land of Palestine that digs have been excavated in and around the Temple Mount itself, placing the Dome of the Rock and other historic structures in jeopardy!